September 2024




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Jul. 30th, 2024


What the actual fuck?

Why does it look like roses are painted on the side of my store?

Jul. 29th, 2024




Klaus Hargreeves is gone...


He told me it could happen, but it's different experiencing it. It looks like Damon was sent him. His stuff is still here so that means he'll be coming back, right?

Do you have some time to hang out? I'm having a hard time regulating my emotions and I think having someone who can handle me talking through it like a crazy woman would be helpful. Not to mention all I want to do is cry, but I think something is wrong with me

Jul. 28th, 2024


I showed up in Madison and then we ended up on the cruise. It's almost been a month already that I've been here. That seems crazy to even think about.

I do know that I need to find something to do. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy just sitting still. Something to do with science. Since I can't see myself working at a diner that isn't the Crashdown.


Rachel likes snow, but hates when it ends up melting into her mittens.

However, she fell in love with apple cider pacifiers. Yes, I did buy quite a lot of them before we left the ice planet.

I would say that mine and Phil's first long trip with our daughter was a successful one.


I think I am going to take this week summer reading, no lists planning for next school year. For once, I am just going to have fun; So, what do I do?


I am determined to master my mother's knitting, so that I can make my child a pair of booties. But I have got a long road ahead of me. I can't believe that I am even asking this, but does anyone know any good books on the subject?



So, how are you feeling after your first experience of Madison's sentience?


I would like it if we did something like that again. It was so much fun and I loved seeing the places we stopped.


That cruise was awesome and I had so much fun!

Jul. 27th, 2024


Okay, so who came out of this cruise having made friends with their roommate?

'cause I totally did.


That cruise was actually kind of fun and I think I even made another friend. Maybe this place won't be so bad without my friends.


Is it just me or has this year gone by way too fast?

Jul. 26th, 2024


Seeing someone mention that it's a few days shy of a decade for them makes me think. It's been almost four years for me here. In about two months and a few more days time it'll have been four years.

I hadn't even realized that I'd been in this place that long. I wouldn't change it for anything though.


Newest entry on the list of things my daughter has decided she wants to try: rock climbing.

She's eight!


Few days shy of a decade in this place. Not bad, not bad at all.

Jul. 25th, 2024


(backdated to 11am)

[Rory Morningstar]

Hey, your mom has been in labor for a couple of hours now and we're at the hospital. It'll probably be a few more hours before the baby comes, and we'd like you to be here if you can. But we just wanted to let you know.


Show of hands, who actually misses being out in space?


It always feels strange getting back to life after one of these cruises. Feels like this one's a little moreso, though.


Being in space was rather interesting. There were so many different things to do. I am sure, as well, that my brothers enjoyed themselves too.

I am, however, happy to be home in a place I am familiar.

Jul. 24th, 2024


I think one of the best parts of that whole trip was ending up rooming with someone I actually know. Must've felt weird for all the people that didn't.


That certainly was an experience. My girls loved it. I think their favorite part was the last planet, actually.


You know I never was one to celebrate Christmas in July, but I think watching the Grinch should be an all year thing.


Who: Alec and Mary
What: Enjoying the Banquet
When: Evening July 22
Where: Safari Banquet
Rating: low

Living Together )


I like being back in Madison.

Jul. 23rd, 2024


In all my life, I have never been on a trip like this before. I actually am quite enjoying it. The different atmospheres and the events, pretty amazing.


This trip has certainly been amazing. It gives me a good break from everything. I have been thinking about the next movie marathon, probably won't be until October for a Halloween movie marathon. In the meantime, I've just been enjoying life.


Who: Rusty Beck and Logan Danvers
What: Trying to get his packmate to talk
When: Evening of the first day on the safari planet
Where: A safari lodge
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 22nd, 2024


Who: Phil Coulson and Kitty Coulson
What: Family time
When: Backdated to day two of the winter planet
Where: Ski lodge
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I find that I prefer this planet over the others. Such beautiful animals, though the cats are far more beautiful than the rest.


Who: Everyone
What: Party
When: Evening July 22
Where: Outdoor Banquet
Rating: low

Final Evening on Planet 3 )

Jul. 21st, 2024


Do you think when we return to Madison, you could tailor me back to my actual self?
I miss my face.

Jul. 20th, 2024


Who: Peter Hale and Malia Tate
What: Father-Daughter bonding time
When: First day of safari planet
Where: Safari planet
Warnings: Peter and Malia are a warning
Status: Closed/Ongoing

It's the circle of life. )


Who: Inej Ghafa and Nina Zenik
What: Two Girls From Kettledam decide to teach themselves to ski. It goes about as well as you could expect.
Where: In one of the more quiet of what are called "Bunny Slopes".
When: Backdated to the Winter Planet

I dance the fire with a crazy glaze and juxtapose to coin this haze )

Jul. 18th, 2024


Backdated to the 16th


So, I was thinking. You, me, date night before this whole cruise is over.


Who: Cameron, Chuuya, Karl, and Neo
What: jewel heist
When: during the MC dock
Where: MegaCity jewelry store
Rating: low-med

Four thieves and a heist )


Who: Jenna and Maze
What: pool
When: Mega City Port planet final day
Where: pool hall
Rating: low enough

We didn’t exactly celebrate birthdays in Hell )

Jul. 17th, 2024


So I found some interesting alcohol for the room.
Want to come pick some out with me?



I assume everyone is looking forward to our little sightseeing venture tonight.


Who: Kol and Emma
What: Randomly running into each other.
When: Todayish
Where: The city space port.
Rating: PG-13 at best
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc

That’s the beauty of trouble, darling. You never know exactly what it will be until you find yourself in it. )



How are you and Pan doing?


I found a strange book in the city today that I think might be spells


[Lucien mating bond]
Lucien? Are...are you awake?
I'm safe. I promise.

[ooc: posted during the night and slight feelings of panic travel down the bond]

Jul. 16th, 2024


So, we're planning on hitting the jewelry store at [***address] and want to be sure you're planning a different heist.


before ice banquet

Martha Jones

Would you care to be my date tonight?

Matt Murdock

Where are you I might need you.


I have to say, for my first space city, it doesn't disappoint. I'm not sure how someone with epilepsy deals with the shipping district though.


Who: Will Solace and OPEN
What: Will has having some issues with the lack of sun
When: Afternoon
Where: City
Rating: low

Read more... )

Jul. 15th, 2024


Who: Alyssa, Eloise, Pen
What: some gossiping or something
When: the first ball
Where: the ball
Rating: low-med

I’m sure you can think of a better nickname than fuck face or asshole )


Who: Elijah, Hope M, and Kayla
What: game night in their room
When: during the formal ice ball
Where: Hope’s/Kayla’s room
Rating: low
Status: closed; completed via g-doc

That’s us. Your mobster nieces )


The last day on an ice planet... Even though Az isn't here, can I convince you for a rematch?


Who: Everyone
What: Ice-Themed Banquet
When: July 15 evening
Where: Banquet Hall
Rating: low

Last evening on Planet 2 )

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