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Dec. 10th, 2013


When Wal-mart has to hire extra security at Christmas, something's wrong. And when that security ends up with a black eye and busted lip from getting an X-Box thrown at their head, something's really wrong.

Dammit, I should have broken both of their wrists.


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Finding a job at last...joy.
WHERE: Walmart
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking about Christmas
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Cafe Camille

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who turned our tea kettle into a Portkey?

And why did it bring me here, of all places?

Nov. 30th, 2013


Ladies, indulge this line of thinking for a moment, if you'd please:

Several of you have, at one point or another, assured me that I thought you couldn't do something because you were women. That strikes me as unfailingly stupid.

What makes you feel persecuted?

Nov. 26th, 2013


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking over her deal with the Fairy
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: The gym
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD/Likely none

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 18th, 2013


Who: Harry, Murphy, Nico, and Lily
What: More deals with Faeries
Where: Murphy’s apartment
When: Backdated, Friday 11/15
Warnings | Status: None | Complete

I don't believe in faeries )

Nov. 15th, 2013


Whoa, this isn't even America anymore, man. At least not a civilized America because what exists between California and New York? Besides a whole bunch of corn.


WHO: Karrin Murphy and Harry Dresden
WHAT: Eating and Talking
WHERE: Burger King
WHEN: Thursday evening
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 12th, 2013


So, it's pretty obvious that a lot of us have wildly different opinions about what's appropriate to post on the network and what isn't. Obviously we can't please everyone, but maybe we could come to some sort of agreement on what should and shouldn't be posted on the network (at least without an Over 18 filter)?

These are my suggestions, but feel free to offer your own.

Please Filter the Following to People Over the Age of 18
1. Graphic talk of sex.
2. Requests for sex.
3. Complaints about lack of sex.

Anything else? This isn't telling anyone they can't talk about this stuff, just trying to make everyone a bit more comfortable.


Don't make deals with the freaking faeries.

[Filtered; Fix]
Where the hell is Lily?


[Filtered; Murphy]
Okay. I'm just going to say it. I need help.


[Filtered to Karrin]

I went to watch football practice today.

Are you sure it's a good idea? It's not exactly playing to my strengths, is it? They're all like twice my size.

Nov. 11th, 2013


So I'm going to ask people who have more experience of this time period and its...education system than I do.

Joining a school sports team. Good idea? Or bad idea? I want to know what I'm signing up for.

[Filtered to Karrin]

School's okay. Pointless. But okay.


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Hey, hope you're alright.

The offer of coffee still stands.

Nov. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to the Over 18 Crowd, Jeez.]

Alright, girls. Georgia tells me that our variety in sex toys leaves much to be desired here. So, I'm going to be making a line of my own. And trust me, they'll be good. So if you'd be interested, just send me a message here (private if you're shy), and I'll get you taken care of.

Also, since Georgia reminded me, I'll just put it out there for everyone. Don't sleep with us. There's at least a decent chance you'll turn into a zombie if you do. We're all infected, even though it's dormant. That's me, Georgia, Shaun, Daryl, Carol and Beth. No matter how hot we are (and we are), keep it in your pants.

That said, computers are fun. Who wants to see me naked?

Nov. 7th, 2013


[Filtered to Leisha]

Hey, kid, what's up?


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

So...I have a kid. She's fifteen, and a little creepy.

Nov. 6th, 2013


Right, so, I'm not a cop here. And since trying to get an official job here will require a blood test, I'm not going to be a cop here.

Which is okay. I guess

So I guess my question is...what do people need help with? I don't like just sitting at home. I'd like to help in a way that isn't...abrasive.

I hate having nothing to do
Makes me think too much

Nov. 5th, 2013


What the hell?

I have had it with being kidnapped!

Nov. 2nd, 2013


I read back a bit that somebody posted a few weeks back about what the things are that we miss here the most.

I was thinking, it being November, and the month of Thanksgiving and all, that maybe we should tweak that a little, and think instead about the things here that we're most grateful for. There's got to be something we like about this place, no matter how little it is? A person we have here that we don't have back home. Something we don't have to face here...something that just brightens our day a little.

It's not been easy for any of us, being pulled out of our homes and brought to this place, but maybe by thinking of something good that's happened to us since we've been here, we can kind of pull together? Or maybe that's just sunny Summer thinking.


I'm grateful for Lily, and I love Hinkleburgers.


WHO: Karrin Murphy and Shaun Mason
WHAT: Looking at bikes, and going shooting
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: Suzuki Dealership
STATUS: Ongoing/Match-up!

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 1st, 2013


Attention: Refugees

Lissa, Georgia and I have taken your concerns into consideration and discussion. In response for a request of our intentions we're releasing a brief statement of issues we deemed important and will therefore address at the first Council meeting.

The issues follow as:
- Guardianship for those under 18
- The ban of magic
- Use of the hospital facilities
- New arrivals

1. Guardianship.
We propose that financially stable Refugees present become guardians for any new arrivals under 18 years of age. You'll also be given first priority if a member of your family arrives, financial status notwithstanding. In order for this to be effective we've determined that volunteers should step forward if you're willing and able to take on a child. You should tell us the age group you're comfortable with, if you're comfortable with magic users, and how many children you are able to care for. In addition, the children already present should be given a choice about coming under the guardianship of Refugees or staying with their assigned family.
2. Magic ban.
We're against the ban of magic as a whole and will appeal to the Council to remove it entirely.
3. The hospital.
We've agreed that our population should be permitted to use the hospital services, as the separation from hospital to clinic has split resources and left the city as a whole exposed to health concerns that effect us all, Refugee and local alike.
4. New arrivals.
Given the treatment by the city many of us receive upon arrival, we're requesting that one of our number be present during the initial welcoming phases with new arrivals. We need several volunteers to be on hand for this task as new arrivals appear in the city at any hour.

- Cesare Borgia, Lissa Dragomir, Georgia Mason

[Filtered; Georgia, Lissa.]
Volunteers to meet new arrivals:
Daryl Dixon - any
Karrin Murphy - morning
Molly Carpenter - night
Sookie Stackhouse - day
Roland Deschain - 4pm to 7
Katherine Pryde - any
Helena Wayne - Night
Tris Prior - any
Oliver Queen - day
Maria Deluca - any

Volunteers for guardians
Karrin Murphy - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Jo Harvelle - any age, 1 at most, magic +
Marius Black - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Clara Oswald - any age, 4 at most, magic +
Katherine Pryde - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Lucrezia Borgia - under 2 years
Alicia Florrick -


I heard on the police scanner that they caught the guy who beat up Fix. Arrested him.

I thought everyone should know that - the police did what they were supposed to do, even when it came to protecting one of us.

I don't know what's going on with this kid that Dresden brought home last night, but I'm of the opinion that we need to step up and make sure they don't make those mistakes before they even happen. We need to be proactive on this, instead of sitting back and letting them have the first move.

I think we need to...be more involved with the process of arrivals, too. We need to be more proactive on this, instead of sitting back and letting them have the first move.

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Everyone!
What: Halloween party
Where: A rented hall
When: October 31st!
Warnings | Status: TBD | On going | IC/OOC

Hey guys! This is the official Halloween party thread. You may tag into it ICly and interact with each other, or you may tag it OOC and just tell us what your character(s) did or are doing for the night. The hall was officially decorated by Caroline, there's food with the appropriate Halloween themes, music and general entertainment. Justine did also add in a gaudy Halloween sign that says 'Happy Birthday Harry' and there will be cake. There is a costume contest, I don't know how you guys want to decide who won that, but go for it and have fun! Justine is also personally greeting everyone and handing out bags of assorted candy.

Happy Halloween!

Also, by mod confirmation, this thread is worth 40 points!


What does a vampire dress up as for Halloween? These human traditions are strange.


For those of you attending the Halloween party, would you feel more or less comfortable inviting locals to come, if they want to?

I, personally, think it might be a good opportunity to mingle in a less stressful environment.

Oct. 29th, 2013


I don't know what kind of a delaying tactic this is supposed to be or who's responsible but I need to be in court in a few hours. In Chicago.

Making arguments about my residency status? Really bad idea. It's not like the press aren't going to love that, you do realize...

Why can't I place calls to Illinois? Something's wrong with my phone. Both my phones.

Oct. 28th, 2013


Looks like a bunch of people arrived overnight.

Are there any theories of why some days bunches of people arrive, and on other days none at all?

Oct. 27th, 2013


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]


Dresden, I'm done with the information you gave me.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Giving offerings to vagrant dead.

I'm not sure I hold with that. It only encourages them not to move on, say true.

Oct. 25th, 2013


I'm taking over management of the Halloween party Molly was going to throw. Everyone's invited, no matter your age. We won't be serving alcohol, but feel free to dress up. Thomas and I have picked out some prizes for a costume contest. I know it's ridiculous but we'll have fun with it.

We're pooling together money to rent a hall for a few hours, if you can pitch into that it'd be welcome. $5 will be enough, I think. Otherwise, we've got it covered.

If anyone wants to volunteer to help me decorate I will personally appreciate it. Caroline is decorating, take any and all ideas and volunteer questions to her, please.


No Council

So there are a lot of us here now.

And there's been a great deal of focus on our differences, the things we don't like about each other, the things we fear about each other and the council.

But what there hasn't been is much discussion about things we may have in common. Things we may have in common include missing people or things from back home. Here's my challenge to you: what do you miss most about home?

I miss my mother.


I took Georgia's advice and spent most of yesterday on the computer reading the networks back since people started arriving here in July. So I've got some sort of idea of what's going on here, at least vaguely. And I apologize to those of you I offended or frightened with my words - I didn't realize how terrible this place had been to those of you with supernatural inclinations. It makes sense you'd react the way you did.

So. Let me start over. I'm Karrin Murphy. I used to be an officer with the Chicago Police Department, in the Special Investigations department. We looked over crimes committed by supes, against supes, and so on. Those supes who obeyed the law - which I'd assume is most of them - were either allies of mine, or completely under my radar. I have nothing against law abiding citizens, whether they're supernatural or not. My problem is with those who break the law and hurt other. If you're not one of them, then my warning certainly doesn't apply to you.

Reading over everything, I was thinking that maybe we need some sort of, uh, sub-council? Something where people can reach a sort of consensus on what we want before Georgia, Lissa and Cesare take it to the City Council. I don't think we need elections; there just aren't enough of us to warrant that. But maybe...we should have something like Town Hall meetings? Where everyone can just show up and tell Georgia what we think? Maybe it'll take some pressure off of her. I'm not a politician, so someone else is welcome to come up with details, but anything we can do to make our reps' job's easier would be good.

Just an idea. I'm open for suggestions, etc.


I'm sorry, I was a bitch yesterday. I didn't have any idea what had gone on here.

Oct. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I went over those papers you gave me and looked some stuff up at the library. Also did as Georgia said and looked back over the last few months of network posts.

A large percentage of the refugees are supernatural. Way more than average. Way more than twice average. What do you make of it?


I have an important announcement to make!

Coke is better than Pepsi. I've consumed enough of both now to know for sure.

Probably a bad idea, though. The computers at home probably can't handle creating it. My father told me the story of how he very nearly broke one of them trying to get Earth tea.

I'd try Earth tea here, but when I looked there were so many different kinds and I have no idea which one he meant.


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Exploring
WHERE: The Library
WHEN: Thursday morning
WARNINGS: Spoilers to Cold Days, TBD
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered away from all vampires, werewolves, and supernatural creatures except for Harry Dresden]

[Filter changed to OPEN TO ALL]

So, what is it we're looking at here? It seems from reading that there's some big problem between magical and non-magical people. Do we have a list of what's here? What isn't? Weaknesses? Strengths? I'm not asking for any reason other than it's good to have the knowledge and to know what's going on. The more we know, the less we fear.


Let's have a discussion.

Roland seems to have touched a nerve, so I'm officially asking everyone here:

1.) Do you feel unsafe? If so, who/what group are you worried about?
2.) If you do, why? Please mention whether or not this feeling is colored by previous experiences in your own timelines.
3.) What are some ideas you have for alleviating this problem, that you think could be implemented? We all have ideal solutions, but let's focus on pragmatics.

If you don't feel comfortable addressing some of these questions publically, feel free to either tell me privately in some way or say you don't feel comfortable. It's fine, but if you don't say anything at all, even to abstain from answering, we can't know your thoughts and consider them.

In terms of ideas, so far there's been Roland's suggestion of a protective force (which I object to, but I'm one vote). I'd also like to suggest the idea of escorting people, or setting up checks of some sort within the community for those who are interested.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


As an ex-police officer, I'd like to say that despite my words of a few days ago, we should do our best to follow the laws as they're written. If we have problems with what's going on, then we should go about changing these laws in the way the political system offers - through our representatives, such as Miss Mason.

I'm not supporting any sort of vigilante action. This is a strange place, and a strange set of circumstances, but it's still America, and I still believe in the political system here. Let's let it do what it's supposed to do.

As has been said, if we try to create some sort of armed force, we're only going to end up scaring people in governance, which isn't going to get us anywhere.


You want to get a drink? I could use one.

Oct. 21st, 2013


How about some snow?


I'd recommend that everyone here refuse to give blood samples. It's your constitutional right not to - if that's not unlawful search and seizure, I'm not sure what is. And even though you're not all technically citizens, there are international laws about stuff like that too. You guys have rights. They have no reason to suspect any of you for a crime, and if they do, they can go about it the way everyone else has to, dammit.

Also, I know there are a lot of supernatural creatures here. I don't need to know who you are or what you can do, I really couldn't care less. As long as you don't hurt anybody, and keep your asses off my radar, I won't have any reason to haul you in.

Break the law, and I'll be on your ass like white on sugar. Got it?


I didn't exactly question it because I figured I was just dreaming. And the opportunity to take a shower was far too enticing and it was nice to actually sleep on a bed but I'm starting to think that this isn't a dream.

It feels like nothing was really explained or anything and I'm starting to freak out a little. As much as my sister is going to freak out when they find that I'm gone. And I'd kind of like to go back now.

Oct. 20th, 2013


I wish to clarify that I don't actually consider dying here to be a solution to any of the problems we face. I'd so hate for anyone to take seriously what I said in a rather fevered state.

To those concerned: I'm feeling a little better today. I still haven't witnessed any torture or other reprehensible behavior at the clinic, although I took the necessary steps to ensure I wouldn't be a victim in any case and I did manage to stay lucid enough that I haven't got any gaps this time.

I'm hoping to return home by midweek, and visitors will be welcome from then onward; please do telephone ahead

Oct. 19th, 2013


WHO: Karrin Murphy and Harry Dresden
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
WHAT: Meeting and figuring out what's going on
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low

~+~+~+~ )


Have you ever had one of those moments when shooting something would feel really damn good, and yet you're not sure what the right thing is to shoot?

I'm Karrin Murphy Chicago Poli- Special Ivestigat-, formerly of the Chicago PD, and I've just finished talking with the authorities here. I hope I'm right in saying that their explanations sound totally full of shit worthless?

And I see you on the network, Dresden. This was you, wasn't it?


Hi, my name's Harry Dresden. I've been a wizard since I was 10.

And this freaking bubble is pissing me off. Wizard-mode engaged, I'm about to do what I do best: formulate really bad plans.

First guess was that the barrier was a mutated version of thaumaturgy. Which in wizard speak means that if you do something on a small scale and feed enough energy into it it'll happen on a large scale. Think a map of Indiana with a circle around Madison Valley and something funneling energy into maintaining the integrity of the circle. Except the actual effects are happening to us here. The types of things that can bring us here and feed energy into a circle that big means we should just quit life while we're still breathing because we're screwed.

Second guess was a magic circle. If you wanna see a demonstration of that my apprentices or I can show you. The center's the focus and used to contain things, or sometimes keep them out. But there are mortals here who can't get passed it, and that breaks every law of magic that I know and understand. If there are any practitioners who have a different experience it's time for show and tell, kids.

Who wants to show and tell anyway? Most people go out on Friday nights, I wanna play with your magic. Sue me.

Anyway. I was theorizing that we have a series of different practitioners and science types who understand the laws of physics and energy manipulation to some degree. So, maybe we could combine our strength and funnel energy into the barrier to knock it down. Depending on the spellcrafting. I've been testing the stupid barrier and a lot of magic gets absorbed, but the physical objects get thrown back with equal force.

The problem being that if the spell is reflected instead of absorbed, the expansion of energy will level a good portion of the area. If not the whole town. To counter that though, we could do a working where the barrier meets the river. Since I heavily suspect that's the weakest point. We can ground the reflecting energy out into the river itself, since water washes away energy.

Grounding energy into the earth would probably cause a quake and knock some buildings down or something. Not eager to do that. I have a clean record so far.