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Dec. 10th, 2013


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Finding a temp job, then getting a hot drink
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Walmart and the Coffee Shop
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 4th, 2013


Who: Harry & Thomas
What: Figuring stuff out
Where: Thomas' apartment
When: Now
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

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Dec. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Nursing his ennui
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Hinkle's
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


So what or who is determining who gets to come here?

Because this is absolute bollocks.

Nov. 26th, 2013


I hate cold weather. Like...really, really hate it.

Girls wear way too much, for one thing. It's like we go from a world of beautiful people to a world of bundled up snow bunnies. Not nearly as sexy.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Talk to me. You've been silent lately.

Nov. 15th, 2013


Whoa, this isn't even America anymore, man. At least not a civilized America because what exists between California and New York? Besides a whole bunch of corn.

Nov. 10th, 2013


Who: Justine & Thomas Raith
What: Talking about vampires.
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening, 11/10
Warnings | Status: Sex, nudity etc. | in progress

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Nov. 7th, 2013


[Filtered to All Vampires]

Okay, guys. I'm just going to ask you flat out.

Are you guys compelling people to do things - either to let you feed from or to get other things from them?

I'm asking because I've not heard anyone asking for blood bags, and I've also not heard any locals complaining. You've got to be getting your blood somewhere.


Who: Elodin & Thomas Raith
What: Match up!
Where: Everywhere
When: Anytime
Warnings | Status: None | in progress

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Nov. 3rd, 2013


Who: Ciel Phantomhive & Open
What: Ciel's classmates don't like him very much.
Where: A public park
When: Sunday, after church
Warnings | Status Bullying | in progress

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Nov. 1st, 2013


Attention: Refugees

Lissa, Georgia and I have taken your concerns into consideration and discussion. In response for a request of our intentions we're releasing a brief statement of issues we deemed important and will therefore address at the first Council meeting.

The issues follow as:
- Guardianship for those under 18
- The ban of magic
- Use of the hospital facilities
- New arrivals

1. Guardianship.
We propose that financially stable Refugees present become guardians for any new arrivals under 18 years of age. You'll also be given first priority if a member of your family arrives, financial status notwithstanding. In order for this to be effective we've determined that volunteers should step forward if you're willing and able to take on a child. You should tell us the age group you're comfortable with, if you're comfortable with magic users, and how many children you are able to care for. In addition, the children already present should be given a choice about coming under the guardianship of Refugees or staying with their assigned family.
2. Magic ban.
We're against the ban of magic as a whole and will appeal to the Council to remove it entirely.
3. The hospital.
We've agreed that our population should be permitted to use the hospital services, as the separation from hospital to clinic has split resources and left the city as a whole exposed to health concerns that effect us all, Refugee and local alike.
4. New arrivals.
Given the treatment by the city many of us receive upon arrival, we're requesting that one of our number be present during the initial welcoming phases with new arrivals. We need several volunteers to be on hand for this task as new arrivals appear in the city at any hour.

- Cesare Borgia, Lissa Dragomir, Georgia Mason

[Filtered; Georgia, Lissa.]
Volunteers to meet new arrivals:
Daryl Dixon - any
Karrin Murphy - morning
Molly Carpenter - night
Sookie Stackhouse - day
Roland Deschain - 4pm to 7
Katherine Pryde - any
Helena Wayne - Night
Tris Prior - any
Oliver Queen - day
Maria Deluca - any

Volunteers for guardians
Karrin Murphy - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Jo Harvelle - any age, 1 at most, magic +
Marius Black - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Clara Oswald - any age, 4 at most, magic +
Katherine Pryde - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Lucrezia Borgia - under 2 years
Alicia Florrick -

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Everyone!
What: Halloween party
Where: A rented hall
When: October 31st!
Warnings | Status: TBD | On going | IC/OOC

Hey guys! This is the official Halloween party thread. You may tag into it ICly and interact with each other, or you may tag it OOC and just tell us what your character(s) did or are doing for the night. The hall was officially decorated by Caroline, there's food with the appropriate Halloween themes, music and general entertainment. Justine did also add in a gaudy Halloween sign that says 'Happy Birthday Harry' and there will be cake. There is a costume contest, I don't know how you guys want to decide who won that, but go for it and have fun! Justine is also personally greeting everyone and handing out bags of assorted candy.

Happy Halloween!

Also, by mod confirmation, this thread is worth 40 points!


What does a vampire dress up as for Halloween? These human traditions are strange.


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Harry. Party tomorrow night. You're coming.


For those of you attending the Halloween party, would you feel more or less comfortable inviting locals to come, if they want to?

I, personally, think it might be a good opportunity to mingle in a less stressful environment.

Oct. 25th, 2013


I'm taking over management of the Halloween party Molly was going to throw. Everyone's invited, no matter your age. We won't be serving alcohol, but feel free to dress up. Thomas and I have picked out some prizes for a costume contest. I know it's ridiculous but we'll have fun with it.

We're pooling together money to rent a hall for a few hours, if you can pitch into that it'd be welcome. $5 will be enough, I think. Otherwise, we've got it covered.

If anyone wants to volunteer to help me decorate I will personally appreciate it. Caroline is decorating, take any and all ideas and volunteer questions to her, please.


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Worrying about Harry, etc.
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: The Electric Lady
WARNINGS: Possible sexuality, language, TBD

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Filtered to Harry

Hey, I got a call from Murphy. You okay?

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Let's have a discussion.

Roland seems to have touched a nerve, so I'm officially asking everyone here:

1.) Do you feel unsafe? If so, who/what group are you worried about?
2.) If you do, why? Please mention whether or not this feeling is colored by previous experiences in your own timelines.
3.) What are some ideas you have for alleviating this problem, that you think could be implemented? We all have ideal solutions, but let's focus on pragmatics.

If you don't feel comfortable addressing some of these questions publically, feel free to either tell me privately in some way or say you don't feel comfortable. It's fine, but if you don't say anything at all, even to abstain from answering, we can't know your thoughts and consider them.

In terms of ideas, so far there's been Roland's suggestion of a protective force (which I object to, but I'm one vote). I'd also like to suggest the idea of escorting people, or setting up checks of some sort within the community for those who are interested.

Oct. 21st, 2013


[Filtered; Thomas]
I may need you to shoot me with a nail gun several times in the next year.


I'd recommend that everyone here refuse to give blood samples. It's your constitutional right not to - if that's not unlawful search and seizure, I'm not sure what is. And even though you're not all technically citizens, there are international laws about stuff like that too. You guys have rights. They have no reason to suspect any of you for a crime, and if they do, they can go about it the way everyone else has to, dammit.

Also, I know there are a lot of supernatural creatures here. I don't need to know who you are or what you can do, I really couldn't care less. As long as you don't hurt anybody, and keep your asses off my radar, I won't have any reason to haul you in.

Break the law, and I'll be on your ass like white on sugar. Got it?

Oct. 20th, 2013


I'm not a fan of getting gifts from people I don't know. Technically, I don't even like it sometimes from people I do know. It can feel like you're being bought off for whatever reason and a pretty new phone, one thousand dollars and some shiny new apartment definitely goes into that category,

You can try to pretty up a kidnapping all you want but it's still a kidnapping. Which, sorry but I so met my quota on that already for this year.

Someone point me In the direction of Virginia and we'll just forget this ever happened.

Oct. 19th, 2013


Have you ever had one of those moments when shooting something would feel really damn good, and yet you're not sure what the right thing is to shoot?

I'm Karrin Murphy Chicago Poli- Special Ivestigat-, formerly of the Chicago PD, and I've just finished talking with the authorities here. I hope I'm right in saying that their explanations sound totally full of shit worthless?

And I see you on the network, Dresden. This was you, wasn't it?

Oct. 13th, 2013


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Making a mess
WHEN: Sunday afternoon/evening
WHERE: In town
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )


Harry's right, you know. I'm a dangerous girl.

And you should probably keep your distance, because I'm capable of terrible things.

Oct. 10th, 2013


[Filtered against Molly]
There's a 90% chance it's going to start snowing. And the building may or may not start burning in the next hour.


Stop being dicks, people.


Hey, how's it going? With Winter, and, you know, with getting us the hell out of here? People are upsetting Justine. I don't like her upset.

Oct. 9th, 2013


Congratulations, Georgia, Lissa and Cesare.

I hope we've done the right thing in choosing you three.


Why do people trust you.

Oct. 8th, 2013


I'm wondering if with all the new people arriving, if it might be a good idea to hold another sex talk soon.

What do you think, Justine?

Oct. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Vampires - If There Any (She doesn't know there are)

Are there any of you refugees that are vampires? I ask not to pry, but because... I need some assistance in a delicate matter.

Oct. 6th, 2013


Filtered Against the Council

Do you want to know what I think? I think before we start electing members and ripping to pieces each others theories on gun laws and the rights of illegal immigrants (which we are.) Perhaps we should consider ways in which we can help this community. Everything here is strained, with each of us that arrives it becomes more strained. Food, medical supplies, resources -- we need to consider the fact that this community isn't entirely self-sustaining and our time might be better spent making friends and giving what we can than drawing hard lines in the sand and making demands.

I'm not getting out of bed until Thursday. It's my own fault for deciding I could live on vodka and coffee for 48 hours. Could you bring me some tomato juice?

Or leave me to die, whichever you prefer.

Oct. 5th, 2013



There has been much discussion among us about the limiting of weapons and dangerous articles among the refugees. However, as we embrace the second amendment as much as any American, we are loathe to seize any weapons that you may have brought with you.

As we have been unable to come to any clear conclusion over what is to be done about this problem, we would like to meet with representatives at a time and place convenient to you. We are sorry that we cannot meet with all of you, but we feel it is better for security reasons to limit the number allowed in the council chambers.

So if it is possible, please choose - or elect - three representatives to come and argue your case before us on this matter.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Oct. 1st, 2013


Are they trying to provoke a revolt?

These people could use some lessons in politics.

[Filtered to Justine]

These people are dangerous. I don't like you working for them.

Sep. 18th, 2013


I have accepted that servants are no longer used in this place, but what of dressmakers? It is prudent that I have an appropriate wardrobe while I am here. I have seen the manufactured offerings in the stores, but I don't think my brother would approve they appear to be very flimsy. The colors and patterns are so beautiful in some instances, yet they reveal much more skin than I am comfortable with. It was more important that a woman keep her mystery in my century, perhaps.

I have money in this little card they gave me, if that will help matters.

[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

Cassiopeia Black has invited me to her home on Friday. Advise me, brother, for you know more than I about her family. I think she is worth knowing.

Sep. 15th, 2013


[Filtered; Thomas Raith]
Hey there pretty boy,

Let's go on a breakfast date at my place.

Except you don't have a choice, come over now.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Looking for a drinking buddy~ Mine seems not to have followed me to this lovely little town.

Sep. 11th, 2013


Who: Thomas & Justine
What: Talking about issues
Where: Thomas' apartment
When: Now
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

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Sep. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Justine

Guess what?


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Attracting attention - hey, he's a Raith.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: The Farmer's Market
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 6th, 2013


[Filtered against Cassiopeia & Cuthbert]
I have an employment opportunity for you. I lost my cook I am willing to pay a fair amount for house cleaning services and a cook, if you're willing.

The former requires naught but a professional attitude, and a willingness to listen to instruction. The latter I should like to sample your cooking before committing to the contract.

I don't have to pay a House-Elf but... Damn you all

If you're capable of providing both duties I'll combine the amount paid for your services.

Thank you.


[Filtered; Cassi]
You can come home if you just apologize
I'm waiting

Stop being so stubborn. Please.

Sep. 5th, 2013


Filtered from the Council

So, guys, as Justine stated yesterday, we're going to be holding some...classes, I suppose, on sexuality in the 21st century. Regular stuff about sex: how to protect yourself from diseases, how to prevent pregnancy, how to please your partners. This is going to be a really open sort of thing, and you can ask any sort of questions you like. Trust me, you can't embarrass me with questions about sex.

So, obviously, I'll be leading the men's group, and Justine will be with the women.

If you have any questions that you don't feel comfortable asking, feel free to filter them to me here.

[Filtered to Justine]

I got tested. Results in a few days. I also had to, uh, convince them that my blood was supposed to look like that.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I've given some thought to those from different time periods, and we've decided to hold weekly unofficial 'classes' to catch you up on current technology and cultural awareness for the 21st century. But that also made me think of the women and men who don't know about the availability and reliability of contraceptives here in Madison.

If you're not familiar with the concept -- they are things that may prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. There are different forms you can utilize to suit your needs, but I'm not any sort of resource to learn about them all and will defer you to local clinics or any physicians we have with us here.

But I can answer questions to a limited degree, and am willing to go with you to clinic appointments if you're terribly shy or nervous about it.

If you're already on something maybe it would be a good idea to see the travel.. didn't mess it up unduly.

Thank you.

Aug. 30th, 2013


Filtered against the Council

I am in need of a donor.

You will not be harmed and contrary to folklore, you will not be turned into a vampire. I'm an old vampire and do not require a lot of blood.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Man struck by car in Madison
August 28th, 2013
By David Johnson

MADISON - A pedestrian was struck by an oncoming vehicle Thursday afternoon, according to police. The accident occurred around 4:30pm on Clifty Drive.

Witnesses say the man, a reported refugee to Madison Valley, tried to cross the busy street when he was struck by the car. The driver of the vehicle claimed she had been blinded by sunlight and did not see him. She remained on the scene to speak with police after the accident. She was cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian.

A worker at a nearby 7-11 says he saw the accident, and tried to help the man until he could be transported to the local hospital via ambulance. The man sustained arm and leg injuries but is reported in good condition, according to Kevin Greene, a public affairs officer at King's Daughters Hospital.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


Jesus this thing's barely functional. How do you survive? Oh right, you don't. My bad.

Hi, my name is Shaun Mason, and I fully endorse poking cows with sticks.

Aug. 21st, 2013


email: justine to thomas

To: t.raith@gmail.com
From: jwilliams@gmail.com
Subject: No Subject

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Hi, I'm Leisha Camden. Some of you know me, but for those who don't, I'm an eleven-year-old girl from 2019.

I've been talking quite a bit to the other kids who are trapped here. I'm a bit reluctant to post this message because I know that plenty of you are going to say I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. You might be right. I don't know that. What I do know is that I've got something to share.

I've been staying at the church. If anyone's interested, it's a good place to stay. Safe. I'm an atheist, and not a wobbly one either, I'm sure that there's no God, but none of the priests have given me any trouble over it, and I haven't tried to hide it from them. The worst I get is people trying to bless me, and it's not like that hurts. There's food here. Not the best-tasting food, but it's alright, and we have computers and I'll help anyone study who's worried about missing school.

I've been reading the network very carefully. It sounds ridiculous of me to call the church a sanctuary. It sounds like something out of a bad historical novel. It is safe, though. Not because of any inherent sanctity or anything, but because the Council trying to break into a church would be a publicity disaster so bad it'd actually work in our favor. I've been talking to people here and none of us think they're that stupid. So if you're worried about coming here, don't be.

Now about what I've been reading. I understand that some people here might be dangerous. People have still got rights, though. If someone commits an actual crime, I think it's fair enough that we hold our own trial for them instead of relying on the Council's justice. For a number of reasons which I won't go into unless someone actually wants clarification. In the meantime, you've still all got your Second Amendment rights, and following that up by taking Harry Dresden's advice on protecting yourself probably isn't a bad idea. Defending yourself isn't wrong. Initiating force is. There's the difference.

I don't think it's at all helpful for people on any side of this debate to start acting all irrational and taking disproportionate steps, though. Do you know who benefits from that? The Council. We're all individuals and as anyone who's talked with me at length probably knows, I like a good debate myself. I'm not suggesting conformity or silencing tactics. People have got the right to express their opinions, regardless of how much I disagree with them, and to talk things out. What I am going to point out is that the more important we let these arguments become? The closer we get to actually fighting each other? The better the Council will like it.

I can see that. I'm eleven. You're all grown-ups and I hope you can too.


Aug. 20th, 2013


[Filtered to Justine]

You're still on my side, right?


Okay. Here's the deal. Vampires can influence your thoughts. It's called mind control and can really fuck you over if you let them. What that means is you need to practice control over your own thoughts. Most people suck at it, but it can be done.

I will not volunteer myself for this task because the Mantle in my current state. But if you want to practice, and you should, you can ask some of the other non-vampire creatures to help teach you. Those that come immediately mind include Carlos Ramirez, Fix, and Michael Carpenter.

If anyone else is okay at teaching this particular exercise volunteer, won't you? It'll help a bunch of people out.

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