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Sep. 10th, 2013


[Filtered from the council]

Other than Cassi, Pollux and Harry, who are the arcanists here?

And Cassi, meet me tonight at midnight and we'll begin.

Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: Cesare Borgia & Open
What: Confession.
Where: St. Michael's
When: Thursday
Warnings | Status: Religion, confession, blasphemy | in progress

Read more... )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Now I know what this phone can do. Some of it is perfect useful, like the calculator. Not that I work much with figures here outside lessons but anyone who had the keeping of accounts would set a high value on such a device.

The maps, though, they're far and away too small to be useful. I like better the ones at the library that I can unfold out onto a table and look at properly. Tiny maps are no good for learning the layout of a land or planning anything save trips to the stores to buy sugar-water and I already know how to get there.

Calling someone on a phone is easier and quicker than sending a pigeon, though. I'll give it that.

Aug. 31st, 2013


I sought to immortalize myself in history. The chance exists still But I wonder how history will change when I am not there to influence it. I don't understand the science that brought me here, or how it has changed things or what it will mean for the future.

How do I use this thing to look at history? How do I know what changed?


I'm not going to be dishonest about this. I'm telling you who I am so that you can avoid responding to me if you want to. I won't be insulted. Hell, I won't know about it, I can't be insulted if that's what you decide.

I'm Lizzy Carrera. Seven years ago I got a physics degree from Caltech. Since then I've lived in Maine and worked in ICT. Last month I was driving through Indiana when I managed to get trapped in this town at the point the barrier materialized. I'm from this world and this time, but I'm stuck the same as you are. Me and my daughter, Francesca. She's three. I've been working with local government and trying to figure out what's going on in this town, but in some ways your guess is as good as mine at this point. It's going to take time.

I want to say you can Ask Me Anything, but that's not strictly true. Upfront, there are things I don't know, things I can't talk about or I'm not qualified to talk about. Also, I don't want to address scientifically technical questions in a public network discussion, because there's far too much potential for misunderstanding. If you've got the background and you want to discuss it, contact me.

Otherwise, I'll try to answer what I can.

Aug. 30th, 2013


Filtered against the Council

I am in need of a donor.

You will not be harmed and contrary to folklore, you will not be turned into a vampire. I'm an old vampire and do not require a lot of blood.

Aug. 29th, 2013


How many of you are from pre-industrial societies? If you read the news there was a man struck by a car and I only assume (maybe that's bad?) he didn't know how to cross the street. And if he didn't know how to cross the street, then maybe you don't know either.

And if you don't know how to cross the street how do you navigate your phones, computers, and other technology.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some unofficial classes to go over these basic concepts to give you a better handle on things.

Just a thought.

Aug. 28th, 2013



Apparently I miscalculated the distance between my bed and the chamber pot this morning. Neither of which have I discovered since arrival. What a sad little hope that was.. flying away on hopeless little wings.

Were I a more foolish man I might ask where I am, but common wisdom tells me I am in Madison Valley. Wherever that is.

Aug. 27th, 2013


Someone needs to explain to me the point of giving an unchangeable immortal a vaccination. I'm sure my portrait doesn't need to be protected against smallpox.

Also, immortality seemed to be a bit vogue among the refugees, mm?

Aug. 26th, 2013


((Cuthbert's first attempt at typing a message in English. All errors are his!))

Sai Cesare | Sai Georgia | Sai Fix

I hav learnt the letters of your low speech | now I will not ever hav too go too katel with the veri littel boys  is it not so

I still think the high speech of Gilead is better too rite with | there are fewer letters and less confewsyon

I wanted too show you mai effort in this as it has been grayt in theese weeks

Cuthbert Allgood son of Robert | of Gilead in New Canaan in Midworld | he rote this

Aug. 20th, 2013


I can't stand this place anymore.


Okay. Here's the deal. Vampires can influence your thoughts. It's called mind control and can really fuck you over if you let them. What that means is you need to practice control over your own thoughts. Most people suck at it, but it can be done.

I will not volunteer myself for this task because the Mantle in my current state. But if you want to practice, and you should, you can ask some of the other non-vampire creatures to help teach you. Those that come immediately mind include Carlos Ramirez, Fix, and Michael Carpenter.

If anyone else is okay at teaching this particular exercise volunteer, won't you? It'll help a bunch of people out.


[Filtered; Georgia]
God curses men and woman as it pleases him, apparently. What care has a supreme being for what we do to ourselves? I don't understand why anyone would feel pity for those who associate themselves with witches, magic and the devil. They deserve the diseases they have.

The merciful thing would be to put them out of their misery, as it would be a mercy to do to you, but I have none. I might have use for them though, as I do for you.

Aug. 19th, 2013


[Filtered to the Refugees]

Anyone who has need of it may come to St. Michael's Cathedral on East Street, and find shelter there. Father Williams has granted asylum to all who have need.

If you could check in with me when you come by - no names necessary, just let me know you're here so I know how many of you there are - I'm going to the store later to get food and bedding. I've still got about $500 on my card, anyone who wants to donate what they have to the church, please do, so we can purchase appropriate supplies.

Please, don't be afraid. God will see us through.


Are you alright?

Aug. 17th, 2013



Sai Cesare? I'm fair confused by what I've been hearing. I had a message, at least a few removes from source, that I'm not safe in my lodging-house and ought to take refuge in a church.

I'm uncertain of the cause or the...actual concern, but I'm going to leave my lodging and set up camp near our practice-ground until I can determine if the warning has merit. You'll find me there, should you have need of me.

Our lessons will continue, regardless.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Written about two hours after this. Voice transcription, hence the lack of capital letters, punctuation, etc.

voice ...


fuck shit damn it stupid piece of primitive


i said directions command directions search home

fuck ow


fucking assholes


Who: Cuthbert & Cesare
What: Gunslinger stuff. Cuthbert shows Cesare how to shoot.
Where: A clearing in the forest
When: Early morning, the day after their network conversation
Warnings: None, will update if needed

He'd brought the guns: his own from home, and another... )

Aug. 12th, 2013


Attention Refugees!

As many of you do not have Social Security Numbers, or other means of identification, we would like each of you to come by the Clerk's office and fill out some paper work. We will be taking fingerprints, a blood sample, pictures, and asking some information about you, to keep on record.

If you do not come to the Clerk's office and register, you will be unable to find employment in the town, as this information is now required for payroll.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council



Hile, Sai Cesare.

Have you come to a decision yet on the matter we discussed?

Aug. 11th, 2013


I haven't quite determined what exactly these telephones are supposed to be for. There are a lot of people making very irrelevant announcements, aren't there?

If that's the spirit of it: I went out for a walk today. I didn't get hit by a car and nothing terrible happened.


Now that I'm mostly recovered from my illness, I took Miss Mason's advice and I spent some time at the library.

You've made so many advances. In medicine, in technology, in social policy. Yet in other ways you're worse. More hedonistic and violent and - I'm not sure how to describe it, it's almost as if I've stepped into another culture entirely, and I don't mean because I'm British and you're American. The gap's bigger.

What I will never, ever understand is how you could have allowed a second war. We called ours the War to End All Wars, you know. The last. A generation later and there's another, and it's worse, although maybe you learned from that. I read about your situation with the Soviet Union and I was expecting the outcome to be a lot worse.

Aug. 8th, 2013


Georgia. I read your Constitution.

The New World has been named America -- The United States of America. It's governed by a Constitution written by the English who wanted independence from English rule, more or less.

There are three branches of government meant to intercede in each others business. Theoretically it creates balance, but how does anything get done when there are so many useless opinions weighing on decisions and counteracting each other? Your government is setting itself up to fail.

Especially with the First Amendment. You give people freedom and they don't know what to do with themselves. How does that not create chaos and anarchy?

Aug. 7th, 2013


I'm not dead.

Not only am I not dead, I'm actually supposedly well enough to get up don't tell Sai Sybil, she fusses over me too much and I guess that makes me right as rainbarrels.

Except that I'm now terrible weak and the less said about my reflexes the better and aren't I the lucky one to be in this dimension-shifted town instead of back home where my enemies might see that and make mock. Or, you know, shoot me.

Is there a practice-ground here? Where I can shoot without alarming ordinary law-abiding folk, because that would just be the height of rudeness, say true. Failing that, if anyone's got a scrap of land I could go hunting on? I'd rather not get done for poaching, and I know townsfolk can get tetchy about that sort of thing anyway. It's only practice, I'd share the proceeds, though vouching for my cooking's something you'll have to do yourself.

Aug. 6th, 2013


So this town is full of like...the muggle version of Death Eaters?


Are they going to start burning us soon? In the public square?

Aug. 4th, 2013


[Pollux, Cesare, Cuthbert, Georgia]

I'm beginning to show the first signs of illness.

We've been expecting this to happen; I've made preparations. I should be able to keep making my rounds to you for another day. Maybe two, depending on how fast this progresses.

Miss Mason, after that, will you see to the others for me?

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Who: Cesare & Georgia
What: Georgia's collecting samples and answering questions. A regular Q&A
Where: The Borgia apartment!
When: After their conversation
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

If she used it in witch craft it would be license enough to see her burned. )

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I asked for a Priest to see me on my sickbed. Though I am not dying I learned through the pastor the land is ripe with Protestants - I am told of the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther, who inspired the true denial the authority of the Pope and led the reformation himself.

But God holds the papal legacy intact, though tarnished, even this far in the 21st century. They must be doing something right.


If the Church of Rome was ever not corrupt I'll be the first to cast a stone.


Who will be my confessor then?

Jul. 31st, 2013


This is getting ridiculous.

Jul. 30th, 2013



I shan't be able to visit today either, say sorry. My illness is worse than you can imagine a good deal worse. You might want to get yourself to a healer, there's this woman saying it's the kind of sickness that spreads. I'd hate to think I'd passed it forward.


Sai? Do you think we're both going to die of this?

Jul. 29th, 2013


Who: Sybil, Cesare
What: The 'plague'
Where: Cesare's apartment
When: Now
Warnings: Serious illness? Will update if anything else comes up.

Read more... )


This is an extraordinary dream I'm having. It reminds me of something Mr H.G. Wells might have dreamt up. It's almost as if I could be in another time.

Jul. 24th, 2013


So what kinds of jobs are there here? I'm kinda guessing there aren't any orbital factories or the like, right?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I spent all day making coffee and answering phones.

I don't think the people who live here like us very much. They kept asking me about where I was from, and whether I was married, or had kids, and when I said no, the women looked at me like I was a dangerous little hussy.

Like I'd want their husbands, please. That's not why I got myself trapped in this little hick town.

But the job isn't so bad, I guess.

I make a mean cup of coffee.

Jul. 21st, 2013


Was it Da Vinci who designed these horseless carriages? Made of metal no less. How are they moving?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


What happens if we don't get jobs here?

I'm not afraid to work, but I have responsibilities I refuse to abandon.

[Filtered to Sarissa]

My lady, with your permission, I would like to advertise to the town that I am able to do repairs on cars and appliances, and general maintenance work. I fear what will happen when we run out of currency, and I would not see you do without.

Jul. 21st, 2013


I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. This is supposed to be a good time for me, the last summer before college. I'm supposed to be spending time with my friends, not stuck here with no way home. I need a drink. Ugh.

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