April 2024




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Apr. 14th, 2024



Please tell me you are on your way home. There's some crazy shit going down again.

Apr. 10th, 2024


who → Jonathan Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Quentin surprises Jonathon at work, then living room picnic
where → Electric Lady Night Club, then Home
when → Last Thursay, 4 April
warnings → none, just some fluffy goodness

Apr. 5th, 2024


Herbal Tea has become my new favorite thing! It's such a great way to feel like you're treating yourself, but not really. I'd like to find some new flavors to try; any fellow tea lovers out there that might have some suggestions?

Mar. 9th, 2024


Well, this isn't where I expected to be.

Mar. 4th, 2024


who → Jonathan Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Talking and cuddling
where → The Physical Kids Cottage
when → February 29, night time.
warnings → none really, just a small side of angst to go with the conversation.

Mar. 2nd, 2024


David is a great distraction away from grading these papers and coming up with reading material for my classes. He just loves to cuddle but also play fetch to give me a bit of a break.


Alright you guys. So we have a movie marathon coming up this month. It is back by popular demand, the decades movie marathon. So I would LOVE for your involvement. So give me a list of movies, I will put them in a list by years and then will pick at random to create the best movie marathon this month.

Feb. 28th, 2024


It's been a while since I actually sat down and read a book -- which is sad, because I'm a reader.

Recommendations, people. Give me them.

Feb. 24th, 2024


Beaver Tails! Oh my, those are sooo good. Especially liked the one with banana pieces.

Feb. 22nd, 2024


My girls are absolutely loving this winter festival.

I'm grateful they're still at the age where they enjoy spending time with me.

Feb. 16th, 2024


{please pretend this was posted Tuesday evening}

Feb. 1st, 2024


who → Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → Christmas eve celebrations
where → The Physical Kids cottage mostly, Main Street
when → backdated to Christmas Eve
warnings → none really, just magicians being sweet

Jan. 27th, 2024


Most days, I'm great here. I love my life, my job, everything I have going for me. But some days... some days, I do a lot of thinking about home.

Today was one of those.

Jan. 19th, 2024



School closed early, I waited until all the kids had been picked up so I'm on my way home now. Please tell me you are home and warm.


Good thing I grocery shopped before this storm started.

I will not be leaving my house until the ice is less...stormy.

The art store won't be open until it's safe for myself and my employees to get there.

We'll ensure everyone gets paid even with the store closed.

Jan. 6th, 2024


This is really, really not when I would've expected to end up.

Dec. 8th, 2023


My friend and me
Looking through her red box of memories
Faded I'm sure...

My memory box isn't red, but it did show up in Madison. I don't know how that happens, but I'm grateful. I've had this box since I was a teenager and it contains bits and pieces of my life over the years. Photos, ticket stubs, a bracelet my brother made for me when he was ten, postcards and everything in between. I have some pictures of my family now. I miss them so much. Especially this time of year. My mom has always gone all out for Christmas and she bakes all through the holidays. Everything from homemade bread to cookies and pies. I'd give anything to see and talk to them again. I love you guys. I hope you're all doing well.


Angeline and I are currently waging a war with the management at work.

They put on the Christmas playlist, we change it.

They put it back, we change it again.

Pretty sure the store manager's about ready to just give up.

Dec. 4th, 2023


I have decided Madison Valley needs to become more worldly in their traditions this month.

Which is why I am going to introduce everyone to Mari Lwyd. This will include a horse skull visiting your house, singing rhymes.

That is not even the best part.

The person inside has to sing back reasons why Lwyd cannot come in. If the person inside cannot come up with a valid (or enough valid) reasons for the horse skull to come in...

Then Lwyd gets to come in and raid your pantry and drink your beer.

Nov. 7th, 2023


Who: Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
What: Dealing with endless night by cooking breakfast together & reading
Where: Their home
When: Backdated to The Endless Night plot
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

I thought we were sleeping in )

Oct. 30th, 2023


Quentin Coldwater

Can you come to your room when you get home from work.
I need to talk to you about something.

So this is love )

Oct. 26th, 2023


Was having a conversation with a coworker last night and the subject of Halloween candy came up. Namely, what everybody's least favorite candy is.

Because really, people always ask about "Oh, what's your favorite?" Nah, tell me what that one candy you absolutely can't stand is.

Yes, I know half of you are going to say candy corn. Let's see what everyone else says, too.

Oct. 24th, 2023


Alright everyone. The movie marathon is going to be here before we know it. The abandoned building looks AMAZING. I just want to thank everyone that has been helping out. I really don't think I could pull this one off without you guys. I am putting the finishing touches on things and tomorrow I will be working on the movie list. Lots of fun will be had. Don't forget to wear a costume if you'd like as in the middle of the movie marathon I will have a costume contest with a fabulous prize.

Oct. 22nd, 2023


Note left on the pillow for Jonathon Sunday MorningRead more... )

Oct. 17th, 2023



folded & tucked inside a wrapped box beside the coffee pot )

Oct. 15th, 2023


For those who give a shit, Eliot Waugh is no longer in Madison Valley. I'm really only posting this for his boss, I don't care about anyone else.

Oh, and for his people, it appears Josh Rosza is gone too. I tried reaching him when I couldn't get a hold of Eliot, and got the same 'does not exist' shit for his number.


I think I'm going to head out and be destructive and possibly end up in jail. Wanna be my bail buddy?

Oct. 9th, 2023


[please pretend this was posted up earlier in the day]

OK I'm not going crazy am I? There is literally no daylight?

Magicians Only

Is everyone doing okay here?


Do we still want to go out? I had been wanting to enjoy the nice weather and such but well...we could just enjoy the lack of moonlight? LOL

Oct. 6th, 2023


who → Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → spooky movie night
where → Physical Cottage, Quentin’s room.
when → Evening September 29th
warnings → none really, just watching a movie and snuggling

Oct. 5th, 2023


So I'm just curious.

How many other people here are dead back home?

I know this place seems like it wants to be a second chance, but has it brought a lot of people back from the dead like it did me?

Sep. 28th, 2023


Overheard some of my students having this conversation and couldn't help finding the question interesting.

What's the most random skill you have?

Sep. 24th, 2023


I don't know about all this "rain" we're having today.

IS it actually edible? Cuz I mean, who wouldn't want a huge supply of cheesecake just landing in their yard?

Sep. 19th, 2023


Who: Melinda Halliwell and Quentin Coldwater
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Random meet-up (Match-up)
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None (will update if necessary)

Still lots to do for the movie marathon )

Sep. 17th, 2023


Does anyone have to read Lord of the Flies this year for school?

...has anyone read it before?

Sep. 5th, 2023


Who: Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
What: Comfort & cuddles for Quentin struggling with Teddy being gone
Where: Their home
When: Backdated to after the future kids left
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

The only thing that helped was knowing he wasn't going throug this alone )

Sep. 4th, 2023


Halloween movie marathon is going to quickly approach, I have found the perfect place and have began to start the cleaning process. It is an amazing abandoned building that will fit everyone's needs. Now the planning and the decorating can begin.

Sep. 3rd, 2023


Who: Jonathon, Quentin & Quentin’s son, Teddy
What: Making homemade pizza, Future Kid Plot
Where: Their home
When: August 17th (backdated for future kids plot)
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

Can I help, Mr. Jonafen? )

Aug. 26th, 2023


Yes, well a very wet greetings to you citizens of Madison! Unseasonable rain aside everything has changed in such a big way, yes?

Please to tell me if the hospital is in the same area?

… Yelena? Are you still here? I am too much worried my textings will jump back unanswered

Aug. 24th, 2023


Last week was probably the best week I've had since I've been here and this week has been a roller coaster of emotions. I started a new job this week, so I've been basically forced to get up and keep moving forward because I had to get through orientation and all the intake paperwork.

Thank you, Jonathon for being here for me. I don't know how much worse this would be for me if you weren't here. <3

Aug. 20th, 2023


who → Jonathon Black & Quentin Coldwater
what → movie night in the park
where → town park
when → Evening August 5th
warnings → none they are just being shmoopy Magicians on a date

Aug. 19th, 2023


netpost: Quentin Coldwater

I promised some people pictures of our dinner from last night. First one is Teddy's personal pepperoni pizza. He made it (mostly) by himself. Second one is our "grumps" pizza with carmelized onions, pancetta, mushrooms and extra cheese. Teddy wants to make sure everyone understands that he did NOT have anything to do with the "yucky" mushroom pizza!

Aug. 17th, 2023


This has been a different week, but it's been fun. I met Quentin's son Teddy and he's such a cutie and so sweet. Tuesday we went out for breakfast and had pancakes then we all went for a walk around Madison. Today we're making homemade pizzas for dinner then watching How To Train Your Dragon. I can't wait.

Aug. 15th, 2023


I've been emotionally? Stress? cooking and our house now has too much food, which is impressive with the amount of people now in said house.

Please let me know if you would like any of the following:
  • five turduckens
  • ten dozen cookies (of an assorted nature)
  • four full sized lasagnas
  • ten jars of homemade marinara sauce
  • pizza dough
  • two lemon vanilla bean cakes
  • four full sized coq au vins.
  • five venison meatloaf

    Our refrigerator literally can't hold anymore food. Free to a good home or good homes.

    And yes, I've added to the list and cooked more.
  • Aug. 14th, 2023


    Locked to Magicians (back dated to Sunday)

    SO long story short: Teddy is here. Yes, that one from that bubble universe where I had a whole family.

    I'm taking time off while he's here, don't mind me freaking out over this.

    Aug. 5th, 2023


    Guess who's back, bitches.

    Eliot, is my house still in one piece, or have you turned it into a frat house yet? My closet better be intact.

    Jul. 27th, 2023


    That was the best banana I have ever had in my life.

    I mean, I think it's my new favorite thing.

    Lois, where did you get the bananas this time?

    And man, the strawberries.

    ... this is weird.

    Jul. 26th, 2023


    I never thought I would say this, but I miss snow! I always felt more at home in those kinds of climates.

    Jul. 13th, 2023


    Who: Everyone
    What: This is a net-reaction post (you may make logs on your own, but we ask you keep wtf nets here)
    When: July 14
    Where: Network
    Rating: low (let us know if this needs to change)

    This isn't’ a cruise?! )
    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    Jun. 29th, 2023


    would it be wrong to start planning my Halloween costume now?

    Jun. 28th, 2023


    Why does Waldo always wear stripes?

    ...because he doesn't want to be spotted.

    Jun. 18th, 2023


    Who: Jonathon & Quentin
    What: post-drinking food & chats
    Where: local pancake house.
    When: backdated to after this
    Warnings: adult situations discussed, Q goes into detail about his history.
    Status: complete.

    Sure is nice to pile on some old pancakes and syrup after a night of beer drinking.Read more... )

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