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Sep. 29th, 2023


Not that I haven't already been counting down or watching horror movies, but it's finally almost October. I didn't think this month would ever end. Also means closer to winter break and I can sleep in.

Sep. 1st, 2023


I'm super excited that spooky season is near! It's my favorite time of the year. Plus all the horror movie marathons. Plus I have a few people who might let me decorate their place and make it all spooky. Maybe I can scary some kids my age or older for fun.


This is my fault. My biological family brings nothing but problems.

[Friends of Nancy]
Ace is in the hospital, so I'll be spending some time there. If you need me, you can message me or come visit.

I'm grabbing some stuff before I come back to stay with you. Want me to pick up anything for you? I wanted the books to go over when you're sleeping and find something even if it's taking on the curse. No one is stopping me if that's my only option to save you.

My boyfriend is in the hospital, so I'm going to take a few days. Though I can work on some cases while at the hospital since it keeps my mind busy.

Aug. 31st, 2023


K-9 has once again beat me at chess. I'm not sure making him this smart was a good idea after all...

He says he'd love some challengers


Who: Dean Winchester & Jack Kline
Where: Dean's house
When: Earlier in the month
Warnings: none

Boobs, Beer, Bonding & Pizza )

Aug. 30th, 2023


Peanut butter and chocolate is the best combination.

I will take no questions at this time.

( Joel Miller )

Where are my breakfast tacos?

( Matt Murdock )

I need some legal advice.


I am glad to be employed by a hospital. I am to be a research doctor there.

Of course, I still plan on retaining my job at the museum.


Who: Sam Winchester, Chloe Decker with DJ and John
Where: Their House
When: Start of kid plot
Warnings: none

Don't drink out of the carton! )


Who: Rhys and Sharon
What: catching up
Where: Rhys’s
When: early Aug.
Warnings: probably low
Status: g-doc

Rhys invited Sharon over for a drink )


I can't believe I'm actually married. This is something that would have never happened back home.

( George Weasley )

Thank you for being there. It wouldn't have been the same.

( Weiss Schnee )

You were stunning, wife.

Aug. 29th, 2023


( WAMM )

I have been hired by the Bureau as a consulting detective. I would still like to work at WAMM if that is acceptable with everyone.

( Jessica Jones )

Pizza or Chinese?

( Enid Sinclair )

Do you need some clothes for school?


Netpost: Loki

This place just grew a little quieter.


I am in desperate need of a good cup of tea.

Followed by a restaurant with delicious food.

( Good Omens Crowley )

I bought you a house plant.


I find myself missing Geralt more and more often.

( Ciri )

He would have liked your daughter.

And Ellie.


[Malcolm Reynolds]
I was wondering if you're free tonight? Dinner, drinks, whatever else?


I heard about Sylvie. How are you?


Bali was lovely, it's just a shame we came back just in time for all that rain. I'm glad that's over with now.

Aug. 28th, 2023


I am glad that the rain has stopped.


Who: Daphne and Open
When: Tuesday evening
Where: The Park
What: Daphne is star gazing
Status/Rating: Ongoing...Open/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

It was a beautiful starry night out. )


Who: Melinda and Open
When: Tuesday evening
Where: An abandoned building
What: Checking it out to see if it would fit for Halloween movie marathon
Warnings: None yet

She would need to bring her flashlight with her )


I just don't understand some people and that's all I have to say.

Aug. 27th, 2023



My texts aren't going through to Sylvie.



Well, I am now quite certain that my new home and associated outbuildings are watertight. I've inspected them all and found no leaks, no puddles where there shouldn't be, no issues at all.

So I guess I'll go for a run in the rain now. It's been a while since I ran in rain this steady. It's good practice; you don't usually get to choose when and where you have to run for your life.


Kent Family + Laura+ Dick+Bruce

Something wrong Eyes hurt everythings slow. So tired.
[ooc: posted sometime around 5am, basically he didn't make it home the day before either]


I'm ba-a-ack. Apparently.

I'm told I was here once before, though I have no memory of it. I'd say "reliably informed" but I learned this from Klaus Hargreeves. Sorry, Klaus, but you are not the most reliable narrator.

Anyhow, if you knew me before, don't take offense if I ignore you. I have no idea who you are.


I haven't seen this much rain since the mountains before we were taken prisoner by the goblins.


It never gets easier to say goodbye to the children.

Aug. 26th, 2023


Yes, well a very wet greetings to you citizens of Madison! Unseasonable rain aside everything has changed in such a big way, yes?

Please to tell me if the hospital is in the same area?

… Yelena? Are you still here? I am too much worried my textings will jump back unanswered


When do we start worrying about Noah's Ark like stuff?!


And of course my kids want to go out and play in this rain.

I don't know why I'm surprised. Aurie would literally live outdoors if I let her.


I really could have done without the rain after a vacation.

[Filtered to friend and family]
But, I do have gifts for people.

Aug. 25th, 2023


Who: Thorin Oakenshield & OTA
Where: Madison Valley Tea
When: Friday Evening
What: Out for some Tea
Status: Ongoing & Open
Warnings: None for Now

Stretching his legs... )


[Text to Bex]
[ooc: backdated to last night]

>>Checking in with my beautiful fiancée.
>>Are you having fun? Did Alyssa get you back up on a surfboard?


I have to admit it feels too quiet without all of the kids.

[Filtered to Kol]
I think I need to get a drink tonight. Care to come along?

Aug. 24th, 2023


Last week was probably the best week I've had since I've been here and this week has been a roller coaster of emotions. I started a new job this week, so I've been basically forced to get up and keep moving forward because I had to get through orientation and all the intake paperwork.

Thank you, Jonathon for being here for me. I don't know how much worse this would be for me if you weren't here. <3


Who: Hannah and Caroline
What: Match-Up (Random Encounter)
When: August 24th
Where: Downtown Madison
Warnings: None Probably
Status: Incomplete

Better Late Than Never )

Aug. 23rd, 2023


Ianto and I are getting married in October.

...yes, we were married once before, but Ianto was sent home and came back without his memories, so it's Jones-Harkness Wedding 2.0.

Blonde Doctor -- will you officiate again?

Wibbly-wobbly Doctor -- we're going to find something for you to do.

Martha. Maid of Honor again?

( Ianto Jones )

I love you.


Who: Leo Fitz and Jet Slootmaekers
What: Just randomly running into each other
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Filtered to Kol]

If you're looking for Kayla, she showed up on my doorstep with an overnight bag.

Do you want me to send her back home?

[ooc: backdated to yesterday]


I didn't realize exactly how much I missed the job I did back home until I wound up doing something basically the same here.

Feels better than I would've thought to get back to it.


Who: Andy Barclay and Kaz Brekker
What: Randomly running into each other
When: Backdated to Tuesday evening
Where: Hinkles
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Crowley (GO) and Aziraphale.
What: Finding each other in a new place.
When: Shortly after their arrival.
Where: Aziraphale's apartment.
Warning: TBD.

I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball. )


Who: Chloe Saunders and Wei Wuxian
What: Random Meeting
When: Nighttime
Where: A hidden corner of the cemetery

I don't expect you to understand me I have seen things with these eyes You'd never comprehend
Read more... )

Aug. 22nd, 2023


Well. That was certainly something.


Who: Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli, and Kidlets
What: Spending Time With More Twins
When:  Backdated to the Day After The Kids Arrived
Where: The Jingshi

We are lightning  Straying from the thunder Miracles of ancient wonder
Read more... )


Who: Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Lan Xichen, and Kidlets
What: Spending Time With The Twins
When:  Backdated to the Afternoon the Kids Arrived
Where: The Hanshi

The purpose of art  is washing the dust of daily life off our souls
Read more... )


Who: Caleb Danvers and Pogue Parry
What: Talk of kids
Where: Danvers apartment
When: August 21st
Warnings: Low
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~*~ )


Who: Melinda and Monika
When: Tuesday evening
What: Melinda has a random run in with Monika
Where: a burger joint
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None right now

A big burger is what she needed )


Who: Tess Doerner and Lila Pitts
What: Just a random run-in
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 21st, 2023


It was nice to have someone round here who cares, even if she was from some other universe. At least one of the other-me's raised a kid good.

Back to the grind. At least until the next mindfuck.

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