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May 26th, 2019

[info]staghead in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rowan Fricks and Clint Barton
What: Rowan found some trouble with a vampire and Clint comes to her aid.
Where: Nola
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: TBD but probably mediumish? Will update if this changes.
Status: Closed, In progress.

Read more... )

[info]fantheknives in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jesse McCree and Sombra (Olivia Colomar)
When: Late Saturday Evening
Where: Near Ella and McCree's house, Pack territory
What: An exchange of information from one friend to another.
Warnings: Relatively calm and pleasant. Approved for all audiences!
Status: Completed Narrative

I'm keeping your tab in order, McCree. Don't forget that. )

[info]crappyartist in [info]madisonvalley

[Private: Cassie BR | Valkyrie]

Want to spar?

[info]huntsvampires in [info]madisonvalley

( Prue Halliwell )

Dinner tomorrow night, maybe?

In New Orleans?

[info]lissa_dragomir in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen Gibbs?

He didn't show up for his Guardian shift with me this morning and that's not like him.

[info]likferriswheels in [info]madisonvalley


Are you doing okay with this alternate version of Pietro being in town?

Also, do you want to go through the portal while it's here?

[info]bjornironside in [info]madisonvalley

New Orleans was quite different than what I was expecting.

I think I liked it.

[info]daretodefyme in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Agent Carolina and SigrĂ¹n Gard
What: NOLA
When: late afternoon
Where: New Orleans
Warnings: fighting bad guys!
Status: closed, in progress
a little war like behavior was fun )

[info]nottoleavethee in [info]madisonvalley


How did your finals go?


Now that finals are over, the school year is pretty much done. It'll be nice to relax a little, and not have to get up at eight in the morning. Well, I usually get up about then anyway, but at least I won't have to.

[info]likeridinabiker in [info]madisonvalley

Mini Me

Yo, I saw your mom's post. You want to hang?

[info]mouthyasever in [info]madisonvalley

Ugh I had way too much booze yesterday.

[info]nobullshit in [info]madisonvalley

[Emily Fornell]
Hey, I saw. How are you doing? Do you need a place to stay tonight, or I could come stay with you if you want?

[info]dagny in [info]madisonvalley

I went into NOLA last night after I got off and kicked some vampire ass. It was so much fun!

[info]blackwidow_nat in [info]madisonvalley

[ooc: Backdated to Friday because I thought this posted but apparently not]

Filtered to those who are friends of Bruce

Bruce has been sent back home. I'm hopeful it won't be for long since I got new memories too but I wanted you all to know.

[info]plusone in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rose Tyler and Brooke Maddox
What: Exploring NOLA / Girls Day
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The streets of New Orleans
Status: Ongoing, incomplete

Shopaholics let loose in the big city )

[info]rallythepeople in [info]madisonvalley

Somehow I managed to survive twenty-two years without getting into a bar brawl. I have a reputation as a radical back home and I still never got into an actual fight in a bar.

Someone, and I shall not name names, has seen fit to change that.

Joly would be so proud.

[info]gravetostage in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lowell Tracey & Jo Harvelle
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Lou's Bar
What: Matchup
Rating/Warnings: TBD (drinking)
Status: Incomplete and Closed

One to remember. One to forget. )

[info]fantheknives in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jesse & Ella McCree
When: Sunday Afternoon/Evening
Where: NOLA Portal
What: An afternoon outing without children should be wonderful...until people lose track of time and evening rolls in.
Warnings: Eventual violence and language, usage of weapons, very mild PTSD from past combat ventures. Reader discretion is advised!
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Seems to be gettin' late. )

[info]eldritch_magic in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Stephen Strange and Bruce Wayne
When: Late Sunday Night
Where: NOLA Portal
What: ...It's Batman and Doctor Strange. I'm pretty sure that's all the 'what' you need.
Warnings: Highly probable at least with some action. Bam! Pow! Wham! Use discretion!
Status: Closed/In-Progress

I suspected you would be one of the curious ones lurking. )

[info]wearevenom_ in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Eddie Brock & Susan Pevensie
What: Eddie meets up with a new friend for drinks.
Where: The Musain
When: Friday, 8 PM [Backdated]
Warnings: Venom is supposed to be behaving, so shouldn't need any.
Status: Incomplete/Closed

~+~+~+~+~ )