April 2024




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Apr. 21st, 2024


...did I die?


Does anyone need help with clean up, or a ride home, or anything?


I think I'm going to book us that vacation. Somewhere hot and far away from people.

Apr. 18th, 2024


I don’t know who knows him here since he’s new, I think, but a guy named Zuko died fighting with my best friend.

I’m sorry.

Apr. 16th, 2024


[Number Nine]
Things are getting pretty weird. Are you okay?

With what’s going on, I felt like I should see how you’re doing.

Apr. 15th, 2024


[filtered from the under-16 crowd]

Most days, my job is pretty standard and boring. People order drinks, usually shitty ones, and we serve them up, get bitched at that they're wrong (when they're not) and then we remake them.

Sometimes we throw the drink at them, it happens.

And sometimes, I hear some gems. Like: 'The Rice Test isn't a to-do list, asshole.'

I had to look it up. You can find it here And since it was made in the 1980s, here is an updated version.

Sometimes, I should take the advice of my customers.


Well, isn't this all just fiiiine and dandy. I've been trying to do some research to get rid of these things and just coming up with nothing. Anyone have anything to share about them? Like how to get rid of them?

Apr. 1st, 2024


This is by far the strangest place I've ever been to. And I lived in the North Pole. It's a little overwhelming. I'm actually not even sure where to start. None of this existed there. And none of my friends are here, so I guess maybe start there? How does one ..acquire friends in this place? I doubt it'll be the same as go on quest to save the world?

..I have a guardian. I haven't needed a guardian since I was eleven.

Mar. 31st, 2024


WHO: Zuko and Katara
WHAT: A Discussion does not go well
WHEN: A bit After their arrival
WHERE: A park by the river
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”******” )

Mar. 16th, 2024


[Accidental Voice Post]

What - where am I? Is this - have I been kidnapped???

[sizzling sound, then a few moments pass. Then, text post]

Whoever kidnapped me, I'll make sure you regret it.

And what is this - I do not need a guardian.