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Feb. 17th, 2015


[Filtered to Mac and Gunn]

With Wes down at the clinic and Veronica unconscious at my place, I need you both to tell me immediately if you're feeling any signs of this, okay?

I wish you wouldn't expose yourselves, but I think I know you both better than to think you won't. So all I can ask is that you let me help you when you need me.

[Filtered to Raven]

Don't overwork yourself. I mean it.

[Filtered to Spike]


Feb. 7th, 2015


Who: Angel and Spike
What: Angel's got something he wants to discuss. So does Spike.
Where: WAMM Rooftop
When: Late Friday/Early Saturday
Warnings: Discussion of vampire lore
Status: Closed/Complete

Just one thing. If you want to pretend for the humans, fine. I'm sure they'd prefer it. I don't. )

gdoc continued in comments

Feb. 6th, 2015


Filtered to Spike

I have something I want to run by you.

Free later?

Jan. 19th, 2015


Filtered to Spike

I need you to watch the kids tonight. All of them.


Who: Spike, Angel and their kid, Will.
What: A family moment that eventually goes awry because this is Spike and Angel, after all.
Where: WAMM roof.
When: Sunday right after sundown.
Warnings: Nothing out of the ordinary for them.
Status: Closed/Complete

Papa says lotsa bad words. I like bloody hell. )

Jan. 15th, 2015


Who: Angel and Will Pratt and Spike
What: Re-meeting the tiny hurricane that is Will Pratt
Where: WAMM
When: Late Morning, Thursday. Not long after this
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/Complete

Has he broken anything yet? )

Jan. 2nd, 2015


Filtered to Spike

Interested in trying something new?

Dec. 14th, 2014


Who: Angel and Spike
What: Serious talks and revelations about the state of things...all with plausible deniability, of course.
Where: WAMM Rooftop
When: Late Saturday Night/Sunday Morning
Warnings: Their usual, without the violence
Status: closed/complete

Every once in a while, someone'll surprise you. )

Dec. 13th, 2014


Text to Spike

>> Harris spilled your supposed coming...death.
>> Thought I should let you know. Buffy's probably going to want to talk to you.

Jun. 11th, 2014


Who: Spike/WtB and Angel/us
What: Something Completely Different: Spike’s dreaming about the past, but it’s not exactly the one he remembers. Meanwhile, Angel senses something's not right.
Where: Spike’s Apartment/WAMM Rooftop; The Villa Ludovisi, Rome
When: Wednesday Pre-Sunrise; 1885 (sort of)
Warnings: Angelus. Sadism, torture, abuse, blood drinking/major vampire shenanigans. Dreamscape and confusion.
Status: Log/Complete

There were holes in you/the kind that I could not mend )

May. 26th, 2014


Who: Angel and Spike
What: Angel takes a break to ask Spike something. They converse amicably. Almost.
Where: Spike’s Apartment
When: Memorial Day
Warnings: Angel & Spike, awkwardness, language, and frustrated inner monologues.
Status: Closed Log/Complete

the urge to fight him -- maybe even bite him -- simmered beneath his control | It was like there was something inside of him trying to claw its way out to the surface )

May. 10th, 2014


Who: Angel and Spike
Where: WAMM Investigations -- Training Room
When: Extremely late night/early morning Friday/Saturday
What: Angel and Spike spar and things get heated. They argue about Buffy, souls, and everything in between (namely, each other).
Warnings: Angel & Spike shenanigans entailing violence, unspoken emotions, a lot of blame, and allusions to their ~history. Vampire things. Mentions of blood. Language.
Status: log; complete

And I'm sorry, did you want me to get on my knees and thank you? )

May. 3rd, 2014


Filtered to Spike

[Filtered to Spike]

Now that I don't have sleeping humans in the building, up for a real spar this week?

I could use one before my early morning patrols. Any night is fine. Haven't used the rapier yet.

And maybe you'll actually be honest for once.

Apr. 24th, 2014


[Filtered to Spike]

I have news for you.

Apr. 1st, 2014


WHO: Angelus and Spike
WHERE: St. Patrick’s Cemetery
WHEN: Very early hours Tuesday
WHAT: Spike tracks down Angelus, who is not happy about what's happened to his boy.
WARNINGS: Violence/Vampire shenanigans. No, really. Vampire history is now a warning.
STATUS: log; complete

It didn’t take long for him to sense the presence of his own.  )