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Jul. 31st, 2022



Hey, you. It's been a few days, so I wanted to check in and see how you're doing.


There are times I do not mind thinking of home, even in my dreams.

And then there are times where I have nightmares that I don't even wake up screaming from. Just a sudden awareness that's much faster than it should be.

Last night was one of those.


Who: Gally
What: Just thinking
When: Sunday morning
Where: Kendal and K-Mart's house
Warnings: None
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 30th, 2022


Who: Jeffrey Spender
What: Mulling a few things over
When: Saturday evening
Where: Lou's
Warnings: None
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Tess Doerner
What: Being pleasantly thinky
When: Saturday morning
Where: In town
Warnings: None
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )


I've decided I really do need to find a job. Not that I know what I'm at all qualified for, but meh. Details, details. I need the money and it'd be nice not depending on my parents all the time.


Who: Chloe and Dan
What: talking/catching up
Where: their kitchen
When: later on Father’s Day
Warnings: low
Status: closed/g-doc

You’re okay, Dan )


Just in case anyone wanted any fun tonight...

Superpowers )


I may have just inadvertently convinced my boss that the refrigerator in the back room has finally gained sentience.




So, has your wife killed you because of the dog yet?


I'm sure at least one other person has to have a good story from the cruise.

Did anyone actually try to swim with whales? Win big at the casino? Die a few dozen times?


Private to Ty and Tandy

FYI - you guys will probably be seeing Leonard around here.

Shut up.

Just remember, he doesn't really know either of you. And do not call him Len.


Who: Chloe Decker & Sam Winchester
Where: Their Suite on the Ship
When: During the cruise
Warnings: none

It's nothing to worry about... )

Jul. 29th, 2022


I've taken a vote with me myself and I, and I am taking a vacation from post-vacation blues.


[Filtered to Magnus]

Hey dude.

I'm submitting my two weeks notice. I've really enjoyed the job, but I'm too old for these late nights.


I managed to completely miss the fact that I've been here for four years. Realized it just now, and all I can think about is how completely my life has changed over those years.

I have so much that I never thought I would have, and I admit that sometimes I have no idea how to handle that fact. I am far more of a pessimist than anything else.


It seems Jesse Custer is one of those who didn't return from the cruise. I didn't realize until I sent a text today.

Well, damn. He was a good friend and ex. And I'll miss his son Aiden, the only kid who ever liked me.


And today's entry on the list of things I will only ever say here?

My Pokemon is being very pouty today and I'm not sure why.


( Loki )

Can I have the weekend off, boss?

( Ren )

Movie marathon tonight?

( Sylvie )

Dinner tomorrow and I am not taking no for an answer.

Jul. 28th, 2022


One of the bad things about being stuck in this place is that you run the very real risk of running into people you've dealt with at work when it didn't go well.

Like when I was doing my grocery shopping this morning and had to deal with a woman whose adoption application we denied last month. There was shrieking involved on her end and sarcasm involved on mine.

Because as it turns out, the appropriate response to near incoherent ranting about how dare we not let her take home that precious little puppy is not "So this is the first time you've heard 'no'? Learn it, embrace it, embroider it on a pillow. You'll hear it often."


I should probably get on that whole finding a job thing.



WAMM minus Veronica

I'm making Veronica take some time off while Logan is gone which means I need the time off to sit on her so she doesn't do anything more than chill out.


Guess it is back to normal life….have to say that it was a wonderful break on that cruise. I am sorry to hear about people missing or getting sent home. If there is anything I can do please let me know.


Private to Leonard Snart



I swear every time we go on one of those trips we always lose a bunch of people when we get back. It's terribly rude of the Dome to give us nice things and then not-so-good ones. Alas, though, it is the way of this place.

But, on a good note, I got to go to work, and yes, I know, it's weird saying it but I do enjoy my job and they're terribly understanding and I was hired right back where I had been status-wise. The dead don't mind if I eat a sandwich while weighing their organs.

Just don't get leftovers and livers confused. ;)

Jul. 27th, 2022


I know that Madison Valley has a wood working shop, even if it's nothing I'm used to. However, it doesn't supply the proper product for whittling. Is there a place here that does? Or has a proper forge in order to make swords.


I for one am glad I'm still stuck here with my girlfriend, with a job, with some semblance of a life. This place is pretty rad and I have no desire to go back to Camp Redwood.


It seems like a lot of people are disappearing back to their worlds after the cruise.


I'm not sure who all knew her, but my ward Jinx has been sent home as well.

I don't know what she goes home to, but I hope she's alright.


Wei Ying

I am sorry.


I have quit my job at the newspaper.

I have also purchased Madison Valley Apothecary and rebranded it Rose Apothecary.

There will be a few changes made to the store, and then a rebranding grand opening in the middle of August.

I was thinking August 12 - 14.

I am also looking for employees.


Hey gang.

Between being gone for two weeks and so many people not making it back from the cruise, I'm going to push back speed dating a few weeks. We'll do it on Saturday, August 20th instead of this weekend.

If you want to sign up, the form is here.

Hope you all enjoyed the cruise! My daughter thinks it was all for her birthday. I have no idea how I'm going to top that next year.


I do not know who did or did not know her, but Lady Noxeema is no longer here. I know that this will bother Master Wei as he considered her a sister and was close to her.

So, this is for those who knew her. Her nor her things are here any longer.


I spent half the day thinking I'd misplaced my ward before the TARDIS took pity on me.


I was really hoping I wouldn't have to make this post, but Logan Echolls didn't return from the cruise. His stuff is still here, so it's possible he'll be back. After four days though, I'll admit I'm getting nervous.



Are you still here?

How long have I been gone?


reunionWho: Sylvie and Loki
What: a more private reunion.
When: Late afternoon
Where:Loki's place
Warnings: Its these two, we'll see?
Status: In Progress, open


That was fun! Nice change of pace no matter what some dumbass aliens think.

Now I have to find two princess dressed with tiaras and wings. Then find a photographer and bribe the stables into letting us have a photoshoot there with princesses on ponies.


If nothing else good came from the cruise, it gave me a bunch of ideas for the winery.


Who: Anakin and Luna
What: attending the ball
Where: the ball
When: the night of the ball
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/g-doc

Let me spin and excite you )


The next cruise should be one of those Viking Ship thingies where the boat is on a German river. But we get to be real vikings and sack the ports of call.


( Lois Lane )

I hear Laura lost someone from her home.

Is she okay?


Hurray. Back to the crap I'm used to. And before you ask, no I don't like change.


As nice as that was to spend time away with my lovely wife, thanks to Magnus, I am pleased to be back home. Alaska did serve to remind me that the cold days are coming, however. But I have discovered these insert things to put in my pockets to help keep me warm.


Two questions:

1. A lot of people seem to have vanished. I'm led to believe that this is permanent rather than the go home then come back that I've seen. Does this sort of mass exodus happen often?

2. Has anyone been able to request a trip through a portal and had it happen?


Bruce Wayne and Rachel Roth both appear to have left the Dome for good.

Jul. 26th, 2022


I wasn't exactly thrilled about returning to the heat of Indiana, but I'm rather glad I didn't miss the breakup conversation in the dressing room at work.

Well, less of a conversation, and more a young man loudly asking his girlfriend 'Why are you always like this?" The question was followed by her yelling back that he didn't know her, because he didn't even know her zodiac sign.

Which sign covers choosing the wrong men?


I'm surprised nobody came away from the cruise married. It's happened before.

... wait, did anybody?


So that was actually a lot more fun than I was expecting it to be.

What was everybody's favorite part of the cruise?


Who: Dean Winchester & Klaus Hargeeves
Where: Their Room
When: Last night of the cruise
Warnings: there be booze and maybe drugs

Let's get wasted. )

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