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Aug. 7th, 2018


After taking all of yesterday to settle in I decided it was a good idea to introduce myself on here seeing as how this seems to be how a lot of people keep in touch here. I'm Claire, I'm not entirely sure what to make about being trapped somewhere with no way out but given some of the things I've been through in the last couple of years this is probably going to be fairly easy in comparison.

Jul. 23rd, 2018


WHO: Kaleb Krychek and Sarissa
WHERE: Sarissa’s home
WHEN: Sunday, July 8 (backdated)
WHAT: The end of times?!
STATUS: Closed; log; on-going (continuing in comments)

... )

Jul. 15th, 2018


Well not going home is good.

Being here is good.

So there's that.

I hope you are well?

Jul. 11th, 2018


I'm really bad with things like this. With what's happening and stuff. It's just [...] it's hard.

If we're going to be sent home, part of me is okay with that. I mean, I've had some really great experiences here. I know I won't remember them, but just know that I'm glad I met a lot of people here. I'm glad I got to see what life is like in such a different place.

Even with all the crazy things that happen thanks to the Dome, the good and the bad, I've learned a lot about myself. So, thank you for that.

[Clark Kent]
I'm really going to miss you. I meant when I said that if I couldn't have my parents, you were the next best thing. Thank you for taking me in and just being the best guardian I could ask for.

[Carlos de Vil]
I know we won't remember each other, but don't be afraid to be you, okay? You're super cool and I bet you're going to do great things!

Thanks for taking care of Warren. You're probably the best thing that happened to him.

[Elena Alvarez]
I'm sorry we didn't get more time to hang out and get to know each other more. I totally wanted to hear more about your adventures at that Comic Con and everything.

Jul. 7th, 2018


I see that this location has once again provided an unusual ... twist to our lives.


Does this addition of a countdown clock provide evidence that someone is ultimately conducting an experiment with all of us? I believe it proves my theory. And as this location is about to cease to be, in my opinion, that means that there should be no worries over experimenting on separating you from the Mantle. As you will not have the opportunity for relief without my skills therefore you should have the opportunity to experience relief for some time.

Jul. 3rd, 2018


WHO: Fix and Sarissa
WHAT: Awkwardness
WHEN: Backdated to Fix's arrival
WHERE: Sarissa's
WARNINGS: Nah, not really
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 2nd, 2018


While it was ... difficult in many regards ... I really did enjoy letting loose a little with those demons. even if they tempted... I do hope we never need to do so again, but, fighting felt good.

How are you faring?

Jun. 25th, 2018


This...is not Demonreach.


I have found that I am missing the physical exertions that were available at home. Much of that physical release came from mental skills that I was able to explore. I believe that there is a combination of both that may be available to myself at this location. So therefore, I am soliciting the populace here to see if there are construction employment opportunities available. Where are the best locations to find such things?

Thank you for your support.

To Sarissa
How do your ruminations progress?

Jun. 21st, 2018


Where is my knight?


[Delivery for: Sarissa]
Happy Summer Solstice! I grew this myself with a little help from my powers.


The note is attached to an orchid in a ceramic pot.

Jun. 17th, 2018


WHO: Sarissa and OPEN
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: During the portal
WHAT: Checking out the magical portal
STATUS: in progress; open

... )


WHO: Kaleb Krychek and Sarissa
WHERE: At Kaleb’s place
WHEN: Early June
WHAT: Checking up on the grouch
STATUS: log; completed

... )

Jun. 7th, 2018


I am finding it strangely too quiet without Harry attempting to blow things up in the lab. How sad is that?

Do you wish to test some new axes I have made?

Jun. 1st, 2018


If anyone needs respite from the snow, you can visit me in the meadow. Just follow the birdsong.

May. 28th, 2018


WHO: Eretria and Sarissa
WHERE: Flower shop
WHEN: After Allanon's disappearance
WHAT: Comfort and support
STATUS: log; completed

... )

May. 22nd, 2018


Who's up for a fight and isn't afraid to get hurt?

I'll be late today.

May. 8th, 2018


I find I am in the need of a new suit and some shirts. Something appropriately structured and what many would perhaps consider formal. I think that we are often too casual in this location. Perhaps if we wore more appropriate dress less ... inappropriate behavior would happen.

May. 5th, 2018


Who: Everyone
What: Art & Music Festival
Where: Riverfront Park
When: Saturday
Warnings: I hope not?
Status: Party post!

~+~+~+~ )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Apr. 19th, 2018


Yes, ladies, have no fear. I will be attending naked prom tomorrow evening.


Two days until Prom and I still have no idea what I'm going to wear. That's bad, right?

[In Norse]

Hey, I saw your friend from Berk arrived. Is she the kind of friend you could ask to prom? If so, you should. No offense, but she looks pretty hot.

Apr. 14th, 2018


Who: Eretria and Sarissa
What: Friends, Learning etc
Where: the flower shop
When: afternoon
Warnings: low
Status: in progress, closed

Well at least you're watered little plant.... )

Apr. 13th, 2018



Want to do something this weekend?


You know what I don't get? Why people get so bent out of shape when the dome does its shit. Seriously? We've been kidnapped by an interdimensional time traveling sentient town and it's a surprise when it does something weird?

I'd think it would be more of a surprise if it didn't do something weird.

Apr. 4th, 2018


Who: Stella and Sarissa
What: Flowers MATCH-UP
Where; the flower shop
When: Afternoon
Warning: none
Status: inprogress, closed, Matchup

Life here was strange but... doable )

Mar. 21st, 2018


Is spring ever actually coming?

Mar. 20th, 2018


In case anyone was wondering?

Seventeen doesn't feel any different from sixteen.

Mar. 16th, 2018


WHO: Kaleb Krychek and Sarissa
WHEN: Backdated to Sat Feb 24
WHAT: Who knows?!
STATUS: log; completed

... )

Mar. 5th, 2018


A knock came, like quiet bells, polite yet clear and of no Earthly knell...

WHO: Magius and Sarissa
WHAT: Matchup, and Magic, and maybe more
WHEN: Recently
WHY?: Because of magic
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing
the knock came, and with it a voice, asking politely for a choice. )

Mar. 1st, 2018


Thank you for protecting me during the spell. How are you doing now?

How did you fare in all this?

Feb. 28th, 2018


Who: Sarissa and Eretria
What: plot stuff
When: start of plot
Where: the shop then the park
Rating: low
Completed gdoc

Summer lady and her Knight )

Feb. 19th, 2018


WHO: Anna Latham and Sarissa
WHERE: Florist Shop
WHEN: Feb 19
WHAT: Anna needs flowers? Or something?
STATUS: matchup; complete

... )

Feb. 15th, 2018


I need a vacation.

I forgot how hard Valentine's Day was in the shop. I need a nap.

Feb. 7th, 2018


I am looking to see if this place has any resources or knowledge of psychic abilities. I am looking to garner further information on a specific topic.

Feb. 2nd, 2018


It’s always sad when the last of the Christmas lights are put away. Now all that’s left is the cold and the slush.

How are you doing?

Jan. 24th, 2018


WHO: Kaleb Krychek and Sarissa
WHERE: Interior of his house
WHEN: Following this post
WHAT: Kaleb needs someone to link to in the fading of his link to the Net
STATUS: log; completed

... )

Jan. 13th, 2018


WHO: Sarissa and Connor MacManus
WHERE: Outside a bar
WHAT: A meeting
STATUS: Closed; matchup
... )

Jan. 10th, 2018


help! a man is talking to my in my head and he says he needs sarissa but i don't know who that is.


What the....



Anyone with telepathy abilities hears the following...

All this darkness.

So ...

I need....

What now?....

*feel of a mind reaching out to grasp onto something*

Dec. 24th, 2017


WHO: Open to everyone!
WHERE: The Old Market on Main
WHEN: Christmas
WHAT: A Christmas lunch
RATING: G for now?
STATUS: Open to all

... )


My dad always calls me on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve and my birthday. That's the only time I ever really hear from him. It's...it's weird, knowing he won't call today. And I don't...I don't have to talk to him at all. But I also won't see my mom, and that's..that's harder. She works a lot so I don't see her much anyway. But it's Christmas. And she's not here. And I...I miss her.

Dec. 16th, 2017


WHO: Sarissa and Harry Dresden
WHERE: Comic book shop
WHAT: Sarissa meets a younger Harry
STATUS: Closed; complete

... )

Dec. 12th, 2017


[Filtered from Lisa Snart]

It appears my dear baby sister has been brought into the wonders of Madison Valley.

If you think you may want to try anything with her, to her, or against her? I suggest you consider how much you value your current existence and don't.

Dec. 11th, 2017


[After this]

Hells bells this place has a fucked up sense of humor.

Well. The silence was short lived.

Dec. 10th, 2017


WHO: Sarissa and Kaleb Krychek
WHERE: The woods where Kaleb’s new place is
WHEN: Dec 10
WHAT: Kaleb’s house is coming along...and so are his flirtation skills
STATUS: Closed; complete

... )

Dec. 7th, 2017


Is this Harry Dresden's fault? Everything I end up mixed up with is his fault. Odin is not going to be pleased I cannot fulfil my duty.


Voice Post - In French

How can this be?

What is this infernal device?

I must go home.

Nov. 17th, 2017


Who knew people wanted flower arrangements for Thanksgiving? But here we are.

cut to save flist )


Who: Layla Williams and Sarissa
When: Friday evening
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea
What: Chatting!
Warnings: Definitely none.
Status: Closed/Complete

The holiday break could not come fast enough... )

Nov. 14th, 2017



Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I wanted to say hello. Again. Well, it's probably been four or five times now.

Nov. 8th, 2017


WHO: Allanon and Sarissa
WHAT: Matchup; A druid meets a Fey Lady
WHEN: Recentlike
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Read more... )

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