April 2024




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Oct. 27th, 2023


Little Rachel and I are at home now and everything is well. We're happy to start seeing family and friends.

Oct. 21st, 2023


Well, that was certainly not the way I'd expected to spend my day.

I am thrilled -- and a little thrown -- to announce that Rachel Illyana Coulson decided to make her entrance into the world just a little bit early, arriving at 7:30 this evening. Mother and baby are both doing well.

Oct. 12th, 2023


I have been informed that someone wants to go as Taylor Swift for Halloween, and somehow I'm supposed to talk Bruce into dressing up as Travis Kelce. I'd have to know who this Travis is first! Help!

Oct. 10th, 2023


Another day with no daylight. Should we take bets on if the sun is coming up tomorrow or not?

Sep. 2nd, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

It's fun seeing all the "Back to School" supplies in the shops. I love stationery, so it's hard not to want to buy everything.

...surely I'm not the only one who has this temptation. It's not as if I need pencil cases or lunch boxes on a daily basis.


Bloody hell. Apparently, classes start next week. Raise your hand if you're at all prepared to teach the twats shit they don't know. Mine are under me chair.


One of my favorite memories as a kid was walking around with my mom and kicking the piles of fallen leaves. It's one of maybe five good memories I have I'm looking forward to being able to do that again.


Autumn wines are on the shelves!

Wedding plans are making me crazy.

Trying to get Morgan to stand still for a fitting for her flower girl dress is making me drink.


With school about to be back in session, and a new flock of kids at the daycare, I've decided to put together a couple of Pee Wee Football teams. I'll host tryouts at the park this weekend. Ages 4-6. All genders. No scoring because this is just for fun. No tackling. Tag only. We'll have at least 2 teams, but if enough kids show up we'll have more. Also, tryouts is only so we can make balanced teams. Everyone makes a team.


Serenity showed up! I woke up in my beautiful ship this mornin.

Jen, I know where I'm takin you for our date.

Aug. 30th, 2023


Who: Rhys and Sharon
What: catching up
Where: Rhys’s
When: early Aug.
Warnings: probably low
Status: g-doc

Rhys invited Sharon over for a drink )

Aug. 23rd, 2023


Ianto and I are getting married in October.

...yes, we were married once before, but Ianto was sent home and came back without his memories, so it's Jones-Harkness Wedding 2.0.

Blonde Doctor -- will you officiate again?

Wibbly-wobbly Doctor -- we're going to find something for you to do.

Martha. Maid of Honor again?

( Ianto Jones )

I love you.

Aug. 21st, 2023


It was nice to have someone round here who cares, even if she was from some other universe. At least one of the other-me's raised a kid good.

Back to the grind. At least until the next mindfuck.


Once again I'm surprised at how much I miss my daughter when I wake up and find she's gone. I'm guessing everyone's children who showed up recently have also gone?

Aug. 18th, 2023


( Sharon Carter )

You're getting married tomorrow! Are you excited? I'm excited for you. I asked Jason to be my date, is that okay?

( Jason Grace )

You're going to be the best looking wedding date I could ask for tomorrow.

Aug. 16th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

Amanda's back. She showed up this morning--jumping on top of me in bed with a squeal and a laugh. Looks like we've got a flower girl for our wedding on Saturday.

From the looks of the network, many of the kids showed back up again? And new ones this time around?

Aug. 6th, 2023


It's kind of hard to be annoyed about the lack of a sunset when I am so happy about something else. Ah well, guess it's good to find the silver lining in life.


It's a good thing I actually don't need sleep or this 'no night' thing would be a huge pain in the ass.

Aug. 5th, 2023


Anyone else notice that the suns don't seem to be setting?

Aug. 3rd, 2023


We have got 2 months until Halloween (well, 2.5 months but who's actually counting right?) I am still wanting to do a Halloween movie marathon. I just need the right location to do it. I'm thinking of an abandoned building perhaps and make it all spooky with a big screen and lots of goodies.

Jul. 29th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

Getting ready for the wedding. 20 days left, and then we'll be married.

It's both wonderful and insane at the same time.

[Private to Madison]
Are we ready? How about a Bachelorette party?

[Private to Alyssa, May, Kamala, Pepper, and Madison]
Oh my god. 20 days. It's really real.

[Private to Steve Rogers]
...I know it's a super strange request, but... Well, I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle at my wedding, and I was hoping you might.


( Friends and Family of Scott and Sharon )

Sharon and I are getting married August 19.

Plan to be there.

Or be square.

( Peter Parker and Ned Leeds )

I need both of you to be my best man.

Yes, both of you. I get two.

( Wade Wilson )

Would you rather be a groomsman or flower girl?

Jul. 26th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

Count me among those who received a job interview for a position that they never applied for. Though, after a long conversation, an extensive interview, quite a bit of research, and some soul-searching, I've decided to take a position at The Bureau.

I've already put in notice at the Winery. I'm going to miss it there very much, but I'm very, very excited about this new opportunity.

Jul. 24th, 2023


( Insect House )


Who wants to go to Naboo with me?

Or The Shire? Or Narnia?

Actually, I don't even care, let's go somewhere.

( Alyssa Gardner )

Do you want to meet for lunch? I miss you.

( Sharon Carter )

When are we getting married?

Jul. 17th, 2023


Who: Shuri and Sharon
What: cooking lessons
Where: Shuri’s kitchen
When: backdated to the 8th
Warnings: low, but possibly swearing.
Status: g-doc

We didn’t start the fire…or at least that wasn’t the plan )

Jul. 13th, 2023


Who: Everyone
What: This is a net-reaction post (you may make logs on your own, but we ask you keep wtf nets here)
When: July 14
Where: Network
Rating: low (let us know if this needs to change)

This isn't’ a cruise?! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jul. 3rd, 2023


It is weird not having my sister around. I do not even know if she is fine back home or not.

Jun. 30th, 2023


Are you fucking kidding me??

We lost both fucking therapists?

Jun. 29th, 2023


I think the thing I enjoyed most about the beach being here was the inspiration. I'd been looking for something new to draw.

Jun. 25th, 2023


I can't believe Madison brought us a beach. I know that it's not something that will be here long, but it's so beautiful.


You know, it's going to suck once we lose the beach weather. This weather is still nothing like what we got in Marais though.

Jun. 20th, 2023


My daughter has announced that she wants a pool. She knows how to swim, but still!


I'm feeling a powerful need to be with a woman.

ETA (after being chastised): Filtered to 18+

Jun. 9th, 2023


It's always so bizarre to be working on a project and have to stop because you are feeling flutters and movements in your stomach.

Phil, guess who can't stand the smell of paint?

Jun. 8th, 2023


Now I am in the market for a boat. Where does one buy a boat?

Jun. 6th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

It's weird: after getting engaged, I'm seeing engaged people and weddings and the like left and right. Like when you learn a new word, and suddenly find it in almost every article or book you read.

And I'm thinking that maybe it's time for me to learn how to cook.

Jun. 5th, 2023


Well, it appears that today just isn't my day. In the spirit of bikini season, I went for a run to get in shape, and I curdled my ankle on the sidewalk. So, looks like I will spending the next few days on the couch, so summer movie suggestions guys?

May. 20th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

I hope that everyone is enjoying not only the tulips, but the spring weather. It's a lovely day outside. Perfect for a picnic.

[Private to Madison]
He's home.

May. 19th, 2023



I guess I'm back. Sup, Madison Valley?

( Sharon Carter )

Please say you're still here.

May. 18th, 2023


Now that things seem to be settling down; ladies, who is up for that spa day?

May. 16th, 2023


Just a friendly reminder that the best month is arriving.


Pride Month.

I plan on celebrating by being as gay as possible the entire month.

It's what Ianto would want.

May. 13th, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

Trying not to panic here, but... well, Scott was supposed to come and meet me for dinner, and never showed. He's not answering his phone. I came home and his things are all here, but

He's not here. Has anyone seen him? Heard from him?


Who: Sharon and Madison
What: Wedding planning ideas
When: Early May
Where: The Bug House
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Weddings were seriously complicated, weren’t they? )

May. 5th, 2023


Who: Maddie Buckley & Sharon Carter
What: A random meeting
Where: Starbucks
When: This morning
Warnings: nope
Status: complete gdoc

Let me buy you coffee to make up for it )

Apr. 24th, 2023


Is there going to be an orgy this year?

I won't be going this year, but last year was pretty incredible.


This place STILL SUCKS for taking Ajax away. But...I'll get to see him back home, right?

Today I saw pink flowers for the FIRST TIME and they were SO PRETTY!

Don't worry - I didn't pick any! I just took pictures.

Here! Isn't it pretty??

Apr. 10th, 2023


[Filtered to MCU people.]

I don’t particularly want to have this conversation twenty times, so I’m letting you all know here:

My brother died last year and my mother was recently killed. I’m the Black Panther now.

I’m still coming to terms with everything.


Bruce and I are leaving for a much needed vacation. If you need anything at the winery, anyone there will be able to assist you. My phone will be in the capable hands of Darcy, as will my daughter. Not that I think anything can get through a portal, but I'm not taking any chances.

Apr. 2nd, 2023


Game Night!

New game time!

Okay, let's be real, we've played way too much Marry/Fuck/Kill the last while and we have so many new people.

So, I propose a new game. I bought this book.

Leave your name if you want to play and everyone can leave a number from 1-3000 for you to answer. But, if you leave a number, you have to answer the question too. I'll comment the questions as they happen.

Apr. 1st, 2023


Who: Sharon and Madison
What: Wedding dress shopping
When: Late March
Where: Bridal shoppe
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I think the employees of this shop might eat me alive. )

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