April 2024




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Mar. 12th, 2023


I have a job!

While I homeschool.

But I'm excited to be working at the comic book store.

Mar. 7th, 2023


Guess who got some new books? At least now I have plans for the weekend; picnics everyday with Spirit so I can read outdoors. So, what's your favorite book?

Feb. 8th, 2023


Who: Lucky Prescott & Enid Sinclair
Where: The School Library
When: Wednesday after school
What: Meeting Enid in Person
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Borrowing more books )

Feb. 7th, 2023


Who: Lucky Prescott & Laura Kinney
Where: Secret Stash
When: Tuesday After School
What: Taking a little break
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Friends Day out )

Jan. 23rd, 2023


It seems like a nice day for a ride. Anyone want to come with me?

Jan. 15th, 2023


Who: Lucky Prescott & Laura Kinney
Where: The Stables
When: Saturday Evening
What: Time with friends
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

A Day out )

Dec. 14th, 2022


I don't like this....I've never been good with being cooped up and I am worried about my best friend.

[Private to Kurt]

I know it's not normal here, but can I go get Spirit and bring him home. He can sleep in my room and I will take him out for walks. But I don't like him being alone in that barn in the cold.

Dec. 13th, 2022


This snow is fucking bullshit. IT. NEEDS. TO. STOP!!!

Dec. 8th, 2022


Who: Lucky Prescott & Laura Kinney
Where: School Library
When: Thursday After School
What: Random Run in
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Actually liked school here.... )

Dec. 5th, 2022


Who: Lucky Prescott & Penny Kirkman
Where: The Lacrosse Field
When: Monday After School
What: A little Extra Practice
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

A little fun and work at the same time.... )

Dec. 2nd, 2022


Second day of snow and I'm already over it. Where's climate change when you need it?

Nov. 7th, 2022


Who: Lucky Prescott & Bobby Finstock
Where: The field
When: Monday after School
What: Lesson #1
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Always eager to learn... )

Nov. 6th, 2022


How am I already out of shelf space? I have so many books.

Private to Kurt

Would I be permitted to play sports in school?

Oct. 17th, 2022


Well looks like I will be starting school here as a freshmen and I will be allowed to play sports. Does any have suggestions? I am very atheletic and I would like an extra hobby aside from my horseriding and book club.

Oct. 14th, 2022


There's a haunted house!

Someone better go with me.

( Claudia Donovan )

Maybe you could take a break from work and go to the haunted house with me?

Oct. 7th, 2022


With Christmas right around the corner, I was wondering how people celebrate in this world? Is it still customary to give gifts?

[Private to Kurt]

I made a friend!

Oct. 1st, 2022


Casting Call for anyone who wants to help out in the Haunted House and scare people!

It's going to be SUPER FUN


Who: Lucky Prescott & Open
Where: That Book Place
When: Saturday Morning
What: A Fun Saturday
Status: Ongoing and Closed
Warnings: None for now

Super Excited little girl... )

Sep. 23rd, 2022


I have a small dragon that wants to set fire to our room. Somehow, I don't think my roommate or the owners of this place will approve.

However, it's getting harder to remember why I keep telling him "No."

Sep. 14th, 2022



but look, I had to find where everyone stored my decorations, decide where things were going, buy new stuff and figure it out if this year I was locally sourcing turkey skeletons or skipping that.

But Spooky Season is officially on. I shall be wearing nothing but orange and black and purple between now and November 1st. Pack House Members be warned, I have begun decorating.

I love Spooky Season.

Sep. 8th, 2022


Who: Lucky Prescott & Kurt Wagner
Where: Their house and then out shopping
When: Thursday Morning
What: Family Day out
Status: Ongoing and Closed
Warnings: None for Now

New things for school )

Sep. 5th, 2022


Figured this thing out, finally. Could anyone tell me where I am? Or where my horse and I can find shelter?