September 2024




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Aug. 7th, 2018


Who: Izzy and Arthur
What: Talking
Where: Coffee shop
When: Wednesday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed, Match up

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Aug. 1st, 2018


If no one else is willing to try out this transportation service, I'll be the guinea pig.

Let's go to Paris.

Jul. 22nd, 2018


Who: Arthur and OTA
What: Random encounter
Where: Community Center
When: Sunday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

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Jul. 3rd, 2018


Who: Everyone!
What: 4th of July/Fireworks
Where: The Park
When: Wednesday All Day (forward dated)
Warning: Likely none; will lock if needed
Status: Open/Party Post

~+~+~+~ )
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Jun. 20th, 2018


Who: Dream and Arthur
What: Random encounter
Where: Streets
When: Evening
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

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Jun. 9th, 2018


Who: Sage and open
Where: Starbucks
When: early evening
What: random
Warnings: low/none
Status: in progress, open

things just keep changing.. )

Jun. 8th, 2018


With the end of the holy month of Ramadan approaching, Eid al-Fitr is upon us. Those of us, well, that is to say both of us, who have been observing will be breaking our fast and want to invite everyone to join us for dinner.

Fair warning, I am going to try to cook something for it but I promise we'll have it properly catered by someone a lot more trustworthy.

Assuming the astrological predictions are right, they aren't always but let's hope, dinner will be served when the moon rises on Thursday, the 14th. Which isn't a very specific way to tell time, I know, but hey, we don't make the rules.

May. 20th, 2018


I've been in this town a year and a half. Eighteen months, and it feels like a lifetime.

A lot has happened in that time. Some good, some not so good. Some utterly amazing.

Ariadne, I'm Very Glad you're here with me.

May. 19th, 2018


Apparently I have no access to my military funds anymore and require money. I was formerly a rocket scientist and before that a State Alchemist.

What kind of jobs are there for someone like that?

May. 1st, 2018


Wow, that was...


( Weiss )

Care to help me get rid of the woodland creatures in my home?

Apr. 28th, 2018


This ain't where I'm supposed to be.

Look, man. Whatever. Just take me back.

Apr. 27th, 2018


Well, well. Isn't this about six kinds of what the fuck I don't want.

Apr. 22nd, 2018


Who: Arthur and OTA
What: TBD
Where: Starbucks
When: Sunday
Warnings: not likely
Status: OPEN

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Apr. 11th, 2018


WHO: Peter Parker and Arthur
WHAT: Random meeting
WHEN: Today after school
WHERE: Walmart
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 6th, 2018


I didn't go to the grand opening of the strip club. Tell me, those who went, is it worth the effort?

Although we did not go to the grand opening of the new strip club in town, I feel that is an ideal venue for our first outing within the structure of our new relationship guidelines.

Mar. 24th, 2018


Some days I'm a good necromancer and ignore the ghosts. Some days I forget and chat at one while helping with their autopsy. Oops?

Mar. 11th, 2018


WHO Seymour Birkhoff Shadow Walker & Arthur
WHAT Someone's got an interesting browser history
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE Their respective apartments
WARNINGS discussion of a BDSM relationship
STATUS MATCHUP | Closed | Incomplete (3/23)

~+~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 1st, 2018


I don't think I'm ever going to get used to being jerked around like this.

Well, that was an interesting way to explore things between us...

Feb. 25th, 2018


Ain't enough booze for this. At least I think I have a name, ain't sure. Anyone wants ta join me in a little day drinkin' I'll be at the bar - Lou's I think. Fuck this shite. after I got to church cause the rosaries mean I'm catholic...

Feb. 17th, 2018


Birthdays are over rated. It's just another day.

Feb. 4th, 2018


So now that I have settled in, thanks to the help of my dear sister, I was told to introduce myself.

Hello, I am Dream. I can't say I'm happy to be here, but it's an interesting place nonetheless.

Feb. 1st, 2018


...I'd say I'm glad that's over, but it was actually...insightful. Awkward, but insightful.

So. After sharing your feelings to an extent, I think it's time to have a more in depth discussion about things, and where we want to go from here.

Jan. 26th, 2018


Who: Arthur and Ariadne
What: Dealing with their empathy bond
Where: Apartment
When: Friday
Warnings: Will update if necessary
Status: Closed

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Jan. 19th, 2018


That moment when you realise you bought dry roasted, no salt added cashews. It's about as enjoyable as chewing rocks.

Jan. 4th, 2018


Who: Natalia (and Sonja Belikova) and Arthur
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Walmart
What: When Toddlers Attack. Or matchup, your pick.

~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 22nd, 2017


WHO Everyone. Seriously. He posted an open invite here
WHAT Merry Christmas!
WHEN Sun, Dec 24 (Dinner's at 4p but everyone's welcome pretty much starting at noon)
WHERE The Rogers-Barnes house (he loves you V)
WARNINGS This is a CHRISTMAS party post. The Winter Soldier will personally kick your ass if I have to lock this post.
STATUS CHRISTMAS | Open | Party Post

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 15th, 2017


WHAT: Holiday Lights in the Woods
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: The Woods
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know

Bellamy has strung lights along the path that leads to a place in the woods where he's decorated a bunch of trees. In the middle, in a clearing, is a large bonfire - the only place in the area not covered in snow. Bellamy's not much of a party guy, but there's a table with some drinks - hot chocolate, coffee, tea, hot cider, and some cookies and chips from the store. The fire will be going all night, so people are welcome to stay as long as they like.
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Dec. 12th, 2017


Who: Anyone (if not directly invited to the Hanukkah gathering someone could have told you)
What: Hanukkah 1st night gathering
Where: The 100 House
When: an hour after sunset
Warnings: TBD (let me know but shouldn't be)
Status: Open party post

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Dec. 11th, 2017


[Telepathic Message to Raven]

Would you have lunch with me this afternoon?

[Telepathic Message to Jean Grey]

I wanted to check up on you, and make sure that you're doing alright after that madness a few weeks ago.

[Delivery to Johanna, a single red rose with a note attached]

Thank you for this weekend. ~CX

[Unfiltered Net Post]

The diversity I've witnessed in this place is utterly astounding. It is a shining example of what I've always believed - that with time and with enough peaceful interaction, people with different backgrounds, races, and abilities can live together, in the open, without bloodshed or violence.

It is a beautiful thing.

Dec. 5th, 2017


WHO Arthur & Ariadne
WHAT Discussing their relationship
WHEN Recently
WHERE Ariadne's Apartment
WARNINGS discussion of the AU MV & starting a bdsm relationship
STATUS closed | complete gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 1st, 2017


WHAT Fancy Holiday Brunch
WHEN Saturday, 12/2 11a-3p (forward dated)
WHERE The Musain
WARNINGS TBD - kick me if this needs locking
STATUS Party Post!!

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )
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Nov. 27th, 2017



Piper, Lena and I would like to announce a black tie holiday brunch to kick off December with a cheery bright spot. It’ll be held on Saturday at The Musain from 11am-3pm. If you need help finding an outfit, I am absolutely available to help anyone who needs it find something suitable. If black tie isn’t for you, you’re of course still welcome. We just thought it might be fun to get a little fancy.

Nov. 26th, 2017


I have now eaten my weight in turkey leftovers. And sent home some to my coworkers. And that kind of old lady who I am pretty sure is homeless and there's no end in sight. Which is kind of awesome, actually.

Private ot Jeremy
When is good? My curiosity is killing me

Nov. 23rd, 2017


Who: Anyone
What: Thanksgiving
Where: The Farm
When: anytime after noon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Party post!

~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 3rd, 2017


WHERE: The River Front
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 12pm to 12am.
WARNINGS: Shouldn't be. Let me know?

The street has been closed off for the music festival. People have brought their blankets and claimed prime places by the stage. It's a lovely fall day, the weather's cool but not cold, and there's a lot of sunshine to make things that much more pleasant. Beth and her helpers have decorated the stage and the area around it with pumpkins and scarecrows and and autumn harvest theme. Food trucks line the street selling every conceivable cuisine.

If you haven't yet signed up to perform, you still can. The music will start at noon and will go until Midnight, come find a place and enjoy a beautiful day of music by the river!
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Oct. 28th, 2017


Augh. I dropped a contact and Pinto found it before I did. I'll be wearing glasses until I can get a replacement

Oct. 15th, 2017


Turns out, owning a dog isn't as bad as I always imagined it would be. He's like a small child in a lot of ways, but I find his company rewarding. I actually look forward to our daily walks.

Oct. 7th, 2017


It was actually chilly out this morning!

I like the autumn, but it also makes me a little sad. Although some of that might have to do with how hard winter was for people back in District Twelve I mean, I like the sunshine, and it seems like there's so little of it in the winter.

Oct. 1st, 2017


What: Last day of the fair!
Where: The fairgrounds
When: All day Sunday
Warnings: Unlikely


ALSO, since it's the last night, there will be a fireworks display at sundown.
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Sep. 29th, 2017


Who: Ariadne and Arthur
What: Fair Date!
Where: Fair
When: Friday evening
Warnings: Will update if necessary
Status: Closed

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Sep. 28th, 2017


So...the fair's in town. And I was thinking, I mean it's not my usual scene, but I'd like to go...with you. Would you be interested in going with me?

Sep. 22nd, 2017


In two months, I will have been here a year. It's been a hell of a ride. There's things I'd like to go back and do over, but for the most part, that ten months has made me a different man than who I was when I first came here. A better man, I'd like to think.

I mean, for one thing, I'd never have considered having a dog to care for before. But when Jesse and Jane disappeared, and Pinto was left behind and seemed to have sought me out, how could I resist? He's been a welcome addition to my daily life, and a constant reminder of a good friend I made here.

[This part filtered from Ariadne]
Another person who's made a hue difference in my life here, as well as my life at home, is Ariadne. I think I should take her on a proper date. I've dated in the past, of course I have. But...I want to do something special for her. Anyone have any stellar ideas I could borrow to make it super special?

Sep. 21st, 2017


FINE Madison Valley.

I like boys.

There, is that good enough?

I hate this place so much.

Sep. 15th, 2017


Right, yes, hello, I do believe I've figured this thing out now.

Those people seemed very distracted by something. Was it the knife ears? The makeup? I can never tell.
Maybe I smell bad. I do spend an awful lot of time graverobbing.
I suppose I should introduce myself. Hullo, everyone. I'm Rumarin.

Sep. 14th, 2017


It's not that bad here, you know?

I mean, I know it sucks to be trapped, but I've felt like I was trapped my whole life.

At least here, we're safe.

Sep. 1st, 2017


What: Half price drinks at Verdant
where: Verdant
When: Friday night
Warnings: Let me know!
Status: OPEN, Party Post

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Aug. 29th, 2017


Who: Kenny and Arthur
What: Random encounter
Where: Park
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Will update if necessary

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Aug. 27th, 2017


Augh. I can not believe how much trash people leave on the ground at the park. It's disgusting.

Aug. 24th, 2017


Who: Ariadne and wee!Arthur
What: Ageplot shenanigans
Where: Ariadne’s apartment
When: Thursday morning
Warnings: Awkward and OCD
Status: Closed, partial doc and will be continued in comments

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Aug. 20th, 2017


So there was a dog barking outside my window. It wouldn't stop. I finally got up and looked, and it was Pinto. Jesse's little chihuahua.

I tried to call Jesse to tell him the little guy got out, but the call wouldn't go through. And then when I texted him, it bounced back. Same with Jane.

Ariadne? Help. I have no idea what to do with a dog.

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