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Mar. 25th, 2023


[Message gets out sometime on Thursday evening]

The TARDIS is under attack. Those of us currently in here are unable to leave. Does anyone have a plan yet?

Mar. 24th, 2023


The science team has finally come up with a disruptor to take care of our replicator problem. It can attach to any firearm so if you have one, come to [address] and we'll hand you out one. It'll turn the pieces inert and they won't rebuild.


[Posted from high above Madison]

I've been fighting these damn replicators for hours now. I've lost count of how many I've destroyed, but they just reassemble themselves or build more of themselves from electronics, appliances and vehicles nearby. There's got to be a better way.

Anybody got any ideas?


[Waverly Earp]

This is getting ridiculous. Are you okay?

[Michelle Webster]

You all good over there?

[Linda Martin]

Aside from the loss of your espresso machine, are you okay?

Mar. 23rd, 2023


Who: Hannah Lewis and Open
What: Fighting the Replicators
When: Thursday and Friday
Where: Everywhere
Warnings: None Yet
Status: Incomplete

Violence Isn't Working And That's All I'm Good At )


Who: Raelle and Rory
What: Dealing with the Replicators
When: Thurs March 24
Where: Electric Lady Nightclub
Rating: low

Replicators and some heart reveals )



So, uh, hey. Is everyone okay? This is definitely the craziest stuff I've ever seen in my life and I had rebar in my head.


You're safe, right?


This is getting way out of hand.


Now, I am cranky! Don't mess with my coffee machine.


[Private to Jack O'Neill]
Jack - are you okay? Is Six?

I managed to escape where Fifth was holding me. We need to build a disrupter ASAP and get these things out of town.

[Private to SG folks]
Is everyone all right? Fifth has been holding me in an abandoned building the past couple of days and I finally got out. I'm going to have to figure out how to build a disrupter here. Sheppard, I could use your help.

Mar. 22nd, 2023


These things are the literal bane of my existence.

Don't mind the fact I am not sleeping until they are all wiped out. I rather like being alive and I am not here to find out if they will go through flesh to get to tech.

I am also not leaving the lab because I have far too much research to protect, will you bring me some dinner?


They destroyed my new waffle maker.

I want to cry.


Ramadan begins at sunrise. You can bet I'll be taking my hanger out on those pesky tin cans, especially if they try to come for the mosque. Not on my watch. I'm gonna science the hell out of them.


Who: George Lass and Quentin Coldwater
What: Fighting Those %&# Replicators
When: Thursday, around noon
Where: The Casino
Warnings: Language, probably. It's George.
Status: Incomplete

I Have A Cunning Plan )


Going from no internet to annoying little bugs eating technology. Low fucking blow, even for this place.

Also all of the leprechaun traps I've found the past two weeks in the forest are once again keeping my fireplace stoked and the cabin toasty warm for another year.

[May Parker]
Everything alright in your neck of the woods?


Well Charlie no longer has a tablet.

Or a working mobile over his bed.

And I don't have a working espresso machine.

Can this week end, please?


Well, bloody hell.

( Margo Hanson )

Are you and your friends okay?

( Kimiko Miyashiro )

Do you want to fight these things with me?

Mar. 21st, 2023


[Kate Danvers]

Can I bribe you with something to watch Nita for a few hours? I need some uninterrupted time with Karl.








The mechanical bugs that have been seen around town are from my world. Yes, they are dangerous and yes, they will consume any tech they can get their hands on, the more advanced the better.

At home, we were able to build a weapon to defeat them. Unfortunately, the person who was primarily involved in that is currently missing. If any science and tech folks are available, Jack O'Neill and I will do our best to guide you in recreating it.

For everyone else, if you ignore them, they shouldn't get too hostile. Firearms will destroy them, at least temporarily.

I'm sorry I don't have better information. I assure you, we're working on resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Mar. 20th, 2023


I was out for a walk with Sven when a couple of those spider things tried to attack! Sven saved the day by stomping on them!

It gave us enough time to get away. He deserves extra treats for that.


There appears to be an infestation of flying mechanical bugs in the museum and I have a feeling the staff is going to kill me.

( Museum Staff )

This is not my fault.

( George Weasley )


Do you know any mechanical bug repellant spells, by chance? There will be a reward in it for you.


Who: Dan and Paige (and Chessie)
What: getting coffee while avoiding replicators?
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co
When: Mon. morning
Warnings: should be low

Well...there goes the possibility of espresso? )


[Paige, Savannah, Eve, Kristoff, Sean, and other Spell Casters]

On my way home, I encountered the arachnoid machines about which others have posted today. It was about the size of a small dog and made entirely of some type of metal. It was not overly aggressive, but it did seem interested in me, something that I did not wish to encourage.

I then discovered that while a simple knock-back spell does affect them, it is not for long enough that the spell seemed worth the energy required to cast it.

I did not try any other casts on it, but instead vacated the area entirely, as it seemed the best course of action.

I would be interested if anyone came across one of these creatures and had more success than I did.


Who: Soldier Boy (Ben) & Waverly Earp, plus Doc Holliday
Where: The Park
When: 3/20/23
Warnings: language

This was not how he expected to be spending his morning. )


When magic fails, use a cricket bat.

[Seamus Bucky]

There's bloody robots everywhere.


HELP!! I'm kinda cornered up a tree in the park by a bright purply pink robot bug! I think it's growling at me!


Well, this is rather awkward. It seems there are mechanical insects running amok and absorbing machinery. I lost a wine refrigerator I was quite fond of, and a number of other...items.

So, if you happen to see a bright lavender mechanical insect, be aware that it has seven settings and is a rather cheeky bastard.


Nine years in this town and I still find myself asking questions I never would have imagined.

Do we have an exterminator for mechanical bugs? There are a few in the WAMM offices and they seem to be disassembling our coffee pot.

WAMM staff - someone bring coffee. Please.


[Stargate People]

Sam's missing and there's at least one human replicator running around which means there has to be bugs somewhere too

Mar. 19th, 2023


Who: RepliCarter, Six, & Jack O'Neill
What: more creepy robot things
Where: Carter/O'Neill home
When: After this
Warnings: creepy robot things
Status: complete gdoc

Poptart growling solidified it for her )


Who: Daniel Jackson and RepliCarter
What: Fifth isn't the only creep in town
Where: in town
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: RepliCarter is almost as creepy as Fifth
Status: complete gdoc

I am looking for something different today )


Who: Samantha Carter and Fifth
What: Sam makes a startling discovery
Where: Outside the bakery and elsewhere
When: Sunday early afternoon
Warnings: Fifth is creepy af, okay
Status: complete narrative

I have been making plans )