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Oct. 18th, 2023



Daisy, is your offer still open to borrow those bracelets of yours? I'm having to concentrate harder to remain solid and not open myself up to the other nifty powers I have. I don't want to affect the baby in any way.

Mar. 29th, 2023


Daisy, Darcy, Lorna, and Johanna

I'm telling you guys first because you're my sisters.

Phil and I are expecting. From what we can tell, the baby will be born in early November.

Dec. 24th, 2022


Happy Christmas Eve. I should be sleeping, I want to be sleeping, but nurses keep poking at me and stuff. And as someone who has been beaten up by aliens, a planet, and evil super nazis... Ow.

So, the announcement. 8:42pm last night, Not-Baz made her way into the world. Name suggestions anyone?

Dec. 20th, 2022


I was due this past Friday.

This child was supposed to be born on Friday.

He is not yet born. The doctor says that everyone is healthy and he looks fine, and we'll give him a few more days to make up his mind.

I swear, if he's born on Christmas, I'm grounding him until I die of old age.

Sep. 24th, 2022


Who: Wynonna Earp and Doc Holliday (with baby Alice)
What: Arrival with a side of panic
Where: Near the farm where MCU folks live
When: Sunset on Saturday
Warnings: references to childbirth
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 5th, 2022


I'm only making this announcement because I've reached the point where trying to put on my favorite jeans is impossible, and it's getting pretty obvious.

Baby Johnson-Gottlieb is due just before Christmas this year. I promise to try and keep an earthquake from destroying the town.

Jun. 16th, 2022


Who: Dean Winchester & Lisa Braeden
Where: Doctor's Office
When: 6/16/22 - Afternoon
Warnings: Pregnancy/Medical stuff

A freaking bagel?!? )

Jun. 6th, 2022


Who: Daisy, Darcy, and Johanna
What: Lunch and News
When: Backdated to June 4th
Where: Red Pepper
Warnings: TBD, pregnancy/baby discussions

Where's the cream filling? )

Apr. 29th, 2022


Do you want to be called 'Grandpa' or 'Uncle Phil'?

[Chris A]
I need to be taken off of Jill's list until sometime next year.

I know we said we'd keep it quiet for now, but I'm telling Phil and Chris.

Apr. 23rd, 2022


Who: Kyle Valenti & Isobel Evans
What: Important conversation
Where: Isobel's place
When: Saturday
Warnings: references to failed pregnancy
Status: complete g-doc

I’m closer to forgiving you, but it’s just going to take time )

Mar. 10th, 2022


Because I think I'm funny.

( Dawn Summers )


How are you feeling?