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Feb. 21st, 2022


Who: Malia Tate and Open
What: Working out some frustrations
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Around town
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who:Isobel and Open
What: Drinking tequila and thinking too much
Where: Verdant
When: Monday Evening
Status: Open; Incomplete; Could be a narrative if no one tags in. <3

Who says tequila doesn't solve all problems? )


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Open
What: Trying to make sense of what's going on
When: Monday evening
Where: Off Broadway Taproom
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Linda, Kenny, Kenny’s twins
What:mandated family therapy
Where: Linda’s office
When: the day before this
Status: closed/completed g-doc

Everybody but your dog you can all fuck off )


Who: Lan Xichen & Lan Wangji
What: Finding Wanyin and Wuxian gone
When: Sunday morning
Where: Around the city
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~*~ )

Feb. 20th, 2022


Who: Jeffrey Spender and Stiles Stilinski
What: Random run-in
When: Sunday evening
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Please, someone tell me they have seen Anna. All her things are still here, but she's just...gone. Did she get sent home or is it those angels?


Who: Sam and OPEN
What: checking out the town
Where: Madison Valley Tea and Coffee Co
When: Sunday morning
Warnings: TBD, but should be low

At least this place has decent coffee )


There are angels in Madison.

These angels are NOT harmless and they are not angels. They are very old beings that feed off of temperal energy. If they touch you, they will displace you in time and feed off of your potential life energy.

They have one weakness. They are quantum locked when seen. If you see one, don't take your eyes off it. Don't even blink.

I'll need help with trying to find those already displaced and getting rid of the angels somehow.

I've moved and hidden the TARDIS in one of the empty apartment buildings to make it harder for the angels to find it. I'll send you the location.


FUCK! First Morgan, then Logan, and now Mia??

I went to see Mia and she's gone. I saw some arrows and all her stuff is still in the house, but I don't see her.

Is anyone else experiencing something like this?

I checked the surveillance camera and...it looks like an angel statue showed up and disappeared when Mia did. So not weird at all.


Who: Liz and Peter Parker
What: Peter tries to get to Liz in time
When: Saturday Night
Where: Various locations including Jendry's and streets
Rating: low

And then Liz was gone. )


Who: Mia (Narrative)
What: Mia is taken by an angel
When: Sunday morning
Where: Her house (training barn)
Rating: low

Disappearance )

Feb. 19th, 2022


Who: Linda, Kenny, and T’Chaka
What: therapy. Take two
Where: Linda’s office
When: Feb. 17th
Warnings: low
Status: complete/g-doc

Oh good. You’re back )


Why the hell did I go from walking down the street joking with Bucky to the frozen foods section in Target?

Where the hell am I?


I don't know about the rest of you, but I actually miss my kid. I never thought I'd say that ever.

So I'm calling an emergency Food Club meeting tomorrow for those of us who might need to eat our feels. Or if you just want good food. Whichever.

[ooc: just fyi, Food Club will end up being canceled due to plottiness.]



How are you doing with being back to only worrying about one kid?



Checking in to see if you're alright

How are you and Jack?

We haven't really talked, but I know the Doctor has feelings for you and you had a child appear this week. I wanted to ask if you could keep an extra bit of an eye on her


That was hands down one of the most painful weeks of my life.

And I still don't know why my son was so terrified of me.


Who: Lisa, Dean, and Charlie :)
When: During the Kid Plot
Where: Their place
What: Being cute
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc

Who is ready for movie night? )


I've seen many things in over 2000 years.

Children who appear and then disappear in the span of a week? Not one of those things.



Now that the children are gone, perhaps we can meet just the two of us?


Your gallery was perfectly...adequate. More than I expected in a place like this, truthfully.


Are you well, Sister? I know that these past few days might have been hard on you.

[Rebekah, Hope, Hayley]

We need a family dinner. At my place.


Who: Chris Argent and Angeline Dawes
What: Bonding, or something like it
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kendal Crane & Gally (bonus Alby)
What: Family time and awkward discussions
When: Backdated to Wednesday of Kidplot 7
Where: K-Mart and Kendall's house
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Anything was possible )


I can't decide if the past week was reassuring or the cruelest thing I've seen this Madison Valley pull.

Because sending me a child that will only ever happen if I return home? A child that I would be thrilled to have?

I didn't like that.


I already miss both of my kids.

Toast, however, seems relieved. Can't say I blame my cat.

[Filtered to Lorna]

You doing okay with only having Dawn again?

[Filtered to Leo]
We made an adorable daughter.


I woke up and Claire is gone.

I already miss the daughter I doubt I'll ever have.


[Filtered to Otherworld peeps/Elena’s Pack]
Logan got sent home. Anyone up for a run?

Morgan and Logan are gone. I need to check on Pamela.


I have a very sad little girl this morning.


I woke up this morning to a completely empty apartment. Like no furniture or anything. And my kid and Logan gone.

Feb. 18th, 2022


Who: Stiles and Scott (then Lydia shows up)
What: Kidplot madness
When: A few days ago
Where: McCall Pack House
Rating: low

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 19th, 2022


Who: Juliet O’Hara & Shawn Spencer
What: Talking about Juliet’s kid with Gus. (Kidplot)
When: Feb 12, evening
Where: Their Apartment
Rating: Low to medium cause may talk about death.

I'm dead?! )

Feb. 18th, 2022


It's so weird to be an only child back home and having a bazillion siblings here. But I guess that's how this place rolls, huh? It's not so bad, though. They're cool.


I like the stores here, Baba.


Sven is the best reindeer ever! We had so much fun playing in the back yard. He's very huggable!


Who: Dean, Alex S, and Claire
What: Dean has another daughter…lucky him
Where: the park
When: the second day of the kids plot
Warnings: probably language
Status: closed/g-doc

”I see ghosts too, Mom )


Who: Logan E and Leo D
What: they have a kid
Where: Logan’s apartment and then Leo’s and V’s house
When: the first day of future kids
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/g-doc

Leo, surrogates exist )


Who: Logan J, Pamela & Jeremy
What: Surprise teen
When: Backdated
Where: Logan's Apt
Warning: Language
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Get up! )

Feb. 17th, 2022


Who: Jack Harkness and OPEN
What: Getting a drink.
Where: Lou's.
When: Friday, January 18. Evening.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Open.

Help me become somebody else. )


Who: Rachel Roth and Open
What: Rachel picks up dinner.
Where: Hinkles
When: Thursday, February 17. Evening.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Open.

I'm the only one of me, baby that's the fun of me. )


This future kids thing is so weird.

I have an adorable kid who is definitely spoiled.

And a mature teen who only kind of seems to hate me. :P

But, they're definitely both my daughters.


Who: Mitch Morgan (with Clementine and Chloe) and Open
What: Taking the girls to the park
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The park
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Hayley and Klaus Mikaelson
What: Parental discussions
When: Thursday
Where: Red Pepper
Warnings: Klaus, probably
Status: Closed/complete

Wolf father, at the door; You don't smile anymore )


The soundtrack of my life right now.


I guess I'm in the clear from this one.

If anyone needs any help, just let me know?

Feb. 16th, 2022


WHO: Sarah Zellaby and Michael Guerin
WHAT: A date
WHEN: 2/4
WHERE: A bar
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kristoff, Anna, and Astrid (and Sven)
What: they have a kid!
Where: their house
When: backdated to Saturday morning
Warnings: should be low

We made a pretty daughter )


[Michael Guerin]

Hey. Would you like to get drinks sometime this weekend?


WHO: Kenny McCormick & Shuri (+ T'Chaka).
WHAT: Meeting their kid.
WHEN: Saturday [backdated].
WHERE: Kenny's place.
WARNINGS: Language, mentions of sex.
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )


Baba? Can we go see Bobo and Shushu?


Who: Jinx and Open
Where: Hinkles
What: Sipping a shake and wondering why there are so many kids around.
When: Wednesday night
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; Incomplete

It's not my fault. )

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