April 2024




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Apr. 4th, 2021


I do not look good in pastels.

This isn't funny.


Text to Kenny McCormick

>> I have feelings for you.

Apr. 3rd, 2021


You know, I thought I was going to make it out of this latest bit of weirdness unscathed, but nope! My sword is missing! Of course it is.

Really hope I get it back.


Which one of you douchebags slicked my floors down with Crisco? Almost broke my fucking neck. You're lucky I didn't break anything.


Alright, who took my knives?

Apr. 2nd, 2021


Who: Lydia and OPEN
What: Her purse is out of reach
When: Friday
Where: Near the high school
Rating: low

Flagpole Decoration )


Okay, not cool at all.

Who took Crescent Rose? It was in the apartment and now it's gone.

[Weiss and Qrow]
If either of you took it, I'm going to be very mad at you.


I'm going to assume the dome took it or I'd have to hurt someone based on what I keep seeing. Has anyone seen a journal it's black and the first page will be all in Spanish? It's my friend's and I really want it back.


Did someone really think having purple hair was going to be a big deal or something? Cause yeah, I'm used to having green hair so this is whatever. Try again, and maybe step your game up a bit.


I'm gonna kill whoever replaced all my white wine with vinegar. Some of my red wine has been switch with... actually, I'm not even sure what it is, but it's disgusting. It feels like that damn Mackerel is here but he's not.


[Separate but identical text to anyone he's ever slept with]
>> I love you.


Whoever replaced all of my coffee with decaf is not funny. I expect my coffee returned immediately.

[Filter to Hargreeves]
If one of you is responsible, don't think I won't kill you.


Who: Liz Parker and OPEN
What: Rough day at work (because Fae)
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Jendry’s Pizzeria
Rating: low

Pizzeria Disaster )

Apr. 1st, 2021


Real funny people. Writing "I see you" on my bathroom mirror in the steam is real mature. Also nice try with the baby powder in my hair dryer, next time try not to leave a mess and I just might fall for it.

April Fool's Day is so lame. Didn't care for it when I was alive, and that hasn't changed.


Okay, I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. It's not funny anymore. Honestly, it never was.

Who took my daylight ring? Fess up. Or I will seriously-


So the cap on my toothpaste tube is glued down tight and won't budge.

I thought it was the same thing that's going around fucking with people... BUT! I just remembered that I was the one who glued my toothpaste tube cap on so I wouldn't lose it like I did the last toothpaste tube cap.

You cannot simply buy a spare toothpaste tube cap without purchasing the entire toothpaste tube.


Great, I’ve always wanted blue hair. I hope it turns back to normal soon.

Happy birthday. I hope this isn’t your doing or I might just turn you into an ice statue.


This morning my hair was braided around the bars of my headboard.

Not very fun when I tried to sit up in bed!

Sam, Shosanna, do you know anything about it?


Most of my underwear is missing.

Oh my god, I think the Underpants Gnomes are here!


Is anyone else's voice suddenly squeaky?

I had to do the radio show today sounding like I'd been inhaling helium!


Welp, guess the Dome is up to its usual tricks. I currently look like I bathed in glitter this morning, and none of its coming off.

Also, my birthday is next Wednesday and I'm thinking of throwing a party. Who's in?


I went to bed with my normal hair colour.

I got up and took a shower.

So thrilled my hair is now teal.


Everything in the work fridge is now cream.



OK. Which one of you thought it would be funny to break into my apartment and tie all my shoe laces together?


Why is every piece of clothing I own now bubblegum pink?!


I know you didn't do this because you know I'd neuter you.


It took me an hour to work all the knots out of my hair. Some of them had to be cut out. I am not amused.


All of my shirts are suddenly too small.


Has anyone seen my hoodie?

[Filtered to Tandy]
You didn't borrow it did you? I can't find it.


All of my scotch got dumped...onto my clean laundry.

Thanks whoever did this.


Someone has taken my redneck wig! It’s one of my favourite wigs! This better not be your doing Vex

I need justice. When am I going to have an excuse to where my monster truck thong now?


Alright, who stole all the jock straps? Not all the boys might have had ‘the drop’ yet, but the rules are rules.