April 2024




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Apr. 14th, 2024


McCall Pack

If you can, I think we should meet at my house. It’s big and there’s a lot of land around it so we could see threats coming. I get the feeling things are going to get bad before they get better.

Apr. 4th, 2024


WHO: Isaac Lahey and Alex Claremont-Diaz
WHAT: Introducing werewolves
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: Near the park
WARNINGS: Moderate Injury, tbd
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 1st, 2024


April Fools is one of the most egregious days of the year. Whoever invented it should be hanged and quartered.

Mar. 13th, 2024


WHO: Isaac Lahey and Kimiko Miyashiro
WHAT: Random meeting
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Downtown
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 17th, 2024


I fell in the snow earlier and broke my foot.

It's better now. But I am still freaking done with winter. Unfortunately, being a werewolf doesn't help you walk on ice and snow.

Feb. 7th, 2024


WHO: Isaac Lahey and OPEN
WHAT: Getting dinner
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: A Mexican restaurant
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 31st, 2024





Jan. 22nd, 2024


Man, I wish I could get drunk.

Putting a little Bailey's in Hot Cocoa smells amazing. I guess I could drink it anyway, but what's the point?

Jan. 20th, 2024


I don't think I'm going anywhere for a while. I don't want to rely on orbing everywhere all the time. I about biffed it just walking out my front door. Stay safe everyone and if you need anything let me know.

Jan. 12th, 2024



You want to come hang out tonight?

Nothing big, just Netflix and chill maybe?


Why don't places other than Hinkles have werewolf specialsa? I'd think we'd be good customers.

Jan. 9th, 2024


WHO: Isaac Lahey and Dyson Thornwood (Matchup & B&W plot)
WHAT: Having dinner at Hinkles
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Hinkles
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Closed/Match-up/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+ )

Dec. 14th, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and Jill Mastrano-Dragomir
WHAT: Christmas fun
WHEN: Friday morning
WHERE: Downtown
WARNINGS: TBD,probably low
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 5th, 2023


The shelter is going to have a Santa picture day where you can bring your pet to take a photo with him. It'll be free if you bring pet items like food to the shelter. Also we'd love to encourage everyone to spend time with our shelter animals when you visit.

[Beacon Hills]
Lydia is helping to plan a Christmas party for everyone at the house. I hope you can all be there.

[Peter Hale]
How are you doing?

Dec. 2nd, 2023




Camilla... I will find you and I will kill you for this.

Nov. 28th, 2023


Christmas Lessons for Werewolves #1 -

Remember that the whole world and everything you touch will smell like industrial grade PineSol for the entire month of December.

Seriously, if I go out anywhere that's all I smell.

Nov. 20th, 2023



What are you doing for the holiday?

Nov. 19th, 2023


This is a far cry from the UK then isn't it? What exactly is the point of this?

Oct. 9th, 2023


Exciting to see Capitalism is alive and well here in Madison. I've seen a variety of UV and other lamps for plants go up about 300%.

Oct. 5th, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and OPEN
WHAT: ALL the Halloween Candy
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: Walgreens
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


I never thought I'd see the day when something from home showed up here. Seems Wayne Manor showed up in Madison Valley.

Oct. 1st, 2023


I got a bit excited and picked up some pumpkins and carved them already. I wasn't expecting the weather to warm up and now they're already molding. I guess I'll be getting more pumpkins.

Sep. 29th, 2023


It is so weird to look back at how long I've been here and realize how long I've been in college for.

Never thought I'd get that far.

Sep. 23rd, 2023


Took the dogs out for a walk, they are both now running around and trying to catch whatever's currently falling out of the sky.

Sep. 2nd, 2023



Anyone have any trouble with the Supermoon?


I want to see you. Preferably naked, but not absolutely necessary.

Aug. 28th, 2023


I just don't understand some people and that's all I have to say.

Aug. 3rd, 2023


Now I Have a Hoverboard: Ho-Ho-Ho

The headline says it all.

It's amazingly similar to riding a skateboard, only smoother.

Jul. 5th, 2023


Being a TA during summer courses means dealing with a bunch of students who hardly want to work.

In other news, to finish my Masters I'm in need of a business to test a theory of mine. I can guarantee it will save you money while the tests are being conducted.

Jun. 5th, 2023


I need a new wardrobe for summer. I was thinking of trying to make a couple of new pieces for myself, but I would also like to purchase some one-of-a-kind pieces. Any other fashion design majors hanging around here?

[Private to Elijah]

Uhm...could you help me locate a fabric store and a sewing machine that would be within my budget? I would like to get back into sewing and designing my own clothes here, but I am not sure what the expense would be.

Jun. 4th, 2023


Last night was a rough moon for some reason. Don't know why.


Wanna come pig out with me at Hinkles?

May. 2nd, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and OPEN
WHAT: Going to the movies
WHEN: This afternoon
WHERE: The movie theater
WARNINGS: TBD, probably none
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 27th, 2023


I could do with a day out in the woods. Anyone else need to blow off some steam? Thought, I'd get in a run.

Apr. 24th, 2023


Is there going to be an orgy this year?

I won't be going this year, but last year was pretty incredible.

Apr. 15th, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and OPEN
WHAT: Up early
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Starbucks
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 1st, 2023


Jendry's will be closing in an hour for the day. The Dome seems to be making it hard for people to eat the actual food they order.

Mar. 21st, 2023


I've dealt with a lot of things in my life but come on now. I know that these things from what I am told feed off of technology. Soooo...would anyone object to me just until we figure things out to close the movie theater? I mean that place is full of technology and I would hate to feed these things any further.


The mechanical bugs that have been seen around town are from my world. Yes, they are dangerous and yes, they will consume any tech they can get their hands on, the more advanced the better.

At home, we were able to build a weapon to defeat them. Unfortunately, the person who was primarily involved in that is currently missing. If any science and tech folks are available, Jack O'Neill and I will do our best to guide you in recreating it.

For everyone else, if you ignore them, they shouldn't get too hostile. Firearms will destroy them, at least temporarily.

I'm sorry I don't have better information. I assure you, we're working on resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Mar. 10th, 2023


Who: Jill Mastrano and Isaac Lahey
What: Hanging out, spending the night
When: Backdated to March 4th, late afternoon
Where: Isaac's apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 1st, 2023


Note to self: Wear shoes when going outside to check the mail.

[Private to Derek]

I saw that your son showed up; if either of you need any help settling in or you just need someone to talk to, I am always here.


[Sent to every person from Beacon Hills]

I was just on the lacrosse field at night, and now I'm in front of a Target store in the afternoon. In the past.

Help? Dad? Scott?

[spoilers for TW movie within]

Feb. 28th, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and OPEN
WHAT: Shopping for something for Jill
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: The boutique shops downtown
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 17th, 2023


This is freaking ridiculous, bro. I sound like a frat boy, and I can't even seem to stop even if I'm writing.

My daughter finds it hilarious while I want to punch myself.

Feb. 12th, 2023


Network: Meet the Chef

Okay, this is like a Tomestone, that works, uh, as much as I enjoyed randomly appearing and getting dragged into... "Speed Dating" (I am still not entirely sure) and getting keys and a thing shoved in my hands in the middle of it all, I still have no idea what is going on.

That said, uh, are there places that aren't like, these weird apartments? They are not as nice as the ones back home in the Studium and honestly, I kind of prefer nature right now anyway.

Feb. 11th, 2023


I have to say it was rather fun to watch the speed dating thing. Reminded me home, in a way. LA. Not Hell.

Feb. 1st, 2023


Who: Josh and Issac L
What: random run-in/matchup
Where: Hinkles
When: Backdate to Tues. night
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/matchup

Sometimes the vampire wanted a burger, okay? )

Jan. 31st, 2023


Voice to Text

Now that I've literally landed on two people in the first two minutes of my arrival, I guess I should introduce myself.

I'm Matt Murdock.

Jan. 23rd, 2023


WHO: Isaac Lahey and Adam Milligan
WHAT: Random meeting
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Hong Kong Kitchen
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Just had one of my neighbors ask me why I still have some of my Christmas lights up. (Because yes, I did indeed end up leaving most of them up after all.)

She has been asking this like every other day.

And was not amused when I went "Feel free to take them down for me if you want. Can you clean the gutters while you're at it?"

Jan. 14th, 2023


This is a most unfortunate situation.

I should be at Nevermore. My family will not take kindly to this abduction.

Who are Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara and why are they my 'guardians'?

Jan. 11th, 2023


Yeah, yeah, I can see fine in the dark, but that doesn't mean that I want to.

Here's to two nights in a row without Netflix.

Jan. 10th, 2023


Being without power isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be.

Calm down.

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