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Nov. 17th, 2019


WHO Everyone! + November Birthdays (Sue Storm, Phoebe Halliwell, Amanda Cortez & Patrick Winterbourne, Kate Danvers, Rowan Louise Fitz-Simmons, Darcy Lewis, Mitsuko Souma, Seymour Birkhoff, Laurel Lance, Stephen Strange, Anna Latham, Mercy Thompson, Link, Lucas Friar, and Enjolras)
WHAT Birthday party
WHEN Sunday, November 17
WHERE The Old Market on Main
WARNINGS TBD, kick a mod if it needs to be updated
STATUS OPEN | Party Post
NOTE OTA Rule Change is in effect.

Happy Birthday to You! )

Nov. 10th, 2019


Who: Raven, Kurt, & Hank
What: Dinner
Where: Hank's apartment
When: backdated to Friday evening
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 9th, 2019


WHO Everyone
WHAT Stark Family Housewarming
WHEN Sunday, Nov 10, noon-10pm
WHERE 419 N Cedar Cliff Dr
WARNINGS TBD, kick me if needed but there best not be
STATUS Open | Party Post

Welcome to the Neighborhood )


My new life begins!

So it seems that the people of Madison Valley are well versed in taking on strange newcomers. This seems to be more than simply a different town, but a different reality, which takes some getting used to, but I've been given a perfectly serviceable apartment, enough money to last me until I'm either employed or have made an escape, and I'm told that I have friends here, though they may very well be different in some way to how I remember them, such as Kurt, who is only a teenager here.

In terms of the dome, I have yet to make any headway in determining it's make up or architect, which is frustrating, and while I'm loathe to admit defeat just yet I'm looking into the opportunities for employment.

I believe there is a community college here which could benefit from my expertise?

Nov. 5th, 2019


( Hank McCoy )

Would you like to come over for dinner one night? Raven promises she won't cook. We'll order take out.

Nov. 3rd, 2019


Hank's arrival to Madison Valley.

Who: Hank McCoy and open
Where: The parking lot of Walmart
When: Afternoon
What: New arrival
Rating: Low, nothing of note.
Status: Open | Incomplete

The man who fell to Earth )