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Feb. 26th, 2023


Never thought I'd be so glad to have power again.

The cabin don't have a generator which meant that I had a proper binge before my beers got too warm. Been tough, but I pulled through.

Feb. 24th, 2023


Who: Eve and Kristof
What: The ceiling comes down on Eve, Kristof saves the day
When: Late Afternoon Feb 24
Where: Building under construction
Rating: low

The Ceiling Fell Down )


Finally this uploads after a half an hour!

This is a crime!

How am I meant to catch up on Telemundo when the power is off, AGAIN?

Do we need to blame Barry Allen?!

Jan. 24th, 2023


Who: Lisa Braeden & Dean Winchester
Where: Their House
When: During the Power Outage
Warnings: low

This is fucking exhausting. )

Jan. 14th, 2023


Who: Juliet & Josh Russo
What: Dealing with someone trying to loot during the power outage.
Where:Random street
When: During the power outage. [Backdated!]
Warnings: TBD but most likely lowish with maybe a little violence.
Status: In progress/Matchup

++++ )

Jan. 13th, 2023


Who: Rory and Raelle
What: hanging out
Where: Raelle's
When: backdated to Thursday night
Warnings: TBD

Thank fuck for hats, mitts, and scarves too )

Jan. 12th, 2023


Who: Linda and OPEN
What: Charlie is not happy
Where: the clinic
When: Thurs. morning
Warnings: should be low
Status: open

The lack of warmth at their house made it impossible to leave Charlie at home with Kate )


Dome: "You must come back from France five days after you leave."

Also Dome: "But without electricity."

[Filtered to Kate Danvers]

I've got your half of the cut from the things we stole in Wonderland. Let's just say, you could buy a house easily.

Jan. 11th, 2023



I am pleased to inform you that we have managed a charm that will charge your electronic devices as long as you are inside Weasley Wizard Wheezes, or within fifteen feet of the entrance.

We also have heat in the shop.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Jan. 10th, 2023


Well, at least with not having power I can do some writing or maybe catch up on my reading, the fun type of reading. Wine, candles and romance novels is how I'm spending my evening.


Who: Dan and OPEN
What: Dan is charging his phone
Where: the blood bank
When: Tues. evening
Warnings: should be low

he wondered what the fuck he'd make for dinner )


Who: Josh Russo
What: The power outage begins, and Josh is in his element
When: Backdated to Monday morning
Where: The dispatch center
Warnings: None
Status: Complete narrative

~+~+~+~ )


I don't mind the dark. I kind of like it.

Besides, the TARDIS has very strong generators.


Since there's a power outage, maybe some cuteness will cheer you up. Meet my new kitten, Donut. This should not surprise anyone.

Thanks Dome...for once. )


Being without power isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be.

Calm down.


Due to the continued power outages, the owner and I have agreed to close the art store until power is restored. My apologies, but we will have to postpone the start of our comic drawing class by one week.

In the meantime, I'm about to discover just how well my art can be done by candlelight. If anyone needs me, I'll be at home. Except for game night tomorrow at the Loft.


Well, it seems like this power issue will be taking longer to resolve than I'm used to back in New York. I phoned the power company and they have no ETA for when the power will be back. They didn't say so, but I got the feeling they had no idea what the problem was.

In any case, The Loft will still be opened tomorrow (Wednesday) for game night, but by candle light. We have a fireplace that I thought would only be used as decoration, but it appears I've been proven wrong. If you want to play board games by candlelight with some non-perishable snacks offered for free, please join us. Unfortunately We won't be able to serve our full menu, but my intrepid employees have put some of the drinks we have outside in the back in the the snow to keep them cold.


The clinic is still open with a generator if anyone needs medical attention. I phoned the blood bank too and they also have their generator up.


Unlike the last time we had a power issue, this one was definitely not caused by me.


What kind of bullshit is this?

The power has been out all day.

There wasn't even a storm! Bullshit.


Power's gone.

Dome's probably at play again. Everyone will be fine, no need for chaos.