April 2024




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Apr. 14th, 2024



Please tell me you are on your way home. There's some crazy shit going down again.

Apr. 10th, 2024


who → Jonathan Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Quentin surprises Jonathon at work, then living room picnic
where → Electric Lady Night Club, then Home
when → Last Thursay, 4 April
warnings → none, just some fluffy goodness

Mar. 4th, 2024


who → Jonathan Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Talking and cuddling
where → The Physical Kids Cottage
when → February 29, night time.
warnings → none really, just a small side of angst to go with the conversation.

Mar. 3rd, 2024


Who: Jonathon Black & Dream
What: Hanging out & talking
Where: Town
When: February 16th
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

It felt like freedom )

Feb. 27th, 2024


I'm bored.

And me bored is never a good thing.

Feb. 16th, 2024


{please pretend this was posted Tuesday evening}

Feb. 11th, 2024


I am still in a baking mood. Anyone have requests on things they would like me to try to make?

Feb. 6th, 2024


Where are all the musicians, singers and bands? I'd love to meet you all and talk shop or maybe jam together. I play the guitar, piano and sing.

Feb. 4th, 2024


WHO: Monika & Jonathon Black
WHAT: Random run in & chatting
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Random cafe
STATUS: Closed / Completed gdoc

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe. )

Feb. 1st, 2024


who → Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Christmas eve celebrations
where → The Physical Kids cottage mostly, Main Street
when → backdated to Christmas Eve
warnings → none really, just magicians being sweet

Jan. 31st, 2024


Who: Dream and Jonathon
What: Jonathon gives Dream a gift.
When: Mid-January
Where: Dream and Death's place
Status: Closed; Complete
Rating: PG-13 at most.

You have shown me that you are capable of great kindness and sincerity. )


Filtered away from Joel Miller

What is Valentine's Day and how do I celebrate it with the person I'm seeing?

Jan. 29th, 2024


Did anyone else catch some of the films this weekend? I got sucked into a few of the documentaries, namely the one about Frida Kahlo, Brian Eno and Devo. They were really freaking good.

Jan. 24th, 2024


This new sweater for Henry was totally worth my entire allowance. He is so warm!

Next thing on my list is getting him some extra treats.

Jan. 20th, 2024


Looked at the calendar earlier today, realized that as of yesterday I've been in town for a decade. It... almost doesn't seem real.

Of course, now I'm thinking about all the people I've lost over the past ten years. It's... a lot of people.


Thank goodness for hot tea and a nice warm fireplace to keep warm. This storm is NO JOKE at all. I hope everyone is okay.

Jan. 19th, 2024



School closed early, I waited until all the kids had been picked up so I'm on my way home now. Please tell me you are home and warm.


Good thing I grocery shopped before this storm started.

I will not be leaving my house until the ice is less...stormy.

The art store won't be open until it's safe for myself and my employees to get there.

We'll ensure everyone gets paid even with the store closed.

Jan. 14th, 2024



I have something for you. Will you be home tomorrow evening so I can drop it off?


Oh thank fuck that's done.

I can see colour and Bran will stop harassing my boyfriend about an engagement ring. Or I will hang him up by tree roots and leave him for a few days.

Is everyone else okay?

We definitely need to hang out more!

Jan. 9th, 2024


Who: Dream and Jonathon
What: A tour and a chat
When: After Christmas
Where: Around Madison and then Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co.
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc

Indeed, it had been a fascinating day for Dream. )

Jan. 2nd, 2024


Saved a kitten from a storm drain today and now it won't leave me alone? Follows me everywhere.

It's just at my heels constantly

[Leia, Anakin]
Something from home showed up you may be interested in.

Dec. 27th, 2023


[Dream of the Endless]

I want to thank you for the dreams. They're bittersweet in a way, but have brought me comfort and happiness. A special thank you for the Christmas one. I'll never forget it.

Did you try the cookies? Did your sister like them?

Dec. 21st, 2023


Who: Jonathon Black & Dream of the Endless
What: The two seal a deal they struck
Where: The Physical cottage
When: December 18th
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

Was it obvious? )

Dec. 14th, 2023


All of this snow has me thinking of my childhood. Would it be childish to go out and make snow angels?

Dec. 10th, 2023


Who dares to entrap me once more? To keep me from my realm?

Do they not realize the damage done the last time someone kidnapped me and kept me from fulfilling my duty? The Dreaming has only begun to recover. I have only just started to fix what was ruined when I was locked away for decades.

Dec. 9th, 2023


I am definitely not the biggest fan of snow, but looking at it falling softly from my window with a cup of tea? I like that.

Dec. 8th, 2023


My friend and me
Looking through her red box of memories
Faded I'm sure...

My memory box isn't red, but it did show up in Madison. I don't know how that happens, but I'm grateful. I've had this box since I was a teenager and it contains bits and pieces of my life over the years. Photos, ticket stubs, a bracelet my brother made for me when he was ten, postcards and everything in between. I have some pictures of my family now. I miss them so much. Especially this time of year. My mom has always gone all out for Christmas and she bakes all through the holidays. Everything from homemade bread to cookies and pies. I'd give anything to see and talk to them again. I love you guys. I hope you're all doing well.

Dec. 5th, 2023


The shelter is going to have a Santa picture day where you can bring your pet to take a photo with him. It'll be free if you bring pet items like food to the shelter. Also we'd love to encourage everyone to spend time with our shelter animals when you visit.

[Beacon Hills]
Lydia is helping to plan a Christmas party for everyone at the house. I hope you can all be there.

[Peter Hale]
How are you doing?

Nov. 10th, 2023


Holidays are always a great time to spend with family and loved ones. I will always remember Christmases back home and my little brother and sister's laughter. I know that I have been here a great while but during the holiday season I tend to miss my family.

Nov. 8th, 2023


I have a surplus of food again. Which probably shocks absolutely nobody

Reach out to me if you want side dishes or mains.

The tutor paid off, so thank you. I got a 92% on my latest assignment.

Nov. 7th, 2023


Who: Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
What: Dealing with endless night by cooking breakfast together & reading
Where: Their home
When: Backdated to The Endless Night plot
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

I thought we were sleeping in )

Nov. 5th, 2023


So Thanksgiving is coming up. I'd go home every year for it. The big family gathering has always been at our house. Just thinking about it I can smell turkey and moms homemade black walnut cake and peach cobbler. Is there a place where those who don't have family or many others here to gather on that day? I know Quentin and I will do something for it, but I'm used to a house full of family and friends.

Oct. 30th, 2023


While listening to the radio and working out, I heard how the day after Halloween the station will be just Christmas music. I got nothing against it, but two freaking months of just that. Definitely will be listening to other things until the new year because not only is that not work out music. But I will lose my mind just hearing that.


I enjoy this time of the year with all the holidays and being able to bake different things for it. At least it's baking for fun and to share and not just stress baking or cooking like in the past.


Quentin Coldwater

Can you come to your room when you get home from work.
I need to talk to you about something.

So this is love )

Oct. 24th, 2023


Alright everyone. The movie marathon is going to be here before we know it. The abandoned building looks AMAZING. I just want to thank everyone that has been helping out. I really don't think I could pull this one off without you guys. I am putting the finishing touches on things and tomorrow I will be working on the movie list. Lots of fun will be had. Don't forget to wear a costume if you'd like as in the middle of the movie marathon I will have a costume contest with a fabulous prize.

Oct. 22nd, 2023


Note left on the pillow for Jonathon Sunday MorningRead more... )


Would anyone like to go to the haunted house tonight? Maybe grab some food before or after? I haven't been to one in a while and tis the spooky season!

Oct. 17th, 2023



folded & tucked inside a wrapped box beside the coffee pot )

Oct. 15th, 2023


For those who give a shit, Eliot Waugh is no longer in Madison Valley. I'm really only posting this for his boss, I don't care about anyone else.

Oh, and for his people, it appears Josh Rosza is gone too. I tried reaching him when I couldn't get a hold of Eliot, and got the same 'does not exist' shit for his number.


I think I'm going to head out and be destructive and possibly end up in jail. Wanna be my bail buddy?

Oct. 14th, 2023


I've seen enough of the spooky and supernatural stuff for a lifetime, so comedy movie fest Halloween Night. I might even make it a chick flick night. Any suggestions?

Oct. 12th, 2023


Any suggestions on cute baby costumes?

Oct. 9th, 2023


[please pretend this was posted up earlier in the day]

OK I'm not going crazy am I? There is literally no daylight?

Magicians Only

Is everyone doing okay here?


Do we still want to go out? I had been wanting to enjoy the nice weather and such but well...we could just enjoy the lack of moonlight? LOL

Oct. 6th, 2023


who → Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → spooky movie night
where → Physical Cottage, Quentin’s room.
when → Evening September 29th
warnings → none really, just watching a movie and snuggling


While hunting deer, I came across an animal I think is of this native to the planet. It's a predator from its movements. And fast. I was in the West end of the forest when I encountered it.


Sep. 29th, 2023


I bought myself a movie projector...I'm pretty sure someone around here was talking about a halloween movie marathon? Thought I might set it up outside and we can show a few of those every night in October.


Not that I haven't already been counting down or watching horror movies, but it's finally almost October. I didn't think this month would ever end. Also means closer to winter break and I can sleep in.

Sep. 28th, 2023


I am on a stand-up comedian kick, so suggestions?


Not the first time I've over done it with the training, but boy am I sore today. Since I plan on taking one tomorrow; what's your favorite past time on a day of playing hookie?

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