April 2024




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Mar. 29th, 2023


I keep getting little ads in my mailbox for lawncare since Spring is just around the corner only I live in an apartment. And don't you know it, they called me too? Not sure if they think I'm just a big ol' liar or what, but they said they'd call me back after I 'thought about it' even after I explained I have no lawn to care for.

Maybe they're just a lonely bunch who need to talk or something

Mar. 23rd, 2023


Now, I am cranky! Don't mess with my coffee machine.

Mar. 22nd, 2023


They destroyed my new waffle maker.

I want to cry.

Mar. 7th, 2023


School isn't a complete crap show. At least there's lacrosse here. Is there anything else to do?

Mar. 6th, 2023


Who: Scott McCall and Derek Hale
What: Having a chat
When: Dinner Time
Where: Hinkles
Rating: low

Two Werewolf Specials Please )

Mar. 1st, 2023


Note to self: Wear shoes when going outside to check the mail.

[Private to Derek]

I saw that your son showed up; if either of you need any help settling in or you just need someone to talk to, I am always here.


[Text to Derek Hale]
Derek, this is Allison. There's a teenager on the network here who says he's your son. I don't know what time you came from, but if you need me to pick him up if you need to take a minute or something, that's fine, just let me know.


[Sent to every person from Beacon Hills]

I was just on the lacrosse field at night, and now I'm in front of a Target store in the afternoon. In the past.

Help? Dad? Scott?

[spoilers for TW movie within]