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Dec. 10th, 2013


The sub-dermal implant my parents put in me doesn't actually account for time travel. So I think they'll just be a little pissed off that I've gone and time traveled without their knowledge. Dad probably can't send an extraction team 30 years into the past to get me. Probably. But it's a possibility.

Though oddly I wonder if time travel would actually flip the switch to make it start beaming my location and not just my vitals.

Hello, my darlings, it's a pleasure to be here until I start eating your faces. I won't be in the presence of mind to care but that's not anyone else's idea of a good time, I know.

Dec. 9th, 2013


[Text Message to Georgia and Shaun, after this.]

>> Guys.
>> Guys.
>> You need to hear this.
>> I've got a feed from the Council chambers on Friday.
>> I'm e-mailing it to you.


WHO: Buffy Meissonier and OPEN
WHAT: Listening to her feeds from the police station and the Council Chambers
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Her room, then on her way to work and at the Courthouse
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 7th, 2013


I have a job! I'll be working at That Book Place, over on Clifty? It seems like such a lovely little shop, and I start on Monday.


What motivates you to do the things you do?

Dec. 6th, 2013


I went to Radio Shack today. In person. There were other people there. One bumped into me, and I didn't even scream.

This is so an improvement. Before you know it, I'm going to be going out all the time.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Hey, peeps!

My name is Darcy Lewis and I arrived in this fair town last night. Wasn't expecting to be here, but I like to make the most of things!

Where do I go to meet all the hot guys and gals? What do I need to know to have fun around here?

Dec. 3rd, 2013



I don't know where I am or how I got here, but someone gave me a cell phone, so I figure you'll eventually trace this and find me.


What strange land is this? This does not look like the Kingdom I am to rule. What magic is this that takes me from my Kingdom to here? Who dared abduct the Queen of Tabor?

Eric? William? Are you here?


Well, I have a job. It's a freelance job at the local paper but it's some money at least.

If anyone has a lead on a story, let me know. There isn't a whole lot going on here, so I'm sure any help will be welcome.


Like, how long do you think we'll be here? Will we have time to get used to it?

It's not bad, really, but I kind of miss the angst. It's a lot easier to write depressing angsty romance or poetry in the zombie apocalypse than in this...pre-rising ennui. Although maybe I could use the ennui.

Or maybe I'll just write more porn.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Buffy Meissonier and OPEN
WHAT: Writing. In public. Or trying to.
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Starbucks
WARNINGS: Talk of Zombies
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 1st, 2013


I have a public service announcement:

Let it be known that curtains are extremely useless. They are also extremely dangerous and everyone should avoid them at all costs. Ever.

They've got this nasty habit of killing things that fall into them.

Don't say I didn't tell you.

Nov. 26th, 2013


So, like, this place is getting really boring. There's only so much I can do with old-fashioned wires from Radio Shack (they still use coaxial cables. And their HDMI cables? OMG, so cute. But not terribly useful).

And like, I'd write more porn, but apparently that is frowned on in this establishment. (I do love that commercial).

So. Should I just study the history of really old and useless electronics, or is there actually something better I should be doing?

[Filtered to Random]

Hey. Let's go to a movie. Like. For real.

Nov. 18th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name's Peeta Mellark, and I wasn't in the best shape when I got here didn't greet all of you as I should have.

When we introduce ourselves at the games

So, I guess what would be interesting to know, since we're all from different places - what's the thing that's most different between this place and your home?

For me, there's so much food, and everyone has so much money. My father owned the bakery in our town, but I could hardly ever afford cookies or cakes, because the cost of sugar was so high. But here, I see kids coming in the morning before school every day and buying two or three doughnuts. It's crazy.

So, what about everyone else?

Nov. 15th, 2013


Whoa, this isn't even America anymore, man. At least not a civilized America because what exists between California and New York? Besides a whole bunch of corn.

Nov. 14th, 2013


The Writings of Buffy Meissonier, Filtered to Georgia Mason, Shaun Mason and Random Dent

Warning: Sexual situations )


[Filtered to Buffy and Random]
Hey, Buffy I met you briefly the other day and Random, I don't think we've met. I'm Chloe and I was told you guys were working on some hacking and stuff to try and figure out this town and I might be of some help.

I'm from 2007, so not that far from the past and in the couple of days I've been here I already managed to pick up a few new things about what changed in this five year gap. I did a lot of hacking/research/breaking and entering back home so, let me know what I can do to help?

[Filtered to Oliver]
Your computer is ready if you wanna bring your phone over so we can switch?


So this is a charming kind of town and I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason why I’m here, or imagining myself here, because god knows I’ve been pretty much on the verge of a psychotic break for a while, but I kind of need to be somewhere else right now and I can’t be stuck in a place where people have Elvish names and there’s not even a basic firewall around the network here. Although I see some secure patches here and there - sorry if I encroached on your security, fellow hackers, I’m just trying to find a secure wifi signal.

That really wasn’t a very good introduction, was it? Let me try again. Hi. I’m Felicity. And I don’t really believe in god. I hope that’s not going to be a problem.

Nov. 13th, 2013


So I've got a job. It's boring, but at least I'll have money without hacking the debit cards. And I like the fancy title 'Systems Admin for the City of Madison Valley.'

[Filtered to Georgia and Shaun]

I've totally bugged them. You want the frequency? Or just the recordings?


[Filtered to Buffy]

How about my place tonight? Drinks and pizza and holovids?

Nov. 12th, 2013


So, it's pretty obvious that a lot of us have wildly different opinions about what's appropriate to post on the network and what isn't. Obviously we can't please everyone, but maybe we could come to some sort of agreement on what should and shouldn't be posted on the network (at least without an Over 18 filter)?

These are my suggestions, but feel free to offer your own.

Please Filter the Following to People Over the Age of 18
1. Graphic talk of sex.
2. Requests for sex.
3. Complaints about lack of sex.

Anything else? This isn't telling anyone they can't talk about this stuff, just trying to make everyone a bit more comfortable.

Nov. 11th, 2013


So I was told this is where I can meet all other 'refugees' or whatever they call us.

I'm Chloe Sullivan. I got here yesterday.


I think it's going to snow soon. I can feel it.

And no, I didn't do it, Harry. It's almost winter.

Would anyone like a snowball? The edible kind.

Nov. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to the Over 18 Crowd, Jeez.]

Alright, girls. Georgia tells me that our variety in sex toys leaves much to be desired here. So, I'm going to be making a line of my own. And trust me, they'll be good. So if you'd be interested, just send me a message here (private if you're shy), and I'll get you taken care of.

Also, since Georgia reminded me, I'll just put it out there for everyone. Don't sleep with us. There's at least a decent chance you'll turn into a zombie if you do. We're all infected, even though it's dormant. That's me, Georgia, Shaun, Daryl, Carol and Beth. No matter how hot we are (and we are), keep it in your pants.

That said, computers are fun. Who wants to see me naked?


Greetings to you all!

I'm looking to start planning for an event, a festival for the solstice. It's not to replace any Christmas celebrations for those of you that have them, so it's not, it's just an additional day for merriment and folk are quite welcome to celebrate one or both.

The plan so far is to have a proper market-fair with all sorts of goods to sell, and mayhap those of you buying late Christmas gifts might appreciate it! Entertainment as well, and contests – we might have races, and games of skill, and mayhap even a riddle contest! Then in the evening a great feast, and then dancing, with real music.

The reason why I'm mentioning it so terrible early is that an event on this scale needs proper planning and to be sure I've not so much experience of that part. I'd like to set up a planning committee of sorts, mayhap three or four people who'd like to help out and work with me to make it a success. I reckon a proper festival is just what our little community needs to bring cheer to the darkest point of winter.

Have any of you any interest?


Hello everyone! New Arrivals, welcome to Madison Valley. For those of you who don't know, my name is Justine and I work as a secretary in City Hall. I'm from Chicago 2007.

So here's a few things, 1 and 2 are for new arrivals and 3 is for everyone:

1. I'm making a roster for those who are looking for work but are having a hard time finding it on their own. Please sign up, and I will get back to you all at the same time when I have more information.

2. If any of the new arrivals are from a pre-Industrial or post-Industrial society, I encourage you to attend classes I hold throughout the week. We'll focus on teaching you some necessary survival skills in the 21st century. They happen on Tuesdays and Thursdays as needed, from 6:30 to 7:30. Thomas and I also hold a sex education class and we cover topics as needed and new sexually transmitted diseases found here that you may or may not be aware of in and from your respective timelines. If you have any questions about sex or sexually based concerns please do ask us, we encourage communication.

3. I thought we'd celebrate Thanksgiving with a potlock. If anyone's interested in doing that we can, otherwise enjoy the holidays with your respective friends and family. But, that also made me realize that we're sticking to very American holidays, and if there's anything any of the non-Americans want to celebrate, we should do that too.

Thank you!

Nov. 9th, 2013


I dunno about you guys, but it makes me feel like we're at home with all these potential zombies hanging around suddenly. Oh, right, except for the shitty tech, the death traps, and cows.

But, you know. Zombies. There's no place like home.


Can't say I saw this coming.


WHO: Buffy Meisonnier and OPEN
WHERE: Outside Radio Shack
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHAT: Upgrading...or trying to.
WARNINGS: Talk of Zombies, talk of death
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


The Writings of Buffy Meissonier, Unpublished

Buried in the darkness
But there's nowhere left to hide
Haunted by the spectres
Of the innocents who've died

Lurking in the ashes
of the friendships that I'd built
With nothing left to guide me
But the poisoned syringe of guilt

If only I'd looked closer
When they'd asked me for my aid
And looked behind the pretty words
And seen the glistening blade

In a world so full of darkness
I was looking for the light
And forgot that losing someone's trust
Feels more lethal than a bite

Dammit, I can't even -

To hell with it.



So, I have a day off of work and have no idea what to do with myself.


The buildings here are just not tall enough.



So I guess the afterlife is like...pre-rising Indiana?

I'm afraid to ask...exactly which one this is.