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Sep. 1st, 2017


WHO: Harry Dresden and Sarissa
WHAT: Harry goes to check in on a friend
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: some minor innuendo
STATUS: Closed and Complete
The day was strained by time's tide. )


Voice Post

[Filterred to Mary Crawley, only]

Mary... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Sybil, and Sybbie, are gone, along with all of their stuff.

I texted Sybil this morning and the message bounced, tried calling, got the same thing, so I went over to their house. Everything is gone and the place is shuttered as if it had never been used.

I believe the Dome has sent them home.

I thought... I thought you would want to know, right away.

Some days, I hate this place.

Aug. 31st, 2017


WHO: Sybil and Young!Harry
WHAT: Tour, flirt, maybe more
WHEN: the evening of their conversation
WARNINGS: Medium-ish for references to adult situations
STATUS: Closed and complete
~+~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 27th, 2017


WHO: Harry Dresden and Rogue
WHAT: random encounter and soulgaze
WHEN: Recently
WARNINGS: Some swearing, images of disturbing nature
STATUS: Closed and Complete.
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Aug. 25th, 2017


WHO: Harry D and Cassie H
WHAT: Meeting up at hinkles toflirt and talk
WHEN: This afternoon
WARNINGS: language, maybe?
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing.
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Yeah, I think today's a "screw responsibility" kind of day.


I am so glad this isn't my fault

Is there anything I can do to help? So many people gone young...

Aug. 24th, 2017


Madison Valley never stops being entertaining. Man, I love this place. No White Council, No Season Wars, No Red Court, Black Court, White Court, or Court Court Vampires.

I wonder if I could retire here. Do people retire at age 18?

Aug. 23rd, 2017


Texts to Sybil Crawley

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Aug. 21st, 2017


I know this place is far from perfect and that bad stuff happens here all the time and people get hurt when people leave and stuff, and I hate that.

Because I am so happy here. I'm not sure I've been happier in my life than I am right now. I don't know who or what brought us here, but I like to think it's something beautiful and something good. God, maybe?


I've noticed a bit of talk about patterns and reasons why things happen in Madison Valley lately. I assure you there is no discernible pattern, I've compiled millions of data points which have been referenced and cross referenced both by computer and by hand.

Everything I have is available to anyone who wishes to view it. Just come by WAMM (ask for Wes) and I will gladly provide you a copy of the files, which date back to my arrival in 2014. I was away from town for about six months, but I've managed to fill in much of that data in any case.

Aug. 20th, 2017


free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

Aug. 16th, 2017


[Filtered to Raven Reyes and Gibbs]

Okay, guys, I'm gonna need your help.

I promised Lydia that I'd have the house ready so that she can throw a Christmas party at our house in December.


So who around here has ever worked on building or repairing a house? I need help.

Aug. 12th, 2017


Who: Harry Dresden and Sam Winchester
What: Random encounter
Where: Verdant
When: Saturday night
Warnings: Dresden meets Winchester should be a warning
Status: Closed

Read more... )

Aug. 11th, 2017


I finally got settled in at Harry's shop, Herbs & More.

I'm excited to work.

Aug. 8th, 2017


This morning I was up early having a cup of tea and I watched the students piling onto the bus for the first day of school. It occurred to me that George will be in Kindergarten next year. I can't believe he's nearly 5 now. There was a bit of time when I was here without him, but it still feels like only yesterday he was an infant.

Friends (feel free to be loose with this term)
I had the ultrasound yesterday. Ichabod and I are having a girl! We're so excited that our beautiful Abigail is finally real!

Aug. 5th, 2017


So I need a job and I've got no idea what I'm qualified for.

I've got Guard training and I'm good at killing, but other than that, well. Doubt they're hiring for that shit here.

Aug. 1st, 2017


It's been one year since I showed up here, bedraggled and footsore, and started a new life. A lot has changed since then.

Everyone from my world who was here then have left, and another has come, and I've met and made a lot of friends, even very close friends, here, something I never really had time for before. I have a house that I am building slowly with hands and magic, and a business that I own that is slowly growing.

And I feel a sense a peace, here, which I never did back home.

So, here's to Madison, home of the life I have built, and the life I have chosen. Thank you all for welcoming me here.

Jul. 31st, 2017


i am too hungover for this today

I am doing nothing today except laying in the sun with whiskey and coke.

You should come have lunch with me. Ignore the fact it's mostly liquid today.

Oh and you know you should avoid Lou's for awhile. I've been told there's a high probability if you go back anytime soon Faith might break your hands. As funny as the mental image is of you trying to DJ with two broken hands, I'd rather that not happen, yeah?

Jul. 30th, 2017


WHO: Harry and OTA (Open to Multiples)
WHAT: Harry is setting wards and prepping herbs
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Herbs and More(an herbs shop)
WARNINGS: Who knows?
STATUS: Open to all!(Multiples welcome)

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Jul. 20th, 2017


I have information to share about this whole coma thing. I don't really understand what it means, so I'm hoping someone out there will.

Last night, I was talking to my niece and I collapsed. A few minutes later, I came to, but she said I was completely non responsive during that time and assumed I had fallen into a coma like so many other people have been.

The thing is... while I was in the coma here, I was conscious in some other version of Madison Valley. It was a really bad version of the town where vampires and demons were in charge and a bunch of people were turned into vampires, myself included. The memories I picked up of my alternate life were unpleasant. Just as I was starting to figure things out though, I got staked, which is apparently when I woke up.

So I'm thinking that all the other people in comas might be awake in this other Madison Valley too. I just don't know why.

Jul. 19th, 2017


What's with the comas?


...are you safe?


Came home at lunch because I'd left a couple files behind, found Maggie on the kitchen floor.

Do we know anything right now? Anything at all?

Jul. 17th, 2017


Is there anything I can do to help? I mean, with the comas? I once went into Buffy's mind when she was in something like a coma... But I used magic. And I'm scared of doing it too much here


I'm definitely not liking how people seem to be falling into comas around here. What if Santana falls into one?

Jul. 16th, 2017


Looks like Molly's gone home.

Why does everyone I love abandon me?

Jul. 15th, 2017


Something is wrong with Dean. I found him unresponsive in the living room. There's no visible injuries. I got him to the clinic, but the doctors have no idea what's going on either.

I brought him here in the Impala. Please come as soon as you can.

Jul. 8th, 2017


This place is definitely different from home.

Jul. 7th, 2017


I actually have a legitimate job.

I don't know what to do with myself.


I got rid of the ants just in time for the roof to start leaking.

I fixed the creaky floorboards in the hallway just in time for the toilet to stop flushing.

Owning a house can be a pain in the ass.


Hey there, Professor Lupin!

Sorry I missed you when you arrived, I was out searching for periwinkle to ward off the nuzzlefinks. They're very pesky, you know.

It's so lovely to have so many people from home here! It's almost like we never left at all.

Jul. 6th, 2017


So on the 4th of July I had a screwdriver and three strawberry daiquiris. THREE! And not even a headache. I think I'm getting good at this.

Watch Will's reaction! It should be hilarious!

Jul. 2nd, 2017


Who: Everyone!
What: 4th of July Celebration
When: All Day (forward dated)
Where: The Park
Warning: Likely low?
Status: Open/Party Post

OOC Note: Any characters who want a pair of magic headphones that dampen the sound of fireworks shall have them! Whether here in the park post or elsewhere. Enough of them were made. :)

~+~+~+~ )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jul. 1st, 2017


Who: Everyone
What: Canada Day Celebration
Where: Pack House
When: Saturday afternoon/evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Party Post!
Note: handwave that there was a network invite sent to everyone :)

~+~+~+~ )


I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

I thought we might switch genres for the next book club meeting so as to keep our discussions lively and fresh. The next book to discuss is Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. I am looking for a venue to host it again, perhaps on July 22.

Jun. 30th, 2017


I kind of wish the trees had stuck around. That was nice.

Jun. 27th, 2017


We haven't played any fun network games in a while.

Who's up for a round of shag, marry, cliff?

If you haven't played before, you tag in with your name and then other people can reply and give you a list of 3 people. You have to decide which of the three you would shag, which you would marry, and which you would push off a cliff.


For those that knew them, it appears that Tera West and Justine have been sent home. Their things are gone, calls to their mobile numbers bounce, and there is no trace of them.

On a side note, Herbs and More will be closed until Friday.


It looks like Olivia's gone. We were supposed to have lunch today. She didn't show up and my messages to her have bounced back.

Jun. 20th, 2017



Are you alright?


Text to Harry

>> So. Do you wanna go find out what's up with Sarissa?


I'm going to try and find a job, so that I can get a place with Buffy and Dawn...

Can anyone tell me about Gifts That Last? Or any other shop that sells magic stuff? Or maybe the library? I don't know where I'd fit.

Jun. 18th, 2017


I miss my dad. No matter what we kids got up to...no matter how much I fought with Mom...Dad always had the patience of a saint. He always made sure we knew he loved us, and we always worried along with Mom when he had to go out to fight bad guys. It sucks that he was forced into retirement and why, but I was glad he was out of the game.

Anyway...yeah. I miss my dad.

Jun. 13th, 2017


All this talk of a demon then seeing the name Lucifer Morningstar in lights by the casino....this place is going to Hell in a handbasket.

Dad would be having fits.

Jun. 12th, 2017


Who: Sybil Crawley and Harry Dresden
When: Monday afternoon
Where: A diner, then Harry’s place
What: Catching up, a tour of Harry’s new place, etc.
Status: Completed gdoc

~+~+~ )

Jun. 11th, 2017


Filtered against MCU/AoS/Avengers

It's been a few weeks since the town screwed with someone I care about. A lot of people got hurt, and I'm figuring out that it wasn't just the mental and physical hurts. I'm not usually one to be open about how I'm feeling. I don't rely on other people for my emotional well being. I always saw it as a weakness to be exploited. When I got here people I knew, whose opinions I trusted, encouraged me to go against my instincts and habits. It wasn't easy, and I made mistakes, but I tried. Then it all went to hell.

The guy I had been...whatever it was we were doing...well that ended messily. The town threw me into a relationship with someone from home and I ended up kind of breaking his heart. Then, just as I was beginning to consider the dating thing the town screwed that up and that was when people got hurt.

It wasn't the first time I had to fight someone I thought was an ally, but it was the first time they weren't brainwashed into it. Standing up for what I believe was right cost me those same friends who encouraged me to open myself up. Only one of them has checked up on me, made me get out of the house and talk.

You know what pisses me off the most about that? It fucking hurts. I wish I could go back to being that ice cold all work bitch. Things were far less complicated.

Jun. 9th, 2017


WHO: Harry and Tera
WHAT: Introducing Tera to the new place more, filling her in on new events
WHEN: Today!
WHERE: The new house
WARNINGS: Mentions of mental illness
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing
Read more... )

Jun. 8th, 2017


Locked to Molly Carpenter

So, hey, I may need your help in the days to come. Thomas went home. Justine did not.

This is a bit of a problem. Or a lot of one.

Possibly both.

Secondarily, but also a thing, I would like your help sometime with some spells at the new house, a fixer upper, that I got. Which I want to show you.


I'm usually a live and let live kind of person, but today I encountered a woman who was vehemently, vocally anti-vaccine for her child. What was worse, she trying to dissuade other mothers from getting vaccines for their babies as well.

I should've known better than to try to argue with her, but I did because I really felt horribly for any child who contracts what could've been a completely preventable illness. We live in a time and place where people don't remember how awful it is to watch your child waste away from whooping cough or see their limbs shrivel from polio. They just worry about "injecting chemicals" into their babies' bodies. As if their babies don't get several times those chemicals just from breathing. As if they could somehow be healthier if they were left vulnerable to a disease. As if we haven't already seen outbreaks of measles and mumps from unvaccinated communities.

Unfortunately, none of my logic worked. She still wasn't going to vaccinate her child.

Help me. I think I accidentally gave measles to a baby.


Who: Sybil Crawley and Harry Dresden
When: Backdated to Wednesday night
Where: Her place
What: Cuteness
Status: Closed | In Progress

~+~+~+~+~ )

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