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Jan. 31st, 2022


The "Into the Woods" play was pretty great. Hopefully there's other plays in Madison's future.

Jan. 30th, 2022


It feels kind of weird realizing that I'm actually growing up here. That I'm not a little kid anymore. And someday I'm going to be an adult.

Doesn't feel bad, though. Just weird.


Who do we currently have in town that does archery?

ETA: I'll keep a running list of the ones I know

list )


I never knew there were so many details involved in planning a wedding.

Where are the best places in town to register for gifts?


Private to Jack O'Neill

You realize we'll have been here a year on Tuesday?

Should we make plans for Valentine's Day?


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Jaskier
What: Jaskier meets a grumpy man.
Where: The park.
When: The day he arrived.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed | Completed GDoc

... )



I got caught up in a lot of things so I didn't reach out sooner to check on how you were doing considering I'm sure you had a wonderful no caffeine day. Hopefully, people left you alone on that day.


Today's thought: Once we have self-driving cars, wipers will no longer be essential, because the car doesn't need a clean windshield to drive. Only humans do.

Also, what's being put in Roger's Corner? I went to get a greasy burger today and it was sadly closed for construction.

(ooc: a new lounge/cafe is coming in. People can have seen May Parker or The Doctor going in and out)



Hey pretty!

I feel like I haven’t recently seen you.


( Dawn Summers )

What would you like to do for Valentine's Day?

( Wanda Maximoff )

Are you doing anything for Valentine's Day or should I find a sitter for Judith? I think Dawn and I are going to do something.

Jan. 29th, 2022


( Dick Grayson )


The principal wants to see you Monday.



Raven Darkholme is gone.


( Filtered to 18+ )

I would like to introduce you to Lewdle.

It's a daily word game, and all the words are lewd.

You can thank me later.

Jan. 28th, 2022


Hello fellow Madisonites.

I have been working away, hard at work on Valentine's edition of Butterbeer and Firewhiskey, but also some lovely Valentine's day gifts.

The Butterbeer and Firewhiskey options will be either a hint of lovely dark chocolate or cinnamon. If you're adventurous, go for both.

As for the gifts. These are just small paired charms that will either glow or warm up when the person you love thinks about you. You can choose from a variety of jewelry or key chains to have the charms placed on. I can also do custom charms for a bit more.

If you want Valentine's Day pranks, head to the joke shop.


I am never going to get used to the cold weather. Yes, I will absolutely admit it's my least favorite thing about being here.


Had some asshat at Bad Axe this afternoon who took one look at me and assumed I can't possibly know what I'm talking about because I'm "a cute girl who can't possibly actually be interested in this stuff".

And then challenged me to throw better than him.

Yeah, I think most of us know how well that went for him.


So I went back home for a few days and everything is a complete shitshow. Which is pretty normal for Yokohama. I think I'd be more worried if things there were calm and quiet.

[Darcy & Phil]
Hey, bosses. So I'm just going to come right out and say it, but I've been turned into a vampire back home. I might need to take some time off work. Just until I learn how to control things and not go around biting people.

Jan. 27th, 2022


Every day I have people walking up to me at school and giving me the Vulcan salute. It seems the Star Trek hasn't missed much if anything..

I suspect that if he were here, Commander Spock would be less than pleased. Which almost makes it worth it. Almost.


( Weasleys + Friends of Weasleys, RWBY folks, Loki, Frigga )

I am going to make dinner for everyone.

Saturday night.

I will be sorely disappointed if you do not show up.

I'm looking at you, Loki.


[Filtered to Chuuya]

Irina filled me in on everything. I'll be sure you have enough blood and her schedule is cleared.

Do you need me to have anything else brought to the house? Besides the wine, I mean.


WHO: Chuuya Nakahara & Irina Romanov.
WHAT: Chuuya comes back and isn't quite the same.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: Irina's place.
WARNINGS: Major spoilers for BSD Chapter 98. Also it's Irina and Chuuya.
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )


Who: Beth Harmon and Laura Barton.
What: Match-up, random run in.
When: Soon after Beth's arrival.
Where: Town.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed | Match-up.

... )


[Natasha Romanoff]

So, would you like to maybe do something with me for Valentine's Day?


[Filtered to Bruce]

Let me know if I can provide assistance regarding the vials of Kira's stem cells for Cosima. She's a friend and I want to help.

Jan. 26th, 2022


Finally! Finally I have had the opportunity to put my hands all over a safe while here in Madison. This was no biometric fancy fingerprint safe or touch keypad but an honest to God dial of tradition! Oh my, it was very exciting to be saying the least.

Granted, it was no TXTL-60 or AMSEC BFII7250, and a very far far cry from the magnitude and brilliance of the Ring Cycle.. But it was a safe.

Many thanks to the bumbling forgetful jewelers at the Kay store. How exciting!


( Separate but identical texts to Claudia Donovan and Shuri )

>> I received some vials of Kira's stem cells recently.
>> Dr. Banner is going to help me.
>> He wants to see if he can isolate the bits that will help me, though, first.
>> In case I need more.


It's so weird what a difference a year can make.

This time last year, I barely wanted to be here. Now, I'm perfectly happy to stay.

And it's mostly because of my parents. Okay, so yeah, they're not actually my parents, but Kitty and Peter are my mom and dad in all the ways that actually matter.



Toast snuck out of the apartment today.

If anyone sees her, please bring her back. I'll pay you in coffee.

Or tea.

Or beer.


I wish there was some way to know if someone could come back someday.


[Kate Bishop]

Hey...what's up?


So Peter says there are other vampires related to your vampire man-baby here? Do you need us to kill them or whatever? Probably more towards the whatever?


You want to go shopping with me? I suck at shopping and you can keep me from getting like a hundred moonpies.

[Kate Danvers]

So...you're one of the werewolf that changes all the way. Are you like, enormous and scary or am I going to want to scratch your belly?


I'm going to leave the werewolf stuff to you. Just don't get us killed, 'k?


I never thought my life would be like this.

I'm not complaining.

( Hayley Marshall )

I have plans for Valentine's Day.


Has anyone seen an angel around here wearing a trenchcoat lately? He may or may not be walking around with a giant stick up his ass.


It's so strange to look at my children and realize how old they are. Wyatt was so young when I adopted him, and now he's turning into a kid I know his mother is somehow still proud of. And Brie... she's gone from toddler to more, and I'm really starting to pick out her mother's features.

Time really does fly.


I'm not sure what it says about me that I have to start thinking about Valentine's Day now in order to actually manage something special for my girlfriend.

Oh, wait. Yes I am. It says I'm still clueless.


You know, I love my job. I do. I really do.

But there are days I wonder how some of my students manage to get dressed by themselves in the morning.

Jan. 25th, 2022


Who: Chris Argent and Martouf
What: Meeting each other
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Fight Science Gym
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kexing and OPEN
What: Randomness/Playing his xiao
Where: The Park
When: 1/25; Evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN

*~*~*~*~ )



Claudia! Clear my schedule. I am not accepting any meetings. Cancel the ones I have. I am NOT fit to be around anyone.


Who: Rachel Roth and Alyssa Gardner.
What: Coffee date.
Where: Starbucks.
When: Backdated to Sunday, January 23. Morning.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed.

I used to hold my freak back, now I'm letting go. )


Who: Luna and Anakin
What: catching up over coffee
Where: Starbucks
When: Tues. after school
Warnings: should be low

I pictured a rainbow )


So, heads up to people who know me. It's my birthday next month (19th February).

I'll try not to be too much of an asshole about it, but it's going to be a rough time for me.


So I've been thinking about this the past couple days at work, not entirely sure why, and I've come to the conclusion that one of the weirdest things about even just being here in the first place -- at least, to me -- is that no matter how strange your life might be back home, no matter what you've gone through there... there's like 90% odds that this place is weirder.



It's my birthday today. I'm turning 27.

To celebrate I'm going to work tonight.

Jan. 24th, 2022


Well, I made it through another year of life. Go me! Where's my pie?


Well, we managed to pull that off. Good job, us.

By the way, thank you to my girlfriend for not laughing at me about playing a cow.


Wei Ying

I know I already said it, but thank you again for yesterday.


Who: Tyrone and Rowan
What: friend date running errands
Where: Target
When: backdated to Friday after class
Warnings: TBD, but should be low

Errands god faster with friends )


Who: Dean Winchester & Lisa Braeden
Where: The Maldives
When: 1/11/22
What: Dean Proposes
Status: Closed - complete
Warnings: None

Forever yours, faithfully. )


Couldn't sleep last night. What did I do, you ask? (Alright, just pretend you did.) Spent the entire night recreating a 1980s era computer game from scratch. It's fascinating seeing what you can turn it into with the programming languages available nowadays.

Though the sleep deprivation probably doesn't bode well for my work day.


You know it's going to be One Of Those Days when you misplace your keys four times before you actually make it out the door.


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