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Jan. 26th, 2018


Who: Kurt Wagner and Connor Murphy
What: Kurt meets a child version of Connor.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: The park.
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

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Who: Zoe and Connor Murphy
When: Friday afternoon
Where: A park in town
What: Sibling awkwardness
Status: Closed | In progress

~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 25th, 2018



Jan. 24th, 2018


HELP! I can't sleep. I had a nightmare... and I don't... I don't want to bug mom...

Jan. 22nd, 2018



We should get ice cream to celebrate your cast coming off.


Sorry we haven't gotten back to you about lunch with you and your boyfriend yet. Evan and I have kind of had a lot going on, sort of. Anyway, I asked Evan and if it is cool with you and your boyfriend—I'm sorry, I forgot his name—then we would like to join you for lunch either tomorrow or Wednesday, if tomorrow is too short notice.

Jan. 21st, 2018


Who would like to attend the Valentine's movie with me?

Boys only, please.

Jan. 15th, 2018


Who: Connor Murphy and Marco Diaz
What: Lunch and town tour
Where: Starting at Hinkles
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: Connor might fanboy if Marco tells him about certain people in town
Status: Closed

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Why didn't you tell me there are living, breathing, actually-existing superheroes here?!

Jan. 14th, 2018



I didn't want to bother you... I know, I'm not a bother. This was more efficient anyway.

A kid from school... Marco. I didn't get his last name but he seems pretty chill from what I can tell. He's going to give me a tour of town tomorrow. Want's to meet at Hinkles for lunch before we go.

Is that okay? I can't imagine you're going to always require me to ask when I want to go somewhere but I thought that since I just got out, I'd offer the information freely and ask. Anything I can do to easy your concern, I'm willing to try.

I already let Evan know and assured him I was going to talk to you first.


[ Connor was never much of a social media person, but was encouraged to reach out to other kids and people in the community now that he was out of the hospital. Evan's agreement had been the final push. He wanted to show them he was trying, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone. ]

So, uh... I guess I should introduce myself.

I'm Connor Murphy. I've been here for a few weeks now but I'm not really, you know... these kinds of things aren't really my thing, but my guardian thought it would be good...

So, uh, yeah. Hi.

[ Connor winced at the message but pressed post before he could talk himself out of it. Who knew? Maybe Susan and Evan would be right and this turned out to be a good thing. He wasn't holding his breath, or anything but he allowed a small amount of hope remain. ]

Jan. 13th, 2018


WHO Turner, Evan & Connor
WHAT Surprising the boys
WHEN Saturday late morning
WHERE Clinic -> House Hunting
WARNINGS They're picking up Connor from his in-patient stay to deal with his suicidal thoughts so likely triggery
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 11th, 2018


Who: Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen
What: Connor calls Evan after dinner.
Where: Connor is still in the clinic in-patient, Evan at home.
When: Thursday Evening
Warnings: It's Connor and Evan so...
Status: Closed

... )

Dec. 31st, 2017


Who: Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen
What: Chatting
Where: Evan's at home, Connor's in the clinic
When: NYE
Warnings: I feel like these two are a warning in and of themselves
Status: Closed

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Dec. 28th, 2017


WHO Susan Turner & Connor Murphy
WHAT A not so good discussion
WHEN Dec 27 AM (the morning after this and shortly after this)
WHERE Their apartment
WARNINGS SERIOUS TRIGGER WARNINGS -- confrontation about the intent to self harm
STATUS Closed | Incomplete


Dec. 25th, 2017


Who: Treebros Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen
What: Evan's worried about Connor
Where: The Rogers-Barnes house
When: During the Christmas gathering
Warnings: YES. Self harm, talk of suicide and possible character death (per canon)
Status: Closed, given a separate post so we could lock it and include warnings for sensitive content

Trigger Warning for self harm/potential talk of suicide )


WHO: Connor Murphy & Evan Hansen
WHERE: Evan and Susan's apartment.
WHEN: [Post Dated] Last day before Christmas break begins, after this.
WHAT: Connor confronts Evan about Susan's expectations.
WARNINGS: Possibly cussing, maybe some anger but mostly just frustrations. Also, marijuana use.
STATUS: Closed | Incomplete

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WHO: Connor Murphy, Evan Hansen, & Susan Turner
WHERE: Madison Valley High School.
WHEN: [Post Dated] Last day before Christmas break begins.
WHAT: Connor's arrival.
WARNINGS: A bit of aggression and anger, but not super bad.
STATUS: gdoc | In Progress

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