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Dec. 30th, 2022


Who: 21+
What: A Club-Vibe experience of New Years Eve
When: Dec 31
Where: Verdant
Rating: low

Club Countdown )


Who: Everyone
What: New Years Countdown for Kids
When: Dec 31 (12pm and 4:30pm seatings)
Where: Jendry's Pizza
Rating: low

Countdown before Bedtime )


Who: 19+
What: NYE Celebration
When: Dec 31
Where: The White Wyrm
Rating: low

Happy New Year )


( Thirteen )

What are we doing for New Year's?

( Kimiko )

...do you want to do anything special on Saturday?

( Whovians )


Dec. 29th, 2022


I've no idea what I am going to do Saturday night.

( Diana Prince )

Want to go to a party with me on Saturday?

Also, there is fight club every month. You should sign up.


Highlight of work today was Mouse coming in wearing his lanyard.

Okay, no, I lie. The highlight of work today was the number of people who didn't side-eye the giant dog behind the counter.

Look, it was a slow day, alright? Let me take my amusement where I can.


[Text to Kate D]

Kate. This is going to sound insane and you can totally say no.

But I know someone who desperately needs to get laid.



Hola, amiga! How's it going? Any fun plans for NYE?


Who: Nick and Mia
What: Celebrating X-Mas Day
When: Dec 25
Where: Nick’s little house
Rating: low

Read more... )

Dec. 28th, 2022


[Group text to Kol and Allison A]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year you two.



So. People always want to know what your favorite song is, but I am looking for something different.

What is your least favorite song and why?


The problem with having been here as long as I have? You get to know a lot of people who end up getting sent home. And sometimes you really start thinking about them more than you want to.

And then again, sometimes you end up making friends with multiple versions of a person over the years. That never, ever gets less weird.

Dec. 27th, 2022


Perk of not decorating for Christmas -- not having to take the decorations down.

Downside of Christmas -- receiving three polka CDs from an unknown person. Who buys CDs anymore?

( Margo )

What are you doing New Year's?


( Jessica Jones )

I hope you have your dress picked out for the party at the museum...


You know, decorating for Christmas is awesome... until you're the one climbing the ladder to take the lights down.

I was thisclose to saying screw it and leaving them up.


Just a general question for those who may have gotten a pet from the gifts under the tree at the park.

Has your companion slept yet? I don't think Chairman has even napped in the last two days. I'm just wondering if it's a side effect of the spell that kept him in the box, or if Mouse is rubbing off on him.


( Luna Lovegood )

What would you like to do for New Year's Eve?

I am open to anything.


[Filtered to Logan Danvers]

I survived Christmas with Kol's family. Thank fuck for him, Allison, and Alyssa.

Would you like to go to the party at the arcade with me for New Years?


Now that I have a few minutes to sit, does anyone have New Years plans?


Who: Qrow and Kristoff
What: lunch
Where: Red Pepper
When: mid-Dec
Warnings: low
Status: g-doc

Calling all fans of lunch )


Who: Karl and Chuuya
What: planning for the New Year
Where: Wyrm
When: backdated to early Dec
Warnings: well, they’re planning on stealing things…
Status: closed/g-doc/in-progress

Nothing says the Holidays like planning a heist )


Who: Rey an Xander
What: Decorating for Christmas
When: backdated to mid-Dec.
Where: Rey’s Place
Rating: low

We’ll take a cup of kindness here )


( Lie Ren )


I know I told you back home that I wanted to figure out who just Nora is but...

I want to be with you.

( Loki Laufeyson )

Do I still have a job, boss?

( Any other friend of Nora's )


Miss me?

Dec. 26th, 2022


Even without a Sonic it's not so bad here.


I didn't think I'd like it here.

( Garin Braden )

Thanks for being my guardian.


Who: Lisa and Dean
What: Charlie comes a week early. Surprise!
When: Christmas Day
Where: Their house and then the hospital
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc
Rating: PG-13 at least.

We did good, Dean. )


Who: Alyssa, Kol, and Damien
What: Kol tries to compel Damien to forget Alyssa. It goes REAL WELL.
Where: outside
When: Dec. 21st
Warnings: some swearing. Brief mentions of past trauma. violence.
Status: g-doc

Come on. You’re supposed to be making fun of me for the amount of beignets I’m about to consume, darling brother of mine )


I'm far from an emotionally demonstrative man, anybody who knows me could tell you that. But with the birth of my daughter the other day... she's the most amazing, perfect little creature I've ever seen.

Even if we weren't expecting her.


You know what my favorite thing about the day after Christmas is?

Discount candy.

You know what my least favorite thing about the day after Christmas is?

Discount candy.


Who: Linda and Adam (and Charlie)
What: running into each other
Where: Madison Valley Tea and Coffee
When: Mon. morning
Warnings: low

Can we just pour caffeine directly into my veins? )

Dec. 25th, 2022


Who: Magnus Bane & Lucas Pegg
What: Running into each other on Christmas Day
When: Christmas Day afternoon
Where: At the tree at the park
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Santa did something nice this year. )


Attention! Attention!

There are gifts under the tree! I repeat, there are gifts under the tree. With names of them.

Jules, I found yours!



Hey, the girls and I are going to see Daisy and the baby when they get out of the hospital. You want to come with us?


Today is the Best. Day. Ever! Charlie came early, and she's beautiful. Dinner is cancelled, so, sorry about that. Merry Christmas, everyone!


What in the Feh Feh Pi Goh has happened to me? Where's my ship?!


This isn't precisely what I asked for when I made a list for Christmas.

Chuuya, I hope hope you're still here you've kept my home in good condition, Little Gnat.

Claudia and Rebekah, I should like to discuss returning to the museum at your earliest convenience.


[Filtered to Damien]
Are you the one I should thank for the gorgeous flowers and beautiful quote?

I hope it’s you or I find myself confused.

Dec. 24th, 2022


I do not know who this is the work of. Though, I admit it is not the strangest thing to have happened in my life.


I could be at Sept-Tours drinking all of Matthew's wine.

Or in Oxford, working in the lab.

So, I guess I'll settle for okayish wine in the casino lab this Christmas.

[Filtered to blood drinkers]
There appears to be a bit of a shortage on blood, so it looks like we can't choose which blood type we want at the moment.


Naughty or Nice?

This thread is dedicated to reactions from getting gifts either December 25th under the tree or 26th under the Menorah. These nets can either be directly to other people or open reactions of wtf or yay! to the whole town.

Want to know what you got? Check out here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Nat!


Gift Giving

This post is for anyone who wants to give gifts and the reactions to them. As is always the case with gift giving, please assume friends and loved ones were given good gifts that they would like unless otherwise discussed.


Happy Christmas Eve. I should be sleeping, I want to be sleeping, but nurses keep poking at me and stuff. And as someone who has been beaten up by aliens, a planet, and evil super nazis... Ow.

So, the announcement. 8:42pm last night, Not-Baz made her way into the world. Name suggestions anyone?


Who: Logan & Steve Rogers
Where: The woods
When: The Morning After this
What: A Run
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

It would be nice to have a running companion that could keep up.... )

Dec. 23rd, 2022


Who: Savannah and Eve
What: Early Christmas Gift
When: Christmas Eve
Where: Paige and Savannah’s house
Rating: low

Christmas Eve Mother/Daughter Time )

Dec. 22nd, 2022


Okay so I get I'm old and whatever, but uh, Santa in the park is pretty legit. He knew what I wanted when I was five.

Dec. 21st, 2022


Well Mother Above.

It looks like Amren and Nesta both got sent home.



Yet another Christmas in this place, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Still hard to believe sometimes just how many holiday seasons I've spent here.


Is there anybody who doesn't even have plans for Christmas yet? Because I know I sure don't.

Dec. 20th, 2022


I was due this past Friday.

This child was supposed to be born on Friday.

He is not yet born. The doctor says that everyone is healthy and he looks fine, and we'll give him a few more days to make up his mind.

I swear, if he's born on Christmas, I'm grounding him until I die of old age.


Is there anybody else who's just going to be really glad when Christmas is over?

Overall, not my favorite time of year.


Is three months old too young to take my daughter to meet Santa?

Do we really need to buy her presents? She's not going to remember, right?

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