April 2024




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Apr. 1st, 2024


What the ever loving fuck is this?

Clean streets?

Buildings that are fully standing?

I'm no longer in Hell it seems. Angel? Charlie?

Feb. 1st, 2024


One of the things I’m most grateful for being in Madison is the lack of Cupids. Those unsettling bastards can stay where they are, thank you.

Jan. 31st, 2024


What sort of a place is this?

I've never seen anything like it.

Jan. 7th, 2024



I've sent flowers to Mary, but they were meant for you of course. So when you see them, I hope you think of me.

Dec. 9th, 2023


Dad's gone.

I'm...he's gone, Sabrina's gone, Trixie's gone.

Aunt Eve, Mom, Penny, Hope, and Jack, you better still be here.

Nov. 1st, 2023


Does...does the Dome generally cause a mass exodus?

Oct. 5th, 2023


So I'm just curious.

How many other people here are dead back home?

I know this place seems like it wants to be a second chance, but has it brought a lot of people back from the dead like it did me?

Sep. 2nd, 2023


House party for Labor Day! Everyone is invited. Feel free to crash. I have plenty of space.

Aug. 12th, 2023


Multi-Net Post

(ooc: because I have a lot, I'm putting them all into one here so not to spam the first day nets. I didn't do everyone and plan to do other things later!)

Doctor to Dream )

Doctor to Doctor )

Jack to Sam )
Jack to Six )
Balthazar to Castiel )

Lydia to Elijah )

Yelena to Natasha )

Donna to Dean )

Jul. 2nd, 2023


( Dean Winchester )

We need to talk.

( Balthazar )

Are you home?

Jun. 17th, 2023



We should probably talk

Apr. 6th, 2023


[Filtered away from kids under 14 because he's secretly not a monster]

If anyone wants an Easter Bunny to appear this weekend, I've heard Dean Winchester and Crowley both have volunteered to dress up and deliver fun for all the little children.

Mar. 4th, 2023


( Text to Victor Salazar )

Hello. My name is Shosanna, I hear you're new in town and that I am your guardian.

I just moved into a house at address.

Do you need me to find you?

( Text to Nate Ford )

I have a new house and a ward. I am a little overwhelmed...

( Identical texts to family and friends )

I have a house!

And a ward named Victor.

Feb. 16th, 2023


( To Balthazar, late Valentine's Day evening )

I may be late picking up Vivi, I hope that is okay.

Please don't introduce her to Caillou to spite me if she wakes up.

Feb. 11th, 2023


Well...this definitely isn't LA that's for sure...The name's Buck i'm new here

Jan. 27th, 2023


( Balthazar )


where are you



Jan. 9th, 2023


This month feels like it's racing by. It seems like it was just Christmas yesterday and now I see people planning for Valentine's day already.


Can we talk? About Vivienne. I'd like to spend more time with her and I hoped we could work something out.


DJ is spending the weekend with his friend, I was thinking maybe we can see a movie and have some dinner one of those nights. Or go to a bar and do 'going to get drunk' people things.


Jan. 3rd, 2023


Netpost: Sharon Carter

So far I haven't broken my New Year's Resolution. But we're only on Day 3. Keep your fingers crossed for me?

Dec. 4th, 2022


Why is there now a small village in Madison?

Nov. 6th, 2022


If anyone is bored or simply want great entertainment, the mayor appears to be compelled to tell the truth. A politician who can't lie is very amusing

Oct. 9th, 2022


Well. Isn't this...quaint. I'd blame Dad, but he's off doing only he knows what with Mum. Michael is safely emptying trash bins in Hell. So, color me curious about who is behind this.

Oct. 4th, 2022


I may have misplaced some people...

( Balthazar )

Have you seen Sabrina?

...or Pamela?

Sep. 3rd, 2022



Where the fuck am I? What kind of fucking afterlife is this?

Oh my god, I'm in Indiana. Oh my god, I'm STUCK in Indiana.

Clearly this is Hell.

Aug. 15th, 2022


The irony of last week is not lost on me.

Well played, madam, well played.

Please tell me you are no longer 'with child'

I am in need of several days of hedonism.


I was a Puritan!

And I was bad at it, too!

Aug. 9th, 2022


Who: Balthazar and Open (Open to reactions or you can also engage him in conversation if you want, just make it clear :))
What: Balthazar having an impromptu street lecture/sermon
When: Mid Morning
Where: Market
Rating: Medium? I guess it depends on how you feel about religious tirades, esp against witches

Mid-Morning Lecture )


Message delivered to Pastor Balthazar

It has come to my attention that you are having a witch problem. For a fee, I can make that problem go away.

~Geralt of Rivia, Witcher

Aug. 7th, 2022


Who: Aurora (Rory) and Balthazar
What: Balthazar is preparing for his sermon
When: August 7
Where: Their humble home
Rating: low

Miracle from God )

Jul. 22nd, 2022


Who: Balthazar and Castiel
What: Balthazar is being ‘accosted’ by the locals
When: July 14
Where: Skagway
Rating: low

God is terribly gay. )

Jun. 19th, 2022


If another person approaches me for an angel feather, I will smite them.

May. 4th, 2022


Oh good. What we all need has arrived.

If you were hoping to go to the Bonnie Belle for nourishment, you’ll have to look elsewhere since it appears a portal to the Titanic has shown up.

Thankfully no appearance of Celine Dion.

Apr. 29th, 2022


Guess who's having a baby?!!??!/?!?!?

Apr. 4th, 2022


Oh good. Spring Break is here as I can see all the children running around not stuck in school. Thankfully my job doesn’t require to deal with them on the daily.

Mar. 17th, 2022


For an authentic St. Patrick's Day greeting, dial [Sweeney's number].

[Sent to Sweeney's place]

This bear.
This only kind of Irish succubus.

Feb. 2nd, 2022


Doesn't anyone realize how pagany ritual the groundhog thing is?

Jan. 22nd, 2022


I know I didn't drink that much....and even if I did, I can't get drunk.

Jan. 16th, 2022


With Dean's permission of course.

I am excited and happy to say that Dean and I are engaged. He purposed while we were on vacation in Maldives. It was perfect.

Jan. 1st, 2022


How do I tell two angels that the coffee disappeared?

Dec. 24th, 2021


I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, to those who celebrate it.

( Balthazar )

You're going to watch Elf and Love, Actually with me tonight.

Dec. 2nd, 2021


Got myself a job.

At the Electric Lady.

So come visit the new half-angel who works there or something.

Nov. 7th, 2021


Last night was a doozy. If I hadn't pinched myself a hundred times already I'd think it was all a bad dream. One minute we fell asleep on the couch during Blooey, and the next thing I know we're waking up on a bench in town and being welcomed and given - I guess the welcome package?

Waking up this morning, I'm still here.

Weirder things have happened, I guess, but not in a long time. I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Nov. 2nd, 2021


So I'm 18 now. I think I might look into testing out of school.

Oct. 17th, 2021


Sam Winchester is gone.

I knew it was too good to be true...

Oct. 4th, 2021


( Balthazar and Lucifer )

I met the angel.


Well. My birthday is coming up again. I'll be eighteen. Last year my boyfriend went home right before my birthday so I'm a little not excited about this one.

Oct. 1st, 2021


[Lucifer and Castiel]

Did both of you feel that this morning? That there's perhaps another one of us around here? If it's Raphael or Michael I will disappear very quickly

Sep. 15th, 2021


Who: Everyone
What: Renaissance Faire
When: Wed 15 - Sun 19
Where: What used to be just a field
Rating: low

Huzzah to the Tipper! )

Sep. 2nd, 2021


What does it say about me that the closest thing to a date I've had was a bowl of Lucky Charms with a cranky Leprechaun?

Aug. 30th, 2021


I have to say, I was a little disappointed to leave Disney, but I had a great time with everyone. We'll definitely have to go again.

Aug. 14th, 2021


Well Damn! Sam? Dean? Are you two idjits floating around here somewhere? You better be, because I am getting too old to be dealing with this crap alone.

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