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Sep. 26th, 2022


Who: Kenzi and Xander
What: Exploring Wonderland
Where: a feast hall
When: [Backdated] Sept 1
Warnings: None
Status: closed/g-doc

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time/And every creature lends themselves to change your state of mind )

Sep. 22nd, 2022


Who: Yelena and Dieter
What: Exploring Wonderland
When: Sept 3 [Backdated]
Where: Near the feast
Rating: low

A Wonderland Date )

Sep. 19th, 2022


Who: Rhys and Amren
What: they find themselves in Wonderland
Where: Wonderland portal
When: Sept. 2nd
Warnings: They are the warnings

What fresh hell is this? )

Sep. 11th, 2022


Who: Chloe and Savannah
What: searching for the sword
Where: Wonderland portal
When: day 2
Warnings: low
Status: g-doc/closed

Did not have ‘finding a sword’ on my BINGO card )

Sep. 7th, 2022


Who: Alyssa, Ned, Peter
What: a feast.
Where: Wonderland feast
When: Sept. (Ivory’s feast)
Warnings: a little bit of chaos and brief mentions of violence

Trippin’ out, Spinnin’ around )

Sep. 5th, 2022


Luna Lovegood has disappeared.

She said something about Anakin getting lost in the portal and she had to go find him and now she is lost in the portal.

Who wants to help me rescue a witch and a Jedi?


Okay, I am trying not to freak out here, but has anyone gone to Wonderland and returned? Because Steve's been gone for a few days and I can't reach him on the phone and we're getting married in five days.

Sep. 3rd, 2022


Who: Alyssa and Bex
What: Aunt Bex meets her nephew and niece
Where: Wonderland
When: the first day of the Portal
Warnings: low
Status: closed/g-doc

”Meet )


Who: Alyssa and Kol
What: chasing dinner
Where: the feast Alyssa hosts
When: the third night (Sept. 3rd)
Warnings: violence/mentions of violence
Status: g-doc/closed

~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 2nd, 2022


Think I'm gonna skip Wonderland. Might remind me of some trips I had in the past.


Morgan wants to, and I quote "chase the white rabbit like Alice", and I can't tell if she knows what that's a metaphor for or not.


I am really, really, really, really tempted to literally go down the rabbit hole. Bet I could see again if I ate something.

Sep. 1st, 2022


Who: Steve Rogers and Shosanna Dreyfus
What: Wonderland!
Where: ...Wonderland.
When: September 1.
Warnings: Wholesomeness on Steve's part.

That'll be the day when I die. )


Ok, going to the art store was interesting. I feel like I should get my shield and go back.

Aug. 31st, 2022


Guess whaaaat?? A portal to my Wonderland opened at the art store, bitches!!

If you need me, guess you’ll have to fall down the Rabbit Hole, because I won’t be back while I can be home.


[ooc:assume it’s Thursday morning.]


Who: Hope Adams and Open (Multiples Welcome)
What: Hope is drawn to the portal
When: Sept 1
Where: Outside Galatea's Art Supplies
Rating: low

So much chaos )


Who: Everyone
What: Wonderland Portal
When: Sept 1-5
Where: Galatea's Art Supplies
Rating: low

Down the Rabbit Hole )