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Mar. 8th, 2018


Who: Martin Stein and Tulip O'Hare
What: Random run in
Where: In town
When: Friday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

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Mar. 1st, 2018


To not know my husband...my son or daughter? It was a nightmare. I didn't even know myself. At least, I didn't end up doing anything foolish.

Feb. 21st, 2018


During the Lunar New Year, my teammates and I would gather to play friendly matches of capture the flag. Of course, given our clearance, they were not your typical rounds of capture the flag.

There's something about running the flag through Lijiang's market while scientists pour over their research just a few stories up at Lucheng Interstellar.

Feb. 12th, 2018


So, I'm gonna be eating ramen noodles for the next week or sothen who knows what but I thought you should all know: If you have abilities of the super type the clinic can now handle you. Don't break my equipment, it wasn't cheap.

And you know, no more comas.

I'm gonna go pass out now, bye


When my parents were younger, there was a great war, one that was said to be the war that would end all wars, but it most certainly wasn't. My father joined the British army once the next war began, less than a decade ago, for me. I had some small semblance of hope that, perhaps this time, there would be no more after, particularly after the victory of the Allies a few years ago; however, I've been researching events I've missed in the twentieth century, and I see that this is far from the case. I'm not entirely sure how to process all the events that have occurred.

Feb. 8th, 2018


Meta-human Science Versus the Barrier... take one

WHO: Cisco Ramon and Martin Stein
WHAT: Meta-human Science versus the barrier... take one
WHEN: Recently
WHY?: Because sometimes, there is more valor in trying and losing than in not trying at all.
STATUS: Closed and Completed GDoc
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Feb. 3rd, 2018


Who: Family & Friends (and anyone who feels like crashing; it's a public restaurant!)
What: Family Dinner
Where: The Musain
When: Sunday (forward dated)
Warning: Probably low
Status: Open/Ongoing
Note: Pretend a network invitation happened

~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 2nd, 2018


At least now I know why the 'getting sick' feeling won't go away.

Thank you to everyone who's expressed concern. I appreciate it.

Feb. 1st, 2018


I'm back to my sexy self or older self.


It feels great to be me again.


Is it normal to feel completely exhausted after that?

Jan. 26th, 2018


What in the name of Lady Gaga is going on here? I'm pretty sure I didn't have hallucination/ bus to the middle of nowhere levels of alcohol last night. Like 92% sure. Maybe 85%.

Jan. 25th, 2018


Are you serious right now?


...Why did I age up? Is there a threat to the town?


WHO: Martin Stein and Leonard Snart
WHAT: drinks at verdant Conversation? gender confusion?
WHEN: After their conversation on the network
WHY?: Because fun!
WARNINGS: Who knows with these two.
STATUS: Closed and Complete
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Who: Martin Stein and Caitlin Snow
What: Catching up, and Caitlin learns some truths
Where: Caitlin's place
When: Last week sometime
Warning: Recent Legends of Tomorrow spoilers; otherwise, low
Status: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~ )


Role call for people who are the correct age, gender, in the right body, and have the right powers.

Mostly I'm curious how many of us didn't get hit with the latest round of weirdness at all.

Jan. 17th, 2018


Well, it took some major pushing, but I should be able to go home on Friday. I hate being stuck in one place.

Jan. 16th, 2018


This isn’t the life I imagined, or even wanted at all, but I guess it could be worse?

I mean, I guess after the last few years, a little bit of peace isn’t a terrible thing.

Jan. 15th, 2018


Well, well, look at me. Going on the straight and narrow with a legitimate job.

Jan. 6th, 2018


Snow angels. Cute.

Yeah, you wouldn't catch me dead out there.

Jan. 2nd, 2018


WHO: Death and Martin Stein
WHAT: Martin has questions, Death answers
WHEN: Recent
WARNINGS: Conversations about death
STATUS: Closed and Completed GDoc
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Dec. 31st, 2017


Who: Lenalee and open
What: Arrival
Where: center of town
When: Morning
Warnings: None, swearing/minor violence on her part
Status:inprogress, open

Dreaming comes so easily. Cause it's all that I've know )

Dec. 30th, 2017


WHO: Sara Lance and Martin Stein
WHAT: Martin arrives and finds his Captain
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Talk about character deaths; spoilers for Legends of Tomorrow season 3, episodes 8 and 9
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Something new, this way came )