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Dec. 10th, 2013


I still don't see the point of this Christmas Day.

Dec. 7th, 2013


So I don't fucking get it.

Football's supposed to be all about fighting to protect your quarterback so he can score, or fighting to take out the other guy's, right?

So what the hell do they penalize you for unnecessary roughness for? Roughness isn't unnecessary if it's what you've gotta do to win.

Dec. 6th, 2013


So, Christmas. It's everywhere. We don't have...religion in Panem so much, but I like the idea of a holiday where people get together and eat special food and celebrate each other. That's pretty universal.

What do you do for Christmas? Should we do something here? Like, among the refugees? A party, maybe?


How are you feeling?

Dec. 5th, 2013


Hey, peeps!

My name is Darcy Lewis and I arrived in this fair town last night. Wasn't expecting to be here, but I like to make the most of things!

Where do I go to meet all the hot guys and gals? What do I need to know to have fun around here?

Dec. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Cato and OPEN
WHAT: Evening workout
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: The gym
WARNINGS: Typical Hunger Games Warnings
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Thanksgiving was hard without Mary here, or me with her wherever she is.

Dec. 1st, 2013


What the hell is wrong with you people?

You encourage weakness in every possible way, you scorn strength, and you're constantly whining about stupid shit you can't control.

You don't train kids with civic duty worth a fuck,mand you fucking keep weapons away from them instead of training them to be lethal.

You're training a world of pussies, not a world of strength.

Nov. 30th, 2013


Filtered to Clove

You okay?

I hate these people.


I miss magic.

First Thanksgiving without my dad. I won't say it was a happy day, because I don't think that's even possible, but I'm grateful that I could at least spend it with my friends.

I still can't believe he's go-

Nov. 26th, 2013


Trigger Warning: Fat Shaming - Cut, not Filtered )

Nov. 25th, 2013


What the hell? This isn't home. Not nearly enough trees.

Nov. 24th, 2013


I wish to retract my earlier statement.

This is not a nice place to live, it's beastly, and I was being childishly optimistic and naive when I said otherwise. I apologize to any decent people who were misled by what I said.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Kitty Pryde & Open
WHAT: Occupying her mind
WHERE: Apartment parking lot
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

On the right train The girl with no name // Looks up for a moment and everything changes )

Nov. 17th, 2013


Fuck this place and fuck giving me a guardian.

I'm old enough to kill but not old enough to live on my own? What the hell.


WHO: Cato and Clove
WHERE: Near the park entrance
WHAT: Reuniting
WHEN: Saturday night
WARNINGS: Language/Violence, TBD
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 16th, 2013


What the hell is this??

I swear, if I get disqualified for this shit, heads are going to roll.