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Apr. 26th, 2021


WHO: Quentin Sollys and OPEN
WHAT: Reminiscing and accidentally sneaking up on people
WHERE: By the river
WHEN: Sunday evening
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 24th, 2021


Alyssa and Quentin

Who: Alyssa and Quentin
What: Art and hanging out
Where: the woods and eventually pizza
When: Sat. evening
Warnings: low, but will update as needed

Ride these highs to feel complacent/It's like I'm on drugs )


Very funny Dome.

Crap. Now I need to go shopping for a tank and food.

[Filtered to Scott and Ned]
Sorry about the eels in the bathtub. It looks like my wish for pet eels...kind of came true.


Aiya! What is this? I nearly fall out of my tree because this shows up.

... Is he going to realize it's missing?

[ooc: Shh... ignore the pretty man playing the Guqin.]

Apr. 23rd, 2021


Alyssa and Cami

Who: Alyssa and Cami
What: therapy session
Where: Cami's office
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: should be low, but will update

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then )

Apr. 21st, 2021


[Filtered to Scott]

Remember when I asked for an English tutor?

I think I need a therapist.

I can't sleep.

Apr. 20th, 2021


I'm thinking about some art projects this summer.

Do a couple people want to be models for me to draw? I can pay in food. I want to get better at drawing people, and not just scenery.


Please tell me that there's at least some mutants here?

Apr. 19th, 2021


Well people, it's that time of year. Spring is coming, summer holidays are starting up.

What's your favorite holiday for this time of year, and what tradition do you have to do? Share, and give some of us some ideas.

Yes, I am extremely bored right now.

Apr. 15th, 2021


Who: Alyssa/Kate
What: meeting to go over the M&AF
Where: the park
When: Thurs. evening
Warnings: should be low

I just want a Picasso, in my casa )


Alyssa and Jason

Who: Alyssa and Jason
What: Running into each other
Where: The Park
When: Thursday after school
Warnings: should be low.

You walked into my life at 2am )




i won fight club

Apr. 12th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Ben
What: Alyssa is making Ben watch movies he's never seen.
Where: Scott's townhouse, where Alyssa lives
When: Mon afternoon/evening
Warnings: low, but as always will update as necessary
Status: closed/in progress

I'm witty, yeah I know how to use my head )

Apr. 11th, 2021


Alyssa and Nancy

Who: Alyssa and Nancy
What: Alyssa meets Nancy
Where: Scott's kitchen
When: Sunday morning
Warnings: low
Status: closed/in progress

I've reached new heights/Hangin' out with the stars in the modern lights )


Alyssa and Issac

Who: Alyssa and Issac
What: random meeting/matchup
Where: Hinkles
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: low
Status: closed/in progress/matchup

I'm feelin' alright, no I can't complain )

Apr. 10th, 2021


Who: Alec and Alyssa
What: Run in while shopping
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Walmart
Rating: low

Money, Money, Money )

Apr. 9th, 2021


May 13th through 16th is going to be the Art & Music Festival.

Saturday the 15th will be the big day for musical acts, but we'll have the art set up for all four days, along with the food vendors. And there will be music the other days as well. Saturday will just be the primary day for it.

So, if you haven't already let me know that you're interested in participating, here's your chance!

For those of you who offered to help with set up and everything, I'll be in touch to discuss specifics.

Apr. 8th, 2021


I can't believe I'm having another birthday in this hell hole place. I thought I would have been home by now.


Who: Leo Valdez and OPEN (Multiples Welcome)
What: Leo showing off his droid [please assume he made a network about this!]
When: Thursday
Where: Park
Rating: low

Come Meet A Droid! )

Apr. 5th, 2021


[Filtered to Ron]

I saw you at the movie marathon. I wanted to clear the air and apologize for slapping you.

I would do it again in a heartbeat if you tried to harm me.


Alyssa and Scott

Who: Alyssa and Scott
What: talking about grades/Alyssa may be a brat and ask about safe sex
Where: their townhouse
When: after school and work on Mon
Warnings: should be low, but will update as necessary
Status: closed/in progress

We're gonna be eighteen forever )

Apr. 4th, 2021


Hi. I'm Cami O'Connell and I arrived here last night. I understand there are some people here from home and I also figured if I'm going to be stuck here, I should introduce myself.

Most recently, I was living in New Orleans where I worked as a bartender to put myself through grad school to be a psychologist. I've dealt with some odd things before, so this isn't too upsetting for me, though it was certainly unexpected.

[Filter to Klaus Mikaelson]
Thank you for everything you did last night.

Apr. 3rd, 2021


What: 90s movie marathon
When: Saturday April 3 (ALL DAY)
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG to PG-13ish
Warnings: none but let me know if this needs to be changed.

Let’s get this party started!! )

Apr. 2nd, 2021


...I think I saw pixies.


Who: Liz Parker and OPEN
What: Rough day at work (because Fae)
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Jendry’s Pizzeria
Rating: low

Pizzeria Disaster )

Apr. 1st, 2021


OK. Which one of you thought it would be funny to break into my apartment and tie all my shoe laces together?


All of my shirts are suddenly too small.

Mar. 30th, 2021


[Filtered to Ned]

I am going to take over handling the popcorn machine this upcoming movie night.

You good with that?

Mar. 28th, 2021


Today begins one of my favorite holidays from home. Today is Holika Dahan. It is celebrating a killing in order to save a devotee of Krishna...it gets complicated and is not as vile as it sounds. We celebrate at night with a bonfire.

But tomorrow! Tomorrow is my favorite, and I hope I can be forgiven for my eagerness in celebrating...and that my dear lady love can provide bail if I am arrested.

Holi is a day of celebration of love, life, Spring's return. Joy in all its many colors. Literally. Tomorrow is celebrated by throwing colors around either in powder or liquid form. It is meant to be playful and flirtatious. So, I will be armed with ground up chalk and squirt guns loaded with watercolors (all things that will wash out). I will have enough to share if anyone wishes to join me!


This is a new and interesting sort of kidnapping.

Freya? Vincent?

Mar. 26th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Mare
What: meeting. eating ice cream.
Where: Madison Valley Creamery
When: backdated to Saturday
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/in progress

Ice Cream )

Mar. 24th, 2021


Now that we are coming up to the end of the month it is time to start thinking about 90's movie night part 2. I will take any suggestions and if there is a big enough list I will put them all in a hat and will draw 4 out and those will be the movies that will be shown April 1. So give me all you got to be added to the list.

Mar. 21st, 2021


Who: Everyone
What: Second Battle of Beruna
When: March 23
Where: Narnia
Rating: Low - Medium (for possible injuries)

Fight! Fight! Fight! )


Who: Everyone
What: Narnia Tournaments
When: March 21
Where: Narnia
Rating: Low - Medium (for possible injuries)

Tournaments! )

Mar. 20th, 2021


Something tells me I would have appreciated St. Patrick's Day more had I been able to legally drink.

Mar. 18th, 2021


[Filtered to Scott]

Happy Birthday to me. I failed my English presentation.

Apparently my take was "too outside the realms of believability". I need you to sign the paper. I guess even here I have to conform

Mar. 17th, 2021


I turn 17 tomorrow. For the second time.

This whole second life is strange.

Mar. 11th, 2021


Alyssa and Kurt Matchup

Who: Alyssa and Kurt
What: March matchup
Where: Target
When: after school on Thursday
Warnings: should be low, but it is Alyssa so possible language
Status: closed/in progress

Cuz friends come and go )

Mar. 8th, 2021


Alyssa and OPEN

Who: Alyssa and open
What: Alyssa's first day at school
Where: School
When: Mon afternoon
Warnings: probably low
Status: open/in progress

I made some friends and I lost some too )

Mar. 7th, 2021


After reading the network, I'm pretty glad that Derek and I don't have any pets as of yet...

Mar. 6th, 2021


Alyssa and Ned

Who: Alyssa and Ned
What: dealing with the Darth Vader in Ned's closet
Where: Scott's townhouse
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: language
Status: closed/in progress

I blame it on this town. )



Mar. 5th, 2021


Text to Scott

Is Ned okay after the shower incident? He seems scarred.

Mar. 4th, 2021


I have some good news! April will not be 2000's night, I am going to have a 90's move marathon part 2. There are just so many great movies that I think that the 90's deserves another round.


Text to Ned

So that's a no on joint showers, then?

Mar. 3rd, 2021


Alyssa and Scott

Who: Alyssa and Scott Lang
What: meeting/Alyssa gets a guardian
Where: park
When: Wed. afternoon
Warnings: low, but possible language
Status: closed/in progress

Cause I'm just a girl, a little ol' me Well, don't let me out of your sight~ )

Mar. 2nd, 2021


Who: Everyone
What: Karaoke Night
Where: Verdant
When: Tuesday evening - karaoke starts at 8pm
Warnings: let me know
Status: party post

~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 1st, 2021


1990's Movie Night

What: 1990's Movie Night
When: March 1
Where: The movie theater
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: Just let me know and I will update as necessary.

Choose your Destiny.... )


What a strange place

I've been told the network is a good place to meet people.

Hi. I'm Alyssa.

Feb. 28th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and OPEN
What: Where in the world am I
Where: Madison Valley Creamery
When: Sun afternoon
Warnings: low
Status: open/in progress

My nerves have gone to pieces )

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