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Apr. 27th, 2022


Who: Chloe Decker, Dan & Trixie Espinoza, and Rory Morningstar
Where: Their House
When: April 16, 2022 - evening
What: Chloe comes home
Warnings: low

Mom's home! )

Apr. 25th, 2022


Who: Chloe and Dan
What: talking about the appearance of certain people
Where: their kitchen
When: Sun. evening
Warnings: LOW
Status: closed/in progress

So you want to play games, Dome? )

Apr. 20th, 2022


Who: Jack, Sam, Vala, Adria, Maybourne, Sheppard
What: Rescuing Jack
When: Last Friday
Where: Some cabin in the woods
Rating: low

Now, shut up and listen )

Apr. 18th, 2022


Who: Logan E, Leo D, Veronica
What: date night
Where: V’s/Leo’s house
When: Sat. night
Warnings: TBD, but possible allusions to sex
Status: closed/g-doc

Use the sleeves of my sweater/let’s have an adventure )

Apr. 17th, 2022


Who: Jedikiah Price and Caroline Forbes
What: Supervising a job fair
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon
Where: The high school
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/Match-up/Complete

~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Dream, the Doctor, & Missy.
WHAT: Dream meets Missy.
WHEN: Backdated to beginning of plot.
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )


I can't be certain... but I think a lot of people left the Dome last night according to the TARDIS. My guess is the people who showed up suddenly have departed thankfully


Jack appeared back at the TARDIS. He's alright as he can be. He's resting.

Apr. 16th, 2022


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Newton Geiszler
What: Newt's being his creepy self
When: Backdated to Friday evening
Where: Hermann's office at Hanover
Warnings: TBA
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Josef Nast and Alex Manes
What: It ain't gonna be pretty
When: Saturday evening
Where: Sean and Alex's house
Warnings: We'll get back to you on this
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Dean Winchester, Lisa Braeden, Chloe Decker, & DJ Winchester
Where: Dean and Lisa's house
When: 4/16 - evening
What: Coming home
Status: closed
Warnings: low

Read more... )


Brooke said she was fine with this considering she was staying in with me to hang out. Anyone up for coming over to do some pizza, bad movies, and probably pig out on junk food? I figured it'd be a fun way to meet people and spend a Saturday night.


[Filtered from Rowan Fricks]

People like to put on a mask for the world to see them as one thing, but they try to keep people from seeing their real mask, knowing they are a horrible individual. I've seen a few people around here like that. Though I only have one specific person I'm looking to get. As much fun as it'd be to watch her die, it's much more of a pleasure to screw with her head. I'd love to get some more people to join in on the fun, and I'll even help toy with some people who you might want to toy with around here.


Who: Rowan Fricks & Open
What: Rowan is hiding out from Stinger
Where: Starbucks
When: Friday afternoon [Backdated]
Warnings: Medium for talks of death, nooses, and so on.
Status: Open, In progress

+++++ )


Who: Kol Mikaelson and Chuuya
What: Chuuya seeks revenge for Kol breaking Irina's neck.
When: Saturday evening
Where: On a street in Madison
Rating: PG-13 for violence at least
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Chill mate. I didn't perma-kill her. She bounced back up like the weed she is. )


[Niklaus Mikaelson]

I quite like this town, brother. There are a lot of pretty girls here.


Who: Rusty Beck and Phillip Stroh
What: Not a pleasant encounter
When: Backdated to Friday afternoon
Warnings: Language
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Sam Winchester, Chloe Decker, Lucifer (SPN), DJ Winchester (NPC)
What: An exchange
When: April 16
Where: The empty house next door to Dean and Lisa's house
Warnings: language
Status: closed/complete

Together Again )


TVD/TO/Legacy people

When was someone going to tell me Kol was here?!

Apr. 15th, 2022


[Beacon Hills]

I haven't seen any bad guys from home I missing anything?


Who: Hope and Uncle Kol
What: Having a moment with his niece
When: Thursday evening (backdated)
Where: Outside Hope's house
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Narrative

With how you look, we could be siblings. )


Who: Liz and Max (narrative)
What: Max tries to talk to Liz
When: Friday
Where: Jendrys
Rating: low

Another Fight )

Apr. 14th, 2022



Excuse me. I have forgotten how to make this a very private moment?

But if you are out there, please tell me you haven't seen anything or anyone from our world, yes?

I do not know who I should be more fearful of, the zombies or Mr Brad Cage


Who: Sean Nast and Josef Nast
What: Just a little trolling, nothing to see here
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Hinkle's
Warnings: None
Status: Complete Narrative

~+~+~+~ )


[Adam Milligan]

I hate to pile on, but Amanda is in town. Nikita had a run in with her. I know we're already on high alert, but...please be careful. She's dangerous.

I refuse to let her hurt our family.


My new friend Chloe, her cooking could use some improvement. Admittedly, she only has the extreme basics to work with here, but still, add some spices. You're feeding a growing vessel.

On another very related note, you guys were on fire this morning, but you keep moving away, further and further, and most of you are in glacier city. Frosting over. Cold. You're all cold and you all suck. Your spells suck.

Anything else you want to throw my way?


Who: Claire, K-Mart, Wesker
What: Claire meeting up with Wesker, runs into K-Mart
When: Sunday April 10
Where: Lou's
Rating: low

Intel )


Filter to SG Peeps and Friends of Sam & Jack

I can't find Jack.

He went out this morning to pick up a few things and never came home.

Messages aren't bouncing, so he's still under the dome.

[Private to Six]
Jack's missing. I'm going to come and get you from school and take you somewhere that I know you'll be safe until we get him back and eliminate the threat.


Has anyone seen Martha Jones? We've been playing a game of hide and seek and I give up. I'd like to find her now


[Peter Parker]
This is your aunt checking in.

I was going to try to be sly about it, but I couldn't figure out a way to do that so instead pretend I asked in a cool way how you were doing with everything.

How are you holding up?

Keeping it together?

You're all good, right? No one from home popped up to give you grief?


Who: Dean Winchester & Lisa Braeden
Where: Their house
When: 4/14 - 1 am
Status: closed
Warnings: language

Stupid son of a bitch. )


Well, I don't think many people will disagree with me when I say this week has been pretty fucking shitty.

At least no one showed up from my world...


Thanks dome. Cause we needed more dangerous people running around besides the ones you already brought.

[Alex U]
Be careful. Amanda is here and she took a shot at me. Thankfully, the bullet only grazed my shoulder but yeah, you know what she can be like. I'm waiting for the whole town to know how I'm a wanted woman back home cause of the joy she'll get out of it. Keep your eyes open and if you need anything, ring me because I'll deal with her. I'm not allowing her to hurt you in anyway.

Apr. 13th, 2022


Who: Ianto Jones & Open
What: Pondering and moping
When: Wednesday evening
Where: White Wyrm
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

Ianto was running out of options. )


[Sent to everyone that was in town before this week.]

I've noticed that some of you are having issues with people that are new. Some of them seem to be a bit dangerous.

I've made up a personalized tracking app, good just for those that showed up this week. Message me privately, and I'll set it up for you and send it to your phone.

Just know, I'm not going to track your ex so you know who their new booty call is. This is just for the weird shit going on this week.


WHO: Monika & Sayori.
WHAT: Running into each other.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
WHERE: The park.
WARNINGS: Mentions of suicide, depression, abuse, etc.
STATUS: Narrative (although if anyone wants to tag, feel free).

This would probably be a lot easier if I just deleted her. )


[The ever stunning, forever brilliant, wonderful, and most marvelous Queen of Hell - Rowena]
I need you to do me a favor, please. I have to find Lucifer. He took DJ and Chloe, and we have no idea where the hell he is.

[SPN people]
Lucifer is on the run and he took DJ and Chloe with him. Please keep an eye out for him, and be careful if you do see him. Call me right away and I'll be there. Also, there is another guy who looks exactly like Lucifer, so try not to hurt that one.


Mom? Dad? Rory?

I stopped at the house to pick up something I forgot and no one is here and there's blood and turned over furniture and I'm really scared.


I have noticed that there has been more than a little tension in town. I want it to be known that anyone that needs assistance or protection may come to me.


Care to join me for a ride?


It is getting warmer. We should get you appropriate clothing.


I noticed we've had an unusual influx of new arrivals over the past week or so and figured I should introduce myself and offer assistance since I'm one of the longest displaced residents, having gotten here nearly eight and a half years ago.

My name is Darcy Lewis. Back home, I'm an astrophysicist. Here, I'm one of the owners/managers at the Iron Pepper Casino. I've got a daughter, Stephanie, who will be six in July. Her dad was sent home a few years ago and I'm currently engaged to Steve Rogers.

Basically, I've seen it all, so if you have questions or anything, hit me up. I can't promise I'll have answers, but I'll do my best.

Apr. 12th, 2022


Who: Adam Milligan and John Winchester
What: John's meeting his granddaughter
When: Backdated to Monday evening
Where: Adam and Alex's house
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Phone call to Gus]

[Rushed and worried voice the moment he picks up] Gus! Are you alright?! Where are you?


Who: Constantine and Kol
What: Magic and the like
Where: Park
When: Afternoon/Todayish
Warnings: Low ( It's Constantine)
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~*~ )


Who: Irina & Kol
What: Irina doesn't know her uncle
When: Tuesday
Where: The museum
Status: Closed/incomplete

Family are the ties that bind...and chafe. )


Who: Lucifer (SPN), DJ Winchester and Chloe Decker
What: Kidnapping a new vessel and all that stuff
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Chloe's house
Warnings: Kidnapping, probably violence, maybe a little blood?
Status: complete/closed

A brand new Winchester )


[Filtered to Veronica Mars]
How's the girl my son can't get the fuck over? Find yourself locked in a freezer lately?

I can't wait to run into you in town.


[Filter to Kaleb (Kol)]
Settling in okay?

[Filter to Alyssa, Jill, & Tandy]
How bad is it that I hooked up with one of the new arrivals within hours of his network post?

And that I want to do it again?


Who: Newton Geiszler and Amara Namani
What: Running into each other... it ain't gonna be fun
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 11th, 2022


[Peter H.]

We have a big problem with one of the new arrivals.

As in, if you run into a man saying his name is William Tom?

It isn't. It very, very much isn't. It's Phillip Stroh, and he cannot be allowed to get anywhere near Rusty.


Who: Samantha Carter, Jack O'Neill, and Harry Maybourne (Six modded with permission)
What: Surprise
Where: Their house
When: Shortly after this
Warnings: maybe some references to canon violence
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~+~ )


I hate this place right now.

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