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Nov. 6th, 2013


How many of you aren't working?

I'm wondering if it would be feasible to get a list of your particular skills to find related work, or do a workshop for resume building to help you find a job.

Not every place in town requires or will demand a blood test. If you need help finding work, I'll help you.

Nov. 5th, 2013


Who: Cesare and EƤrendil
What: Match up!
Where: St. Michael's
When: Tuesday
Warnings | Status: None | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Okay, I am trying to make up this pamphlet for newbie arrivals and have some questions for all of you.

What was the most helpful thing someone told you upon arrival?
What was the least helpful thing told to you?
What information would you have liked to have known upon arrival that you didn't find out until later on?

Answers, go!

Nov. 2nd, 2013


I read back a bit that somebody posted a few weeks back about what the things are that we miss here the most.

I was thinking, it being November, and the month of Thanksgiving and all, that maybe we should tweak that a little, and think instead about the things here that we're most grateful for. There's got to be something we like about this place, no matter how little it is? A person we have here that we don't have back home. Something we don't have to face here...something that just brightens our day a little.

It's not been easy for any of us, being pulled out of our homes and brought to this place, but maybe by thinking of something good that's happened to us since we've been here, we can kind of pull together? Or maybe that's just sunny Summer thinking.


I'm grateful for Lily, and I love Hinkleburgers.

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Everyone!
What: Halloween party
Where: A rented hall
When: October 31st!
Warnings | Status: TBD | On going | IC/OOC

Hey guys! This is the official Halloween party thread. You may tag into it ICly and interact with each other, or you may tag it OOC and just tell us what your character(s) did or are doing for the night. The hall was officially decorated by Caroline, there's food with the appropriate Halloween themes, music and general entertainment. Justine did also add in a gaudy Halloween sign that says 'Happy Birthday Harry' and there will be cake. There is a costume contest, I don't know how you guys want to decide who won that, but go for it and have fun! Justine is also personally greeting everyone and handing out bags of assorted candy.

Happy Halloween!

Also, by mod confirmation, this thread is worth 40 points!

Oct. 28th, 2013


Ah, how precious it is to find the earth under my fingers again, and to set my boots on Arda's shores. Lovely - and yet I fear it a fell thing that I find myself here.

This place is naught like anything I have ever looked upon in all of Arda, and I have seen not just the lands of Middle Earth, but the hallowed shores of the Undying Lands.

Please, where am I? They told me Madison Valley, and Indiana, but I know not of these places.