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Aug. 18th, 2020


Who: Anyone who wants to fight
What: The Battle of Endor
Where: Endor
When: Tuesday through Wednesday morning
Warnings: Violence? It's war.
Status: Party Post!
OOC Note: Please tag each other and don't just post a bunch of top levels. I will not have time to do threads with everyone. If anyone wants to NPC a canon character, shoot me an email or a PM on discord

~+~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 16th, 2020


Hello Everyone!

I am excited to notify you that there is a portal down by the river that leads to my world. Specifically, it leads to the capital city of Theed on the planet Naboo. There are cultural things to do, plus you can eat, shop, or rent a flying vehicle for a few hours. When you first arrive, go and see [Name] at [Place] and they will get you money that you can spend there safely.

For those of you who are familiar with my world, there is a war happening, though Naboo is fairly safe. However, since this is my past, I happen to know that there is a battle that will be occurring on Tuesday on Endor. If you would like to participate in that, I have arranged transport from Naboo that morning that will return us on Wednesday.

If you have questions, you can talk to me or Rey.

I would love to show you around my galaxy.


Who: Poe and Rey
What: Star Wars Portal
When: Sunday morning
Where: Near the river
Rating: no warnings

It was like all the tension left her, even for just a moment, before she was back to her normal self )