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Mar. 1st, 2018


[Adam Milligan]
I missed my appointment Friday. Can we maybe...I feel like I need to make it up. As soon as possible.

I really, I liked making out with you.

Thanks. For being so awesome.

Are you okay, now that everything is back to normal?

Feb. 27th, 2018


Who: Tia, Turner, Evan
What: Milk and cookies
Where: Turner's
When: After Tia's post
Warning: None
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mommy? who is my daddy? is he here?

Feb. 26th, 2018


i think i'm a witch. are there other witches here?

Feb. 24th, 2018


Who: Evan Hansen, Klara Prast, first, to be joined by Blake, Stella, Tia Malone
What: Tabula Rasa shenanigans
Where: The Park
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: Lots of confusion
Status: Closed

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Feb. 21st, 2018


I've started my spring planning and planting the seeds to start for inside stuff.

Spring is cominnnnnnnng weeeeeeee!

Feb. 15th, 2018


Uhhh...thank you to the people who sent me things.

I didn't expect anything.

Because nobody here actually likes me

Feb. 14th, 2018


thank you everyone!


Today is going to be a great day, and here's why. Today is Valentine's Day. And even if you don't have a special Valentine, it's a day for celebrating not just love but friendship too. I've never really had friends before, but I do now. And...and that's kind of amazing.

I...would it be all right if I...If I called you Mom?


I used to sell roses after work to people, Valentine's day was always my busiest day even if I never once had it for myself. I am a child of my time, I fear, and I know that I am better today because of the things I've gone through. Those I love I love more purely than I ever could imagine. Today, I celebrate all of those who have helped me overcome my past, even if I am still working on it.

Left for Phil )

Dropped off for Evan )

Sent to Kate Bishop )

Sent to David )

Sent to Al )


Happy Valentine's Day to Madison Valley.

Which...kind of really doesn't suck at all.

Feb. 5th, 2018


Who: Klara Prast and Evan Hansen
What: Talking and admiring the trees
Where: Park
When: After school
Warnings: Evan's anxiety, he will be talking about how it started for him.
Status: Closed

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I really don't understand football.

Are you...are you okay?

Feb. 4th, 2018


Who: Everyone
When: Sunday Evening; 4:00 PM - End of game
Where: Pepper and Dwight's house
What: Super Bowl Party!
Warnings: Unlikely, but let me know!
Status: Party Post! Let's go!

Are you ready for some football? )

Feb. 3rd, 2018


Who: Tia Malone and Evan Hansen (and guest starring Tux the cat), cameos by Susan Turner and probably Scott McCall
What: Evan wants Tia to meet his new emotional support cat
Where: Animal Shelter
When: Saturday
Warnings: Evan has anxiety and such, but is actually doing pretty well right now
Status: Closed

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Feb. 1st, 2018


it was neat being a teenager!


I dislike returning to being six. I apologize for my words to everyone. I was a curious child.


Well, that was weird. Kind of fun, but weird.

The only real downside to being a little kid for a week is that now I'm behind in school again.


Who: Susan Turner and Evan Hansen
What: Returning to normal, with changes
Where: Their place
When: Thursday
Warnings: Evan's anxiety is a notable warning
Status: Closed

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Jan. 31st, 2018


Where did Connor go?

Mommy, why he isn't here anymore?

He's my brother. He's supposed to stay here with me.

Jan. 29th, 2018



I can know the meanings of words. Hmph.

Jan. 24th, 2018


I'm gonna climb every tree in Madison Valley!


I want pancakes! And Choklit!


Who: Bb!Klara, BB!Evan, open to BB!Connor & Ian
where: The Woods!
When: after pancakes!
Rating: they're like 5 and 6 dude
Status: in progress

Klara was SIX. )


i dids the cleanings and the laundry

phiilllllllllllll im goin ouytside nowwwwwww.

Evaaaaaaan where are youuuuuuuuu


Where are Fiona and Lip? I wanna go home and see them.

Then I'm gonna make pancakes for them!

Jan. 23rd, 2018


Each day brings us closer to spring. I cannot wait for the Earth to start waking up. I can do so much more when she's awake to hear me better.

Jan. 22nd, 2018



We should get ice cream to celebrate your cast coming off.


Sorry we haven't gotten back to you about lunch with you and your boyfriend yet. Evan and I have kind of had a lot going on, sort of. Anyway, I asked Evan and if it is cool with you and your boyfriend—I'm sorry, I forgot his name—then we would like to join you for lunch either tomorrow or Wednesday, if tomorrow is too short notice.


Who: Adam Milligan and Evan Hansen
What: Evan's getting his cast off and other stuff
Where: Clinic
When: Monday, after school
Warnings: Possible talk of mental illness
Status: Closed

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Jan. 16th, 2018


I'm getting my cast off next week. Feels like I'm losing part of something important.


To all the new arrivals:

I apologize that I was not able to speak to all of you individually, but I am one of the partners in the Legal Clinic here in Madison Calley. We do our best to help refugees in matters of guardianship, in working with the local schools and universities in figuring out placement and qualifications, and in other legal matters.

If any of you need our services, please feel free to contact me - Lucas Cortez, or my partner, Kristoff Nast. We will be glad to help as we can.

Jan. 15th, 2018



Why didn't you tell me there are living, breathing, actually-existing superheroes here?!

Jan. 14th, 2018


[ Connor was never much of a social media person, but was encouraged to reach out to other kids and people in the community now that he was out of the hospital. Evan's agreement had been the final push. He wanted to show them he was trying, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone. ]

So, uh... I guess I should introduce myself.

I'm Connor Murphy. I've been here for a few weeks now but I'm not really, you know... these kinds of things aren't really my thing, but my guardian thought it would be good...

So, uh, yeah. Hi.

[ Connor winced at the message but pressed post before he could talk himself out of it. Who knew? Maybe Susan and Evan would be right and this turned out to be a good thing. He wasn't holding his breath, or anything but he allowed a small amount of hope remain. ]

Jan. 13th, 2018


WHO Turner, Evan & Connor
WHAT Surprising the boys
WHEN Saturday late morning
WHERE Clinic -> House Hunting
WARNINGS They're picking up Connor from his in-patient stay to deal with his suicidal thoughts so likely triggery
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 12th, 2018


Connor's coming home tomorrow!

Jan. 11th, 2018


Who: Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen
What: Connor calls Evan after dinner.
Where: Connor is still in the clinic in-patient, Evan at home.
When: Thursday Evening
Warnings: It's Connor and Evan so...
Status: Closed

... )

Jan. 8th, 2018


Filter to Teens

Anyone else dreading giving their guardian the sex ed permission slip?

I really, really don't want my uncle to think I need The Talk or anything. God.


Who: Susan Turner and Evan Hansen
What: Evan has school issues
Where: Their apartment
When: Monday, after school
Warnings: Evan's anxiety, will update if necessary
Status: Closed

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Jan. 6th, 2018


there's a boy at school who's really mean to me.

he calls me a stupid russkie who needs to go back to where i came from and i'm not even russian. he also says i'm a freak and ugly and stupid and he broke my pencil.

i don't want to go back to school but they say i have to.

Jan. 5th, 2018


Who: Tia Malone and Evan Hansen
What: Match Up
Where: Park
When: Saturday
Warnings: Evan is a warning, but other than his anxiety and such, there shouldn't be any
Status: Closed, Incomplete, Match Up

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Jan. 4th, 2018


Well, this is just bloody great.

Not only do I have to go to school, but I spend the entire morning filling out paperwork and taking placement tests only to find out that I will not be in the 11th grade but the 10th.

They wanted to put me in 9th grade but I'm too old and I assured them I would find someone to help assist me in catching up. I declined their help in finding a tutor, as they called it because from what I have been told, the not-us are extremely uncivil toward us.

I am hoping that some of you lot would be willing to show me the ropes around this school klunk er, stuff?

Anyway, how did everyone else's first day back go? I seriously home it was heaps better than mine.

[ Filtered to Lydia ]

You're brilliant. Thomas has said it and I've seen it. I'm trying to utilize the other kids at school if I can, but I may still need your help sometimes. Would you mind?

[ Filtered to Thomas ]

Tommy. Can we find time to hang out soon? I don't care what it is we do. I just need to get my mind off everything and I miss you.


I can, with great absolution, assure this town that the intensely cold weather and temperatures are not my doing.


Who: Ian Gallagher, Magnus Chase, Evan Hansen
What: Lunchtime
Where: Madison Valley High School
When: First day back at school after the holiday break
Warnings: Evan's anxiety might be a warning, but otherwise probably not
Status: Closed

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Jan. 3rd, 2018


You know what this place really needs?

A party like we had in the Underworld. Just ask Star, they were awesome.

Unicorn blood and all.

Jan. 2nd, 2018


The first day back is always the worst. So, who can hold off Thursday from coming?

Jan. 1st, 2018


I wonder how I'm going to die this year.


Today is going to be a great day, and here's why. Today is the first day of a new year. It's a new start, a clean slate. Whatever came before doesn't matter anymore. You can be who you want to be, you can be anything you want to be. Today you are you, and that's okay, whatever that means. Today you woke up, and today is a good day.


In just a few days, I'll have been here four years.

I almost can't believe it. But it's true. Just a little less than four years ago I met Adam at Speed Dating. Katie was born the next June.

Things haven't always been perfect here, but really, this place has been a dream come true. Even the little things that have gone wrong are nothing compared to what I escaped back home.


I was too tired to go to any of the parties tonight, and anyway, I can't drink in my condition.

But I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year, and here's to a wonderful 2018.

It's certainly going to be a special one for me and Gale.

Dec. 31st, 2017


Who: Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen
What: Chatting
Where: Evan's at home, Connor's in the clinic
When: NYE
Warnings: I feel like these two are a warning in and of themselves
Status: Closed

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