September 2024




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Jul. 12th, 2024


Just when I think that I have seen many wondrous things, Madison sends us to space.

May. 26th, 2024


Ladies, gentlemen, and the not so polite people, I am bored. And since I'm not allowed to kill or physically torture anyone to amuse myself, let's play a game.

'Shag, Marry, Kill'. Most of us know how the game goes, but for those who don't, here are the rules:

If you choose to participate, you will be given three names. Of those people, you have to choose who you would shag, who you would marry, and who you would toss off a cliff.


May. 24th, 2024


[Filtered to Demons and Angels and adjacents]

It's going to be AWESOME!!!

Apr. 5th, 2024


Okay, I apologize to the employees at Hinkles for questioning the source of your meat.

But also, you make fucking delicious milkshakes.

Feb. 8th, 2024


Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 4
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Friday February 9th, beginning at 6pm
Warnings: Poke me if there are any.
Status: CHILL UNTIL I SAY GO! Go and have fun!

Speed Dating! )
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Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 3
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Friday February 9th, beginning at 6pm
Warnings: lemme know if there are any
Status: PLEASE WAIT FOR THE HEADERS!!!!! GO FORTH AND DATE. The under 21s are below on my list, so my apologies.

Speed Dating Round 3 )
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Speed Dating - Round Two

Who: Everyone signed up for Speed Dating.
What: Speed dating.
When: Friday February 9th, beginning at 6pm.
Where: Old Market on Main
Warnings: Let me know if this needs to be updated.
Status: No touchy pls. Go for it!

... )
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Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 1
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Friday February 9th, beginning at 6pm
Warnings: lemme know if there are any
Status: PLEASE WAIT FOR THE HEADERS!!!!! Do the datey thing.

10 YEARS!!! )
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Jan. 28th, 2024


Who: Crowley & Mitch Morgan
What: Casual drinking at the bar
When: Backdating to Saturday Night (1/27)
Where: Lou's
Warnings: Crowley?
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Yes, he brought a hellpuppy to the bar with him. )

Jan. 26th, 2024


It's disconcerting to look and my daughter and see how quickly she's growing up already. Didn't expect time to fly this fast.

Oct. 8th, 2023


[For the Employees at the Den]

Thought I'd introduce myself, going to be working security and picking up the odd shift dancing to earn my keep.

Since most of my 'moves' come from 90's pop music videos I really hope people still like N'SYNC.

And I have to ask: If a stripper has to work overtime are they t’workin’ late?

Aug. 19th, 2023


...this is most certainly not where I am supposed to be.

( accidentally sent to SPN Crowley )

This is your fault, isn't it?

Aug. 13th, 2023


Oh, this is fascinating. And unsettling.

Aug. 12th, 2023


Well, my son's not as terrified of me as he was last time around, so I'll count it as a win.

Jun. 25th, 2023


Okay, it's been fun? ish. Well okay more like a 2/5 star experience but in terms of being universenapped it's a fair rating. I really need to go back to Central City..soooo any time now would be great. if my powers worked right I could just

May. 9th, 2023



Question of the ages.

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys and why?

Apr. 6th, 2023


[Filtered away from kids under 14 because he's secretly not a monster]

If anyone wants an Easter Bunny to appear this weekend, I've heard Dean Winchester and Crowley both have volunteered to dress up and deliver fun for all the little children.

Mar. 16th, 2023


I really... what is the point of this

The longer I sit around this town the more bored I become. But at the same time, I do enjoy not having to skip around so much. It's a bit of a conundrum and I do not really know how I feel about it.

Ugh, is this place domesticating me? Gross.

I actually miss Mobius and alligator Loki and... ugh.

Dec. 2nd, 2022


The cold always makes me think of back home -- because Minnesota is an oh so special cold kind of hell in the winter -- which means it always makes me think of my mom.

And it always makes me miss her.

Nov. 27th, 2022


Took the dogs for a walk this morning and oh, such an adventure.

Max was trying to make friends with anyone and everyone we came across, and Henry just kept looking at him like he'd lost his ever-loving mind.

These two are ridiculous like that and I wouldn't have them any other way.


I've not had enough coffee for this....

Nov. 19th, 2022


This has always been a hard time of year for me....but being here without my family team is making it even harder. Any suggestions on distractions?

Oct. 16th, 2022


Can someone please tell the children is too early to start egging houses and bashing in pumpkins?!

Oct. 14th, 2022


Who: Crowley & Leonard Snart
What: Just a chat in a bar
When: Thursday evening
Where: Verdant
Warnings: Will change if needed, but none
Status: Closed/Ongoing/Match up

Let's take a step to the right. )

Sep. 1st, 2022


Who: Crowley & Open
What: Enjoying a day out
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea
Warnings: Crowley
Status: Open/Ongoing

Read more... )

Aug. 19th, 2022


Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 5
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Saturday, August 20th beginning at 6pm
Warnings: I mean, you know the drill
Status: No Touchy Da Speed Datey You may Now Touchy the Datey *eyebrowwiggle*

Round Five )
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Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating Round 4
When: Saturday Evening
Where: Old Market on Main
Warnings: Let me know
Status: You may touch your thing(s) now.

Oops. )
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Speed Dating Round Three

Who: Everyone signed up for Speed Dating.
What: Speed dating.
When: Saturday, August 20.
Where: Old Market on Main
Warnings: Let me know if this needs to be updated.
Status: No touchy. TOUCHY

... )
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Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 2
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Saturday, August 20th beginning at 6pm
Warnings: lemme know if there are any
Status: No touchy yet! Now touchy

Speed dating )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Who: Speed Dating Participants
What: Speed Dating - Round 1
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Saturday, August 20th beginning at 6pm
Warnings: lemme know if there are any

Speed Dating! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jul. 23rd, 2022


Who: Crowley & Phil Coulson
What: Random run-in
When: Friday Night
Where: Ship Casino
Warnings: Crowley is one?
Status: Closed/Ongoing

The sound of slot machine ring through the air. )

Jul. 19th, 2022


Who: Everyone
What: Ice Ball
When: July 19 evening
Where: The Ship
Rating: low

Ice Ball )

Jun. 24th, 2022


Who: Crowley and Adam Milligan
What: Crowley is a pain in the ass
When: Friday
Where: The clinic
Warnings: Crowley
Status: Closed/Ongoing

I've used this before. )

Jun. 19th, 2022


If another person approaches me for an angel feather, I will smite them.

May. 14th, 2022


Oh, this place has been absolutely delightful so far. Whoever actually owns the house I showed up in the other day has excellent taste.


Okay, I've been here two days now and I don't like it at all. Sci-fi is one thing, but I'd like my friends if you don't mind. There should be a customer service desk or something to complain to.

May. 4th, 2022


Oh good. What we all need has arrived.

If you were hoping to go to the Bonnie Belle for nourishment, you’ll have to look elsewhere since it appears a portal to the Titanic has shown up.

Thankfully no appearance of Celine Dion.

Apr. 19th, 2022


Who: Darcy Lewis and Crowley
What: Matchup
Where: Johanna's house
When: Tuesday morning
Warnings: it's Darcy and Crowley - anything is possible
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 11th, 2022


Citizens of Madison, no longer will you have to toil away your life without direction. Accept the teachings of Origin. The Ori will lead humanity down the path of enlightenment where you may reach a high plane of existence known as Ascension. This is the promise of Origin.

[Daniel Jackson]
I wish to meet with you.

Apr. 8th, 2022


Damn, they sure took their sweet ass time with this shit. I had long forgotten about that miserable week. Just so we're clear...I do not suck my thumb, or sleep with a blank. Also, fuck you, Crowley. At least my dad stuck around.

Mar. 27th, 2022


I'm just curious - how many people here can read and control minds?

Mar. 20th, 2022


Who: Crowley & Open
What: Just a demon participating in a dice game
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: An Inn through Feudal Japan Portal
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open / Ongoing

There was more to this game of chance than just money exchanging hands. )

Mar. 19th, 2022


To the kid

Hey kid...

To the young man who works at Gifts That Last,

I apologize for my actions outside your store the other day. I have learned the error of my ways and it will not happen again.

Thank you for your time.

(ooc: This is meant for Five but anyone can read and comment.)

Mar. 15th, 2022


We should just totally STAB CAESAR )

Feb. 14th, 2022


I'm sure that many of you while scrolling through your feeds, have noticed this little gem from the ATF today.

ATF Love )
I would just like to remind you, ladies, that the ATF thinks the Winchesters are dead, so don't bother reporting them.

Feb. 2nd, 2022


Morgan asked me what the difference between Cupid and Cherubs is. Uh.

Dec. 14th, 2021


With the stress of the holiday season upon us, plus with people who left and new people's arrival, I thought it might be fund for another round of Marry, Shag, Cliff (also known as Marry, Fuck, Kill).

For the newcomers, the rules are easy! You comment with your name and then people give you a list of three names and you say which one you'd have sex with, which you'd marry, and which you'd toss off a cliff.

Let's do this!

Dec. 11th, 2021


Only in Madison Valley would I have to fight through a pack of small dinosaurs in a strip club parking lot at midnight to get to my car.

Nov. 26th, 2021


Who: Crowley and Penny Kirkman
What: Black Friday Madness
When: Black Friday
Where: Target
Warnings: Possible Language
Status: Closed/ongoing

Let's hear it for the boy! )

Nov. 21st, 2021


[SPN Crew & partners + Shosanna]

I know this is a little late, but we're having Thanksgiving at my place this year and you're all invited. There will be deep fried and traditional turkey, and everyone can bring a side dish or dessert. I'll have wine, beer and booze, but you're welcome to bring a bottle of whatever. Somebody had better bring pie!!!

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