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Dec. 4th, 2013


Filtered to Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson (And Cesare and Georgia)

We know that Davina Claire is living in your household and that you both retrieved her from the Town Council when she arrived. I need to know which of your names I should put on the paperwork as being her official guardian so the Town Council knows we're taking care of our own and they don't think about removing her and placing her with someone else. Part of our agreement with the Town Council was that we would be allowed to select among our own population for guardians for children, but we have to have all of the paperwork filled out and filed.

Thank you,

Lissa Dragomir

Dec. 3rd, 2013


We've had some additions to our numbers since our last request for guardianship of those under 18. And some of our previous volunteers have disappeared.

The current list includes the following:

Karrin Murphy
Jo Harvelle
Marius Black
Clara Oswald
Katherine Pryde
Evelyn O'Connell
Helga Hufflepuff
Johanna Mason
James Lester

In accordance with the city council's decision, our youth are being allowed to choose whether they remain with their appointed guardian or if they wish to pass into the hands of our own volunteers. The volunteers themselves are being asked to undergo a background check and social services will visit your residence--which must be established prior to acceptance of a child--to insure that the living space is appropriate for children.

Family are exempted from the process and may take their relatives immediately.

That said, if you wish to volunteer to take on a child respond here. We would also like to know if you have issues with magic, how many children you are willing and able to take on and what age range you would prefer.

filtered: Georgia and Lissa )


All right, so this family that I was told I had to stay with is kind of freaking me out.

They told me that if one of the other 'refugees' (and, seriously, how weird is it that they call us that?!) is willing to take me in, I can do that.

Um, so, anyone willing to help me out?

Dec. 1st, 2013


I have read your Constitution, and about your Republic and how it functions. The library here is very extensive. I wonder, though. I wonder if it would do any good to read about my own country, what you would call history and I would call the future. Would it do any good? How even should I take it: as a storyteller's account with the usual embellishments, or a cautionary tale, or a true and accurate reflection of what is to become of my own family?

I do not know if it is a good idea to read such things.

Technology is easier to read about, and perhaps more useful. Another question. How might I learn to ride a car? There are no horses here and it would seem silly not to adopt your mode of travel.

Nov. 27th, 2013


Filtered to Those Above 18 -- And The Representatives

We waited to do this until we were sure, but my sister and I are in need of a new guardian. Our last guardian, Alicia, seems to have disappeared and we haven't been able to find her.

We don't have a lot of requirements, but we would like to be placed with someone who is accepting of magic, if possible. We don't want to be told over and over again that magic is evil and we'll burn for it. I have enough of a complex.

Cassie Blake and Diana Meade

Nov. 22nd, 2013


So. Church. What is it? And all these lights up everywhere, in the shape of trees and stars and everything. What are they for? Is there a celebration coming up?

[Filtered to Katniss]

You doing okay?

Nov. 19th, 2013


[Filtered to Marius Black]

I fear that I have been struck with a swift-progressing and inexplicable illness. Perhaps I am dying. I know you to be a fine physician. Do you think you might Is there any course of action at all that you could recommend to me?

[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

I find myself suddenly and gravely ill. Please, will you come to hear my confession?

Nov. 18th, 2013


WHO: Sinéad and Cesare
WHAT: Talking philosophy, politics, religion, etc.
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: The Church
WARNINGS: Talk of death, etc
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


Sulfur. Saltpeter. Charcoal. Certainly not the simplest recipe I have ever seen, nor the most common ingredients, but not impossible, not with a little work.

Perhaps I shall be a better cook here than at home and show that librarian who seemed to think it unseemly that I asked for such information!

Nov. 17th, 2013


I have been told a little about this place. I cannot in Christ's name fathom how I was brought forward eight hundred years - eight hundred! - but I am told that there is nothing to be done for it, and my father always said to me that I ought to make the best of what couldn't be changed.

That said, I have some questions, if one of you might be so kind as to answer.

1. Who is the lord of Indiana? I would speak with him
2. I was asked after magic and I am uncertain: is it herbalism they mean by the word? Or heresy? For they are quite different.
3. The...horseless carts. I admit I'm not sure what my question is, exactly, but - might someone explain them?
4. Could I have directions to the nearest traveler's hospital? I find myself in need of a place to stay for the night.
5. Additionally, I may require the service of a midwife. Is there one to be found here?

Any assistance you might provide will be met with my gratitude.

Mahelt Marshal

Nov. 16th, 2013


Eighty years, and there's nothing left in the world that I recognize.

Nov. 6th, 2013


IC/OOC Council Meeting!

WHO: The Madison Valley City Council, Cesare Borgia, Georgia Mason and Lissa Dragomir
WHEN: Wednesday, November 6, 2013.
WHERE: The Madison Valley City Hall
WHAT: Discussing what will happen, etc.

(OOC: This can happen both IC and OOC. It doesn't all have to be played out, it can just be discussed OOC, which would probably be faster. But if you want to discuss something IC, feel free! I'll play the council when necessary.)


Right, so, I'm not a cop here. And since trying to get an official job here will require a blood test, I'm not going to be a cop here.

Which is okay. I guess

So I guess my question is...what do people need help with? I don't like just sitting at home. I'd like to help in a way that isn't...abrasive.

I hate having nothing to do
Makes me think too much

Nov. 5th, 2013


Who: Cesare and Eärendil
What: Match up!
Where: St. Michael's
When: Tuesday
Warnings | Status: None | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Okay, I am trying to make up this pamphlet for newbie arrivals and have some questions for all of you.

What was the most helpful thing someone told you upon arrival?
What was the least helpful thing told to you?
What information would you have liked to have known upon arrival that you didn't find out until later on?

Answers, go!

Nov. 2nd, 2013


[Filtered; Georgia Mason, Lissa Dragomir, Cesare Borgia]
I would like it to be known that I have no desire to be removed from my host family's care until Sebastian. Is there an official edict I must sign to ensure it remains so?

Nov. 1st, 2013


Attention: Refugees

Lissa, Georgia and I have taken your concerns into consideration and discussion. In response for a request of our intentions we're releasing a brief statement of issues we deemed important and will therefore address at the first Council meeting.

The issues follow as:
- Guardianship for those under 18
- The ban of magic
- Use of the hospital facilities
- New arrivals

1. Guardianship.
We propose that financially stable Refugees present become guardians for any new arrivals under 18 years of age. You'll also be given first priority if a member of your family arrives, financial status notwithstanding. In order for this to be effective we've determined that volunteers should step forward if you're willing and able to take on a child. You should tell us the age group you're comfortable with, if you're comfortable with magic users, and how many children you are able to care for. In addition, the children already present should be given a choice about coming under the guardianship of Refugees or staying with their assigned family.
2. Magic ban.
We're against the ban of magic as a whole and will appeal to the Council to remove it entirely.
3. The hospital.
We've agreed that our population should be permitted to use the hospital services, as the separation from hospital to clinic has split resources and left the city as a whole exposed to health concerns that effect us all, Refugee and local alike.
4. New arrivals.
Given the treatment by the city many of us receive upon arrival, we're requesting that one of our number be present during the initial welcoming phases with new arrivals. We need several volunteers to be on hand for this task as new arrivals appear in the city at any hour.

- Cesare Borgia, Lissa Dragomir, Georgia Mason

[Filtered; Georgia, Lissa.]
Volunteers to meet new arrivals:
Daryl Dixon - any
Karrin Murphy - morning
Molly Carpenter - night
Sookie Stackhouse - day
Roland Deschain - 4pm to 7
Katherine Pryde - any
Helena Wayne - Night
Tris Prior - any
Oliver Queen - day
Maria Deluca - any

Volunteers for guardians
Karrin Murphy - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Jo Harvelle - any age, 1 at most, magic +
Marius Black - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Clara Oswald - any age, 4 at most, magic +
Katherine Pryde - any age, 2 at most, magic +
Lucrezia Borgia - under 2 years
Alicia Florrick -


Private to Lissa and Cesare:

We need to talk to the gunslingers.


[filtered; Georgia, Lissa, Cesare]
What have you guys decided to do about these kids? I got dropped with one because the freaking city didn't know what to do with him other than institutionalize him if I didn't take him.

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Everyone!
What: Halloween party
Where: A rented hall
When: October 31st!
Warnings | Status: TBD | On going | IC/OOC

Hey guys! This is the official Halloween party thread. You may tag into it ICly and interact with each other, or you may tag it OOC and just tell us what your character(s) did or are doing for the night. The hall was officially decorated by Caroline, there's food with the appropriate Halloween themes, music and general entertainment. Justine did also add in a gaudy Halloween sign that says 'Happy Birthday Harry' and there will be cake. There is a costume contest, I don't know how you guys want to decide who won that, but go for it and have fun! Justine is also personally greeting everyone and handing out bags of assorted candy.

Happy Halloween!

Also, by mod confirmation, this thread is worth 40 points!


[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

Sai Cesare?

I know you're perfect busy and I'll not trouble you long but for the sake of our association I'll ask - at home it might have been different but here everything else seems to have been dealt with in a terrible timely fashion so am I to take it that my petition for a statement has been denied?

If so, I'll accept that as-is and not press you on it further, not to worry, that's not my purpose.

Oct. 29th, 2013


Who: Cesare & Lucrezia Borgia
What: Discussing politics, people and things.
Where: Borgia Apartments
When: Now
Warnings | Status: Implied incest | in progress

Read more... )


[Filtered; Georgia & Lissa]
I've refrained from addressing Cuthbert. But we'll need a confirmed stance before we do, so we're not saying three different things.

How do you want to approach it? As this will be the moment we earn their ire or they let us do our work.

Oct. 28th, 2013


Filtered to Cesare and Georgia

I've come up with an idea. I don't know if it's a good idea, but it is an idea.

Would it be possible for us to put together some kind of orientation for new arrivals? This would serve us well in two ways:

1) It might prevent jumping to conclusions and misunderstandings like we've seen in the most recent days.

2) It gives some people something to do instead of sitting back and waiting for something bad to happen. If they're working on something constructive for our community then they might have less time to think up all kinds of bad situations.


Ah, how precious it is to find the earth under my fingers again, and to set my boots on Arda's shores. Lovely - and yet I fear it a fell thing that I find myself here.

This place is naught like anything I have ever looked upon in all of Arda, and I have seen not just the lands of Middle Earth, but the hallowed shores of the Undying Lands.

Please, where am I? They told me Madison Valley, and Indiana, but I know not of these places.

Oct. 27th, 2013


It's too damn sunny. Also, why couldn't we have been stuck somewhere interesting?


I don't want to deal with today. Where are my big meds?


Hey, could I talk to you about some things at some point?

Oct. 25th, 2013


I took Georgia's advice and spent most of yesterday on the computer reading the networks back since people started arriving here in July. So I've got some sort of idea of what's going on here, at least vaguely. And I apologize to those of you I offended or frightened with my words - I didn't realize how terrible this place had been to those of you with supernatural inclinations. It makes sense you'd react the way you did.

So. Let me start over. I'm Karrin Murphy. I used to be an officer with the Chicago Police Department, in the Special Investigations department. We looked over crimes committed by supes, against supes, and so on. Those supes who obeyed the law - which I'd assume is most of them - were either allies of mine, or completely under my radar. I have nothing against law abiding citizens, whether they're supernatural or not. My problem is with those who break the law and hurt other. If you're not one of them, then my warning certainly doesn't apply to you.

Reading over everything, I was thinking that maybe we need some sort of, uh, sub-council? Something where people can reach a sort of consensus on what we want before Georgia, Lissa and Cesare take it to the City Council. I don't think we need elections; there just aren't enough of us to warrant that. But maybe...we should have something like Town Hall meetings? Where everyone can just show up and tell Georgia what we think? Maybe it'll take some pressure off of her. I'm not a politician, so someone else is welcome to come up with details, but anything we can do to make our reps' job's easier would be good.

Just an idea. I'm open for suggestions, etc.


I'm sorry, I was a bitch yesterday. I didn't have any idea what had gone on here.

Oct. 17th, 2013


WHO: Daryl Dixon and OPEN
WHAT: Zombie-proofing
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: Outside the apartments
WARNINGS: Talk of Zombies

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 11th, 2013


The council is waiting for us to decide when it's convenient to meet them. Now we've chosen our representatives, let us agree to a time.

Lissa? Georgia?

And also determine the matters of most importance at the moment. This won't be the only time we meet them.

Oct. 9th, 2013


There are many different people here, from many different worlds and cultures. And those people often hold conflicting sets of beliefs. What is right to one person may not necessarily be right to another. It does not make either belief wrong, in essence.

I am a Christian man, and as such I believe in certain things, and hold a certain world view. I do not expect others to believe as I do, nor will I necessarily judge you as an immoral person if you do not. I know that the world has moved to a point where it is not kind to a Christian world view, and I believe that a person's choices are theirs, and theirs alone to make. And what becomes of your soul is between yourself and your God.

And I am rambling. What I mean to say is that however you believe, however you behave in this place is no business of mine. It is only for God to judge. And the same is true for all here.

Oct. 6th, 2013


[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

Cesare, sai? Are you accepting the nomination that the Blacks have put you forward for?


Mr. Borgia,

For the record, I'd love to know your opinions on the following topics:

1. How do you feel about the place of women in the church? Should women be allowed to hold positions of power?

2. Should unmarried women have access to contraceptives to prevent pregnancy?

3. How do you feel about the place of women in society?

4. When it comes to magic, do you believe that practitioners should be allowed to practice freely?

5. Where do you believe magic comes from?


[Filtered; Lucrezia]
They've nominated me for this council, sis.

Oct. 5th, 2013



There has been much discussion among us about the limiting of weapons and dangerous articles among the refugees. However, as we embrace the second amendment as much as any American, we are loathe to seize any weapons that you may have brought with you.

As we have been unable to come to any clear conclusion over what is to be done about this problem, we would like to meet with representatives at a time and place convenient to you. We are sorry that we cannot meet with all of you, but we feel it is better for security reasons to limit the number allowed in the council chambers.

So if it is possible, please choose - or elect - three representatives to come and argue your case before us on this matter.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Oct. 4th, 2013


[Filtered from the Council]

So I read about it on the internet but I'd rather ask advice from people I actually know because your internet's full of ridiculous opinions.

What's the best sort of handgun for a beginner to try?

Oct. 3rd, 2013


[Filtered against the Council]

If anyone does not mind, I require clarification. In my day, power was bestowed through God or bloodline. What, then, grants this Council its power? I have heard words like "democracy" thrown about, but I was not aware of the men being asked to vote on these new edicts.

I am simply trying to understand, mind you.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


For the information of certain people Maximus, Cuthbert, probably the Council if they're reading everything like I am:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I think it's fairly self-explanatory. It's also the law in America. All the Americas I've made a note of so far, actually.

Sep. 28th, 2013


More than two months have passed, and still we find ourselves here. Although I find myself quite comfortable, I wonder how many of us are becoming complacent. Have we stopped looking for a way home?

I also wonder, does time here pass as it does in Faerie? Will we return home to discover that no time at all has passed, or will we find that ages have passed and all we once knew are dead and gone?

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

When will you begin to actually teach me something? If you restrict my behavior as you have and teach me nothing in return, then I think our contract may soon be at an end.

Sep. 27th, 2013


It worked. I've received a much finer welcome this time than I did the last. I've got my own apartment, filled with all this world's marvels, and a new one of the little cards that passes in token of actual funds, and isn't that something!

I've never lived alone. It's perfect nice, like having a grand set of rooms high up in some palace or other, even if the ideas on proper...interior design are a little lacking.

My only complaint is that I still can't buy my own graf I should have said 21 but who'd believe that? If any of you folk care to visit and bring along a welcome gift of such nature? I can welcome you into my home and we'll have a good meal and suchlike.

Sep. 26th, 2013


Who? Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia
What? Lucrezia must deal with modern illness
When? Thursday evening
Where? At their apartment
Warnings? TBD
Status? Closed & ongoing

Read more... )

Sep. 23rd, 2013


I am not well in this place. The snow is beautiful, but I have caught a chill.


Georgia Mason, I would like to hear more about the remedies here.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


The first time I've seen snow in four years, and I'm as ill prepared for it as I was then. Actually, as cumbersome as my dresses back home were, I think they were actually warmer than what I was wearing today.

Sep. 19th, 2013


Who: Cuthbert, Cesare, Georgia
What: Getting in trouble for trying to help.
Where: Leaving the police station
When: After Cuthbert tries to help Valen escape from the hospital
Warnings: References to violence

Read more... )

Sep. 18th, 2013


I have accepted that servants are no longer used in this place, but what of dressmakers? It is prudent that I have an appropriate wardrobe while I am here. I have seen the manufactured offerings in the stores, but I don't think my brother would approve they appear to be very flimsy. The colors and patterns are so beautiful in some instances, yet they reveal much more skin than I am comfortable with. It was more important that a woman keep her mystery in my century, perhaps.

I have money in this little card they gave me, if that will help matters.

[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

Cassiopeia Black has invited me to her home on Friday. Advise me, brother, for you know more than I about her family. I think she is worth knowing.

Sep. 17th, 2013


[Private to Cesare Borgia]

I know you've been busy of late what with the arrival of your sister and such, but I've a question for you, if you'd give me answer. I'm playing intermediary for an associate of mine as I don't have the answers to give him but I reckon you might.

What can a man do to make amends if he's worried for the...state of his soul? If he truly believed that if he were to die he'd be consigned to the eternal fires of Na'ar despite his regret for his errors?

Sep. 15th, 2013


Who: Cesare & Lucrezia Borgia
What: Siblings, discussing plans etc.
Where: St. Michael's.
When: Now
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

Sep. 14th, 2013


So I hear there are all sorts of different types of sympathy 'magic' here. I know I'm new here, but I thought it might be a good idea if we all got together and learned what we could from each other? It seems like we'd all end up gaining something from that.

Sep. 13th, 2013


Will nobody point me in the direction of Rome? I must find someone who knows who I am. I have items that I can trade. I was given a strange metal tablet that hinges in the middle, with a mirror on one half and letters on the other. They made it glow when they gave it to me. I was also given an intelligent "phone," but I will keep it for myself as it is quite lovely and makes charming sounds.

Will anyone read this? They said it would help. I would appreciate any kindness you might grant me.

Sep. 10th, 2013


Theoretical question, in the sense that I'm testing a theory and if it works for others why not me?

How would you defend a city against modern machine-weapons like tanks and mayhap planes if you didn't have any of your own but did have a large army complete with guns and plenty of cavalry?

What would you do? Assume it's past the point of diplomacy and I'm not accepting pray, die or turn traitor as valid answers.

Best workable solution wins a basket of mangoes because Sai Maedhros is a bad influence and I bought far too many.


I don't understand the difference between the witches here. Witch, arcanist, wizard what are those terms for? You do things I don't comprehend, I'm not ashamed to admit it. If deep knowledge makes you exceptional then everyone here is as you have knowledge others do not.

Georgia Mason has exceptional knowledge and does things I don't understand. Sybil Crawley too. Michael Carpenter.

You're all strange.

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