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Aug. 18th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Peter
What: First meetings
When: Sometime before the art show.
Where: En route to the museum
Rating: low

Peter Parker didn't know much about Alyssa. )


Alyssa's Art Show
Alyssa's art opening

Everyone | The Museum | Thursday Evening | It's a party!

Aug. 16th, 2021


[Filtered away from the people she lives with]

We are now at 3 dudes in the house and me.

So yeah, I feel outnumbered.

[Filtered to Rebekah]
Thank you again for helping me find an outfit for Thursday.

Aug. 15th, 2021


I have some EXCITING NEWS. My best friend Peter is here now!

[Filtered away from Peter Parker]
If we could all like, pretend you don't know who he is, that'd be cool. Well, not like who he is, but who he is?

You need to meet Peter!

Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for taking him as another ward!

I hope it's okay he's staying with us!

Aug. 11th, 2021


I'm happy and excited to announce I have my first official art show next week at the museum.

[Filtered to Ned, Scott Lang, and Jason]

You'll come support me right? It's next Thursday evening. Something to look forward to after the shitty week so far.

Aug. 9th, 2021


CN: Pet Death

I don't know what happened, but my one eel looks sick and I think is going to die.

The other one doesn't look good either and if anyone needs me I'm going to be over here crying.

Aug. 5th, 2021


So I figured as a nice way to ring in the new school year for everyone would be to set up a movie marathon of nothing but back to school movies. I have not figured out a date yet for this event but figured I would let people get in what movies they would want to see and then I will randomly pick and come up with a list. After I have the list of movies I will make you all aware of this event and go from there. So give me your favorite back to school movies!

Aug. 4th, 2021


Well this place isn't so least I seem to be making some new friends. Never really had much time for that back home.

[Private to Stiles]

What does it mean when a woman calls you handsome these days?

Aug. 2nd, 2021


Who: Hope Mikaelson and Alyssa Gardner
Where: Galatea's Art Supplies
When: Monday evening
What: Picking up some art supplies
Rating: Not high probably
Status: Match up; Closed; complete

**** )

Aug. 1st, 2021


Ben's gone. All his stuff is gone. My messages keep bouncing back. I've searched everywhere.

Please be safe.


Who: Everyone!
What: Giant Slip N Slide
When: Sunday August 1 (10am-5pm)
Where: A really tall hill
Rating: low

Fun in the Sun )

Jul. 29th, 2021


As my employees keep coming up with new 'theme' days, I thought I might offer up a chance for the customers to choose a theme day or two.

We'll toss all the ideas in a hat, and winner gets free drinks for that night.

[Chris Argent]
We haven't done a check in lately. Drinks?

Jul. 20th, 2021


Okay, clearly we need some light hearted fun around here. You know what that means. It's time for everyone's favorite game - Shag, Marry, Cliff!

For the newbs, how this works is you comment with your name and then people give you a list of three names and you say which one you'd have sex with, which you'd marry, and which you'd toss off a cliff.

Ready? Go!

Jul. 16th, 2021


Alyssa and OPEN

Who: Alyssa and OPEN
What: tired of being cooped up/coffee run
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co.
When: Friday morning
Warnings: should be low, but will update as necessary

I talk to bugs, but don't let that intimidate you )

Jul. 14th, 2021


Who the hell keeps purchasing all of the sandalwood and jasmine incense? Third stop to the magic shop and still out of stock.

Also, in a not shocking turn of events, art classes are on hold until this current weirdness ends.

Jul. 6th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and The Doctor
What: Alyssa and The Doctor are out for a walk.
Where: the woods
When: Tues evening
Warnings: should be low

And I miss the days when I was young and naïve )

Jul. 1st, 2021


As we enter bug biting season, please come see me instead of killing an insect.

I'll see if I can keep the bugs from eating you.

Jun. 26th, 2021



not leaving the apartment today.


OMG NOOOOOO!!!!!! Why are all my clothes in my closet look all gothy?!?!? I like cheerful and colorful clothing! Now I'm going to look dark and depressing.


So my wardrobe went from Boho Goth to these dresses.

Could I get my clothes back instead of these baby doll dresses that make me look ridiculous? Please?

Jun. 13th, 2021


Alyssa and Malia matchup

Who: Alyssa and Malia
What: a random run in/matchup
Where: Hinkles
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: should be low

If I Just Let Go, I'd Be Set Free )

Jun. 9th, 2021


I think I'm going to sign up for fight club next month. I mean, I'll probably get my butt kicked, but I feel like Chiron is like, disappointed in me or something for not doing it.

Jun. 6th, 2021


Happy Pride Month everyone! Let the celebration begin with different movies that will be running all month long in the theater. There will be one movie per day for the entire month.

Also, on June 19 which is a Saturday I will be having a Pride Movie Festival. All day full of fun and LGBTQ movies in the park. Awesome decorations and you can come and show your Pride at the movies. So come out and have some fun that day.

Jun. 3rd, 2021


Six months pregnant and I feel huge.

I also want pistachio almond ice cream.

( Sam Winchester )

I... may have accidentally found out the gender today.


Who: Alyssa, Claudia, Irina
What: the possibility of Alyssa's art in the museum
Where: the museum
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: should be low

A freak of nature/Stuck in reality )

Jun. 2nd, 2021


I don't remember a time when we ever got warning about something weird that was coming so this whole circus thing has me suspicious af.

Jun. 1st, 2021


Who: Everyone
What: 2010 Movie Marathon
When: June 1st
Where: Madison Valley Park (Since it is nice outside movies will be on a big screen)
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: None now (Let me know if this needs to be updated)

2010's movie night...last decade movie marathon )

May. 28th, 2021


[Filtered to Nancy]

I was wondering if your offer of wine and Spanish lessons still stand?

May. 23rd, 2021


I wish that June 1st landed on a Saturday so I could make our last decade movie marathon a blast. But, alas, it lands on a Tuesday. Which means that I need help in picking out 4 movies. So any movie suggestions for 2010's that will be amazing.

Also, I am planning a Saturday for a Pride Movie festival, celebrating LGBTQ through the movies. I have not set a date for that one yet, but I will update you all on what is going on with that.

So any movie suggestions for either Pride Movie festival or 2010's movie marathon?

May. 22nd, 2021


i need a summer job

i wonder if i could do spirit readings or something

May. 21st, 2021


I just came back from Gotham and while I couldn't find Batman or Robin to get an autograph, I have SO MANY PICTURES. Next stop is Metropolis for sure. Too bad Peter's not here. He'd like it

May. 20th, 2021


If anyone is looking for some activities this summer, Galatea's Art Supplies is hosting a few different art classes, all ages welcome.

[Filtered to Quentin Quire, Allison Hargreeves, Kurt Wagner, Chloe Price]

I have all the sketches and paintings done, so I'll drop them off in the next couple days. I hope you all like everything!

May. 14th, 2021


Who: Everyone
What: Art & Music Festival
Where: The Park
When: All Weekend
Warnings: lemme know
Status: Party post

~+~+~+~ )

May. 10th, 2021


Alyssa and Ben

Who: Alyssa and Ben
What: getting pizza/asking for a favour
Where: Jendry's Pizza
When: fore dated to Wednesday
Warnings: should be low

Hang loose my friend/don't walk away from me )


[Filtered to Fili}

Would you be interested in being part of my art series this summer?

May. 9th, 2021


[Filtered to Jason]
Feel like being an art subject of mine this summer?

[Filtered to Leo, Kate, Ned, Liz, and Mare]

I've taken on a summer art project. I'm hoping a few of you wouldn't mind helping me out and letting me sketch you a 3-4 times this summer?


[Filtered to Ben

Dude, what are you doing after school on Tuesday?

May. 8th, 2021


[Filtered to Ned and Scott]

What are our thoughts on the cat or cats?

Or, as I'm now calling them, the ones fighting with Melinda for Ned's affection.


Well, it appears that we we are gearing towards our last round of decades movie marathons. The next one will be June 1st and will be movies from the 2010's. I have to thank everyone that has helped me make this whole thing a successful event. I will be graduating from the high school soon and I am wanting to go to college for business school to become an event planner. Hey, maybe I'll even do something in July with a summer movie series or something.


Who: Magnus Bane and Alyssa Gardner
What: Shopping matchup
When: Saturday
Where: Some boutique in town
Warnings: They are the warning, but should be low
Status: Closed/Ongoing

It's for my prince. )

May. 5th, 2021


[Filtered to Jason]

I met a new person on the network. Anyway, there's a housewarming party on Sunday. Wanna go?

May. 4th, 2021


cut for image )

Yes, I'm a nerd. Shut up.


To the people picking flowers, let me tell you how loud their screams of agony are. They're definitely cursing you.

Some are also listing ways to kill you. And are rather loud about it.

[Filtered to Scott]
All of the flowers started speaking, singing, or screaming to me.

I have a headache. Can you bring me Tylenol? Otherwise I'm not getting through school today.

May. 3rd, 2021


[Filtered to Martha Jones]

Want to go thrifting this week? I need a break from studying. Or this upcoming weekend?


Since the boys won't make up their minds, I'm going to.

We're having a house warming party at our new house on Sunday, May 9, starting at 2pm.

[Stiles and Scott]

Anyone you don't want there?

May. 2nd, 2021


Well fuck.

Miriam's disappeared. Apartment empty, stuff gone. Guess she's been sent home.

Didn't think that it would hurt so much, but there you go.


When: Saturday May 1st
Where: Movie Theater
What: 2000's Movie Marathon
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-PG-13ish
Warnings" None right now please let me know so I can update it.

You just bend....and SNAP! )

May. 1st, 2021


Alyssa and Ned

Who: Alyssa and Ned
What: adopting a cat
Where: the animal shelter
When: backdated to Friday evening
Warnings: low

Bringing home a cat )

Apr. 30th, 2021


[Filtered to those at London Starr Metal]

I left plenty of baked goods for everyone.

If they're all gone, blame Jason.

Apr. 27th, 2021


[Filtered from Scott]

We've gotten to the stage of insomnia where I've baked every recipe I know (which are only brownies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies).

Anyone have recipes they want to share?

Or volunteers as taste testers?

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