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Dec. 5th, 2013


As far as wrong turns go, this was pretty epic.


Speaking of the money, it occurs to me to wonder:

Where is it coming from?

There's enough of us that it's tens of thousands of dollars, and this isn't a large town. Is it given to them by whomever brought us here (in which case I want a raise in my 'allowance', thanks) or is it from the actual town?


Filtered From The Town Council

I am not going back to that school. They try to teach some of the most ridiculous things and when you try to point out the incorrect information, they threaten you with some kind of disciplinary action. Disciplinary action?! For speaking the truth?! I know the history of Louisiana and different witch trials a lot better than most people and she was wrong. That bitch should be very relieved that I kept my temper and left when she decided to send me to the damn principal.

I came home instead and I refuse to go back. Surely there are people that are willing to be tutors? Elijah? Klaus? I'm sure you could tutor me in anything I need to know like Marcel did?

Dec. 2nd, 2013


American beer tastes like piss.

I'm going to go vomit now.

Nov. 12th, 2013


So, it's pretty obvious that a lot of us have wildly different opinions about what's appropriate to post on the network and what isn't. Obviously we can't please everyone, but maybe we could come to some sort of agreement on what should and shouldn't be posted on the network (at least without an Over 18 filter)?

These are my suggestions, but feel free to offer your own.

Please Filter the Following to People Over the Age of 18
1. Graphic talk of sex.
2. Requests for sex.
3. Complaints about lack of sex.

Anything else? This isn't telling anyone they can't talk about this stuff, just trying to make everyone a bit more comfortable.

Nov. 9th, 2013


I don't want to trouble anyone, but where does one go to get a decent cup of tea?


I've been learning what I can about this place.

It's not like Panem. Although-

There are kids with magic here. The Capitol would have loved that, having kids with magic to put in the Games. Entertaining, right?

Nov. 8th, 2013


Oh my... this is almost too amazing to be real.


So...I guess it wasn't just a very strange dream last time.

Nov. 7th, 2013


My guardian asked me to leave.

That didn't take long. Figures.

Nov. 5th, 2013


Is it still the custom for muggles to set off fireworks at all hours of the night, then?

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Okay, I am trying to make up this pamphlet for newbie arrivals and have some questions for all of you.

What was the most helpful thing someone told you upon arrival?
What was the least helpful thing told to you?
What information would you have liked to have known upon arrival that you didn't find out until later on?

Answers, go!


Who: Ciel Phantomhive & Open
What: Ciel's classmates don't like him very much.
Where: A public park
When: Sunday, after church
Warnings | Status Bullying | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 2nd, 2013


[Filtered; Georgia Mason, Lissa Dragomir, Cesare Borgia]
I would like it to be known that I have no desire to be removed from my host family's care until Sebastian. Is there an official edict I must sign to ensure it remains so?

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Everyone!
What: Halloween party
Where: A rented hall
When: October 31st!
Warnings | Status: TBD | On going | IC/OOC

Hey guys! This is the official Halloween party thread. You may tag into it ICly and interact with each other, or you may tag it OOC and just tell us what your character(s) did or are doing for the night. The hall was officially decorated by Caroline, there's food with the appropriate Halloween themes, music and general entertainment. Justine did also add in a gaudy Halloween sign that says 'Happy Birthday Harry' and there will be cake. There is a costume contest, I don't know how you guys want to decide who won that, but go for it and have fun! Justine is also personally greeting everyone and handing out bags of assorted candy.

Happy Halloween!

Also, by mod confirmation, this thread is worth 40 points!

Oct. 28th, 2013


I can't decide what I find worse: That I'm considering settling in Madison Valley for the long term, or that the city is not functionally allowing that to happen.

It all feels like a farce, we're only pretending. I understand. This isn't my home, and in a year if I'm here it still won't be.

When does it stop not being home, I wonder?

Oct. 27th, 2013


I've been thinking a lot over the past few days. Some things Georgia said really stuck with me and now after the violence at the theater I think-

I think I need to live by my principles more.

So I'm not going to let some stupid looter who thinks the only way to get what he wants is by hitting people scare me.

And I'm not going to let some corrupt government that won't respect people's rights scare me either.

That's not what Kenzo Yagai would do. That's not what my daddy would do. It's giving in, and that's not right. Not in my timeline when the anti-genemod people try to wreck things, and not in this one where anti-refugee people do the same thing.

So I'm going to pitch my stall where I want and I'm going to make all the money I need and I'm not going to let them scare me into hiding in a church for as long as I'm here. Because I deserve better than that.

Oct. 26th, 2013


WHO: Kvothe and OPEN
WHAT: A rather interesting Shop Class
WHEN: Backdated to Friday, during the school day
WHERE: Madison Valley High School, Home of the Madison Valley Marching Llamas.
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 25th, 2013


No Council

So there are a lot of us here now.

And there's been a great deal of focus on our differences, the things we don't like about each other, the things we fear about each other and the council.

But what there hasn't been is much discussion about things we may have in common. Things we may have in common include missing people or things from back home. Here's my challenge to you: what do you miss most about home?

I miss my mother.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Let's have a discussion.

Roland seems to have touched a nerve, so I'm officially asking everyone here:

1.) Do you feel unsafe? If so, who/what group are you worried about?
2.) If you do, why? Please mention whether or not this feeling is colored by previous experiences in your own timelines.
3.) What are some ideas you have for alleviating this problem, that you think could be implemented? We all have ideal solutions, but let's focus on pragmatics.

If you don't feel comfortable addressing some of these questions publically, feel free to either tell me privately in some way or say you don't feel comfortable. It's fine, but if you don't say anything at all, even to abstain from answering, we can't know your thoughts and consider them.

In terms of ideas, so far there's been Roland's suggestion of a protective force (which I object to, but I'm one vote). I'd also like to suggest the idea of escorting people, or setting up checks of some sort within the community for those who are interested.


[Filtered from the Council]

So I was about town today and I took a trip to the shooting range now that they think I'm old enough and they'll let me in. It's a proper interesting place, so it is. Anyhow after I was done shooting I got talking to a fellow who works there, turns out he's with the organization of local folk who want to stand with us, the MVCADR.

He reckons he'd do well holding a class for us folk. The ones of us who aren't exactly in need of a class, as it happens, only to demonstrate what we're capable of. It's only a few days, and we'd get proper...certified by the NRA and apparently what that means is that folk in this world would actually give us credit for our skill with firearms. It's a way for them to recognize the training we've put in back in our own worlds, so I reckon.

Would any of you folk already proficient but not certified by this America be interested in the notion? It's not suited to beginners, so it isn't, but I know there are more than a few of us well beyond that point.

[Filtered to Daryl]

Sai Dixon? I've taken note of all your efforts to protect folk from zombies and such, so I have, and I'm fair impressed by it. Might I ask what your view is on needing protection from the authorities here?

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Cry your pardon, but who are the peacekeepers here? I'm of a mind that we should have someone to protect us from the council's doings, as they seem to have strayed far from the path of the White, say true.

I reckon most here don't trust the local police, aye?

I'd not put myself forward unless asked, so I wouldn't, but something, I think, should be done, something that can be agreed on by all.

Oct. 16th, 2013


Filtered Away From the Council

So, hypothetically, is there a lawyer around to defend any of us that perhaps get into trouble.


Filtered to the Refugees and Away From the MV Council

I'm thinking that there needs to be somewhere around here that could use a governess for show that will fight to protect any of the underage refugees here who the Council deem need a guardian? I can list plenty of references for the job.

Oct. 15th, 2013


Has there still been no way discovered out of here?

I'm keeping busy enough, but it's a small place to be trapped for months on end when your feet are used to the freedom of the road.


Who: Ciel Phantomhive
What: Nightmares, oops.
Where: His host's home
When: Evening, 10/15
Warnings | Status: Brief mentions of death, violence | Narrative | Complete

Read more... )

Oct. 14th, 2013


I dislike being ill for two reasons.

One, I feel like death and it's annoying as I'm not actually dying, just bordering between that and life. Apparently it's reason enough for my host mother to fret over my condition, and I'd really rather she wouldn't.

Two, I have entirely too much time to think. So while my mind is ravished with fever induced dreams and my lungs fail to produce a full breath of air, I wonder about inflation. My financial situation isn't anything worth discussing if Sebastian were here he'd see, but the prices between 1888 and 2013 are ridiculous.

I'm going to run out of money That in mind, living with a host is tolerable to a degree.

Oct. 12th, 2013


Good day.

As apparently the only licensed doctor among the refugees, I should like to see all of you for a baseline medical exam. The results will be kept in strictest confidence.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns.


Lots of our worlds suck. What good does bitching about it do? Stop feelin' sorry for yourself and do something about it, dammit.


Gilead falls. And I am left alone to wander, the last of my ka-tet.

I, Roland, must bury all my friends, or at least see them laid out. I must listen as the tales of Gilead fade into myth. I who must see my home die, and the world move on.

Cuthbert, would that you had not left me to face this alone, although perhaps that is ka too.

Oct. 8th, 2013


[Filtered; Marius Black & Georgia Mason]
I'm having difficulty breathing.


Good day, Refugees of Madison Valley.

I was a bit confused upon my arrival earlier today, so I thought it only right that I should greet you properly now that I am at least slightly more settled.

I am Dr. Marius Black. I'm an Oxford-trained physician, currently serving as a medic with the Durham Light Infantry near the town of Arras, France - currently being May, 1940.

I have had a long discussion with Miss Mason about your medical situation here, and I wish to offer my services to any and all refugees who may be in need. There may be something more formal set up in the future, but for now I will be glad to make house calls, and do what I can to soothe your minds and bodies.

Again, I greet you all, and may peace find you in this place.

Oct. 7th, 2013


I read too much and I got too curious. I'd looked for my name in official records before, when I first arrived here, but now I understand your internet better, I can find things like I can at home on datanet.

Someone here in this world has written a book about a genemodded woman named Leisha Camden. I haven't read the book, only the spoilers.

Leisha Camden dies while active and in very good health and I suppose her society must have figured out things with the telomeres because she's 107 at the time.

Leisha Camden is assassinated by terrorists. I guess you don't die that way unless you've accomplished something notable, do you?

Isn't it silly?

Isn't it the most irrational thing I've ever heard? I'm not going to cry. Alice cries. All the time and I can't I have to be stronger Daddy says I have to be at least that strong. I want Daddy. I want to go home.

Oct. 6th, 2013


What does this place do for Halloween? I've always gone trick-or-treating myself or with the little ones, and then to Church, but the little ones aren't here, and I'm not feeling on such good terms with the Church at the moment.

Maybe we should organize something? A party?


Instead of having a row over the ones to be nominated, mayhap we should also be discussing what demands concerns they'll be bringing before the Council?

Where do we, as a whole, stand on firearms? On other issues?

If we come not together in mind and spirit then the 'representatives', cry your pardon, will do us naught but harm. We must be sure that our representatives go armed with not just their own opinions, but in a greater sense we should see that they go serving the White.

My concerns lie mostly in the following two issues:

Firearms. I'm not against required training for the possession of a firearm - and I'd even offer my help with such - but I'm strong against any sort of ban, regardless of age, sex, or origin.

Age-based laws. It's right strange that I can't buy a cup of graf here, or that I must have a guardian when I've well passed my rites of manhood. Mayhap make age-based restrictions contingent on origin?

What of the rest of you?


1. Firearms
2. Magic
3. Age Restrictions
4. Blood Samples

Oct. 5th, 2013


[Filtered to refugees under the age of 20]

One of us needs to be chosen to represent our interests to the council.

You'll all know me and that I have no interest in any...collective sentiment or anything of the sort, but there are a lot of us here who are young and dealing with things we wouldn't have to in our own timelines and we deserve to have representation.

You know me and you know also that I set up a network against the Council so I'm not going to be intimidated by their authority. If there's not a better candidate, I'll nominate myself. But I'm realistic and I know that I'm young even by our standards and there's very probably someone who will be more accepted.

I believe in democracy and while I know that the whole of my ideology isn't a popular one here? We've got specific interests in this specific context that merit working together. Shared interests, shared values.

So, if you'll follow the idea, this is the primary.

If you'd like to be representative, state your case here. We'll choose our candidate. Then we'll support them in the public thread. We've got the numbers, if you're willing to go along with the idea we can at least see that one young person is chosen, even if not your particular favorite candidate.

Nobody's obliged, of course. If you don't like the idea at all I'd ask that if you want to tell me why? Message me privately. I'm happy to talk about it but I don't want to derail the discussion. Let's have it more like datanet and less like internet. I'm not going to tell anyone how to vote but there's a reason why real elections have political parties and chosen candidates. I think it's important that we're listened to. Maybe some of you do, too.



There has been much discussion among us about the limiting of weapons and dangerous articles among the refugees. However, as we embrace the second amendment as much as any American, we are loathe to seize any weapons that you may have brought with you.

As we have been unable to come to any clear conclusion over what is to be done about this problem, we would like to meet with representatives at a time and place convenient to you. We are sorry that we cannot meet with all of you, but we feel it is better for security reasons to limit the number allowed in the council chambers.

So if it is possible, please choose - or elect - three representatives to come and argue your case before us on this matter.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Oct. 2nd, 2013


For the information of certain people Maximus, Cuthbert, probably the Council if they're reading everything like I am:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I think it's fairly self-explanatory. It's also the law in America. All the Americas I've made a note of so far, actually.

Oct. 1st, 2013


[Filtered against the Council]

Who among us has medical training of any sort? I think it would perhaps be prudent if we set up our own medical facility, perhaps in the church, in case these doctors tire of healing us as well.


Citizens and Refugees of Madison Valley

Because of the recent violence that has taken place at King's Daughters Hospital, and the protest and refusal of many of the doctors and administration there to continue to treat refugees who threaten them, injure them, or destroy their premises, the Hospital can now be considered off limits to all refugees.

A Refugee's Clinic will be opened at the location of the old Madison Clinic, staffed with doctors not involved in the protest, to treat the illnesses and injuries of refugees.

Also, due to recent events, the use of magic is now banned in Madison Valley. Those who are found violating this law will be subject to 90 days in prison and/or a fine of $10,000.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

~Madison Valley City Council

Sep. 30th, 2013


I win then. What a disappointing end to a silly game.

I've misplaced a dog in the process, if anyone sees him tell him his master calls. He responds to Sebastian.