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Oct. 18th, 2023



Hey, I'm not sure if Leia said anything, but Laura was talking to me about wanting to go Halloween costume shopping with her. Would you and Leia like to join her and I or if it's easier, I'm happy to take her with us when we go? I'm Lois Lane by the way, nice to meet you.

Oct. 17th, 2023


Who: Raleigh Beckett and Amara Namani
What: Amara has a fact finding mission
When: Mid-Evening
Where: The Space dock

Yeah, we got friendship
  The kind that last a lifetime Through all the hardship
Read more... )



I waited to say anything because I had heard that sometimes people come back.

But he hasn't.

My guardian, Josh, disappeared. It's been two days.

Oct. 16th, 2023


Who: Michelle Webster
What: Narrative
When: Monday, October 16
Where: Miller Home Enhancements
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

Calling the Lightning )

Oct. 17th, 2023


( Ineffable )

I'm working with a Hobbit named Bilbo. He is delightful.

I may have gotten you two new houseplants. They're in your room.

Oct. 16th, 2023


Who: George Lass and Kaz Brekker
What: Match-Up
When: Monday, October 16
Where: Downtown Madison
Warnings: None, probably
Status: Incomplete

Escaping the Thunderstorm )

Oct. 17th, 2023


Is there an age limit for those wishing to trick-or-treat?

...I am not asking for me. But for my daughter, she may wish to partake.

( Leia Organa )

Would you like to find a costume and trick-or-treat? I realized I am not sure if it is something you would be interested in.

Oct. 16th, 2023


Who: Alex Claremont-Diaz and Savannah Levine
What: First Day at Work
When: Monday October 16
Where: Cortez, Nast & Woods offices
Warnings: Probably low, they're at work

9 to 5 what a way to make a living )


This weather be something, non? Yesterday it was good weather and today... it's like the weather decided to be angry. Or maybe that's just the dome.

Oct. 15th, 2023


who → Crowley & Steve Rogers
what → Job Interview (YES I KNOW)
where → Lil Avengers Daycare
when → daytime?
warnings → probably none, there are little ears around.


( Joel )


I've never actually... stayed all night in bed with someone.

You know. Actually sleeping. There's always been an excuse as to why I had to go.

I wanted to stay with you. It was nice.



So... looks like Maddie is gone.

I went to check on her and her apartment was empty.

Aside from the baby, that is.

So now Jee-Yun is here, but Maddie is gone. Because the Dome enjoys its irony I guess.


Who: Waverly & Doc
What: She's got a confession to make
When: Last week
Where: Doc's apartment
Warnings: Nah
Status: Completed GDoc

He was not going to like this. )


Wynonna's gone.


Are you ok? Where are you?


I need you!


Who: Henry and OPEN
Where: Spirit Halloween
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Henry is shopping for a costume
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13
Warning: None

What in the bloody hell is this place? )


For those who give a shit, Eliot Waugh is no longer in Madison Valley. I'm really only posting this for his boss, I don't care about anyone else.

Oh, and for his people, it appears Josh Rosza is gone too. I tried reaching him when I couldn't get a hold of Eliot, and got the same 'does not exist' shit for his number.


I think I'm going to head out and be destructive and possibly end up in jail. Wanna be my bail buddy?


As much as I enjoyed teaching, I'm excited to share that I got a job at the Space Dock. My puddlejumper and I will be doing ferry trips to the moon and back. I love flying.

Oct. 14th, 2023


For those of you who have been here for Halloween in the past - how many children should I expect on Halloween? I'm trying to calculate how much candy I should buy

Oct. 13th, 2023


Who: Zoro and Alex Claremont-Diaz
What: Grabbing food
Where: Around town
When: 10/13; Afternoon
Warnings: Low; slight spoilers for One Piece live action.
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~ )


I understand that is the 'spooky' time of year, and that the thinning of the veil means that more individuals are trying to summon spirits. For those who are doing this in the area graveyards could please clean up after yourselves, it would be much appreciated.

The spirits are getting more than a bit cranky over the mess you are leaving. Not to mention the living workers.

Oct. 12th, 2023


Any suggestions on cute baby costumes?


[Filtered away from Demigods and anyone under 18]

I don’t know if this place has anything like Tinder, but I’m looking for possibly multiple people who are looking for a relationship. My name’s Piper, I’m 18, almost 19, bisexual and polyamorous. If you’re interested just send me a message and we can see how it goes.


I have been informed that someone wants to go as Taylor Swift for Halloween, and somehow I'm supposed to talk Bruce into dressing up as Travis Kelce. I'd have to know who this Travis is first! Help!


Who: Johanna Constantine & Shuri
What: Gossiping about Bucky, let's face it
When: Thur night
Where: The White Wyrm
Warnings: Jo's mouth at the very least
Status: Closed/incomplete

A Wakandian Princess and a colonizer walk into a bar... )

Oct. 11th, 2023


( Papi )

I was using DuoLingo to help me with my Spanish homework.

I don't need you to tell me you could have helped. I know this.

But there's other languages too! Polish. And I actually learned something very interesting.


That had been pleasant while it lasted. It reminded me of winters in certain parts of the motherland. Granted, it would have had to have been much colder with the aurora in the sky, but close.

Oct. 10th, 2023


Another day with no daylight. Should we take bets on if the sun is coming up tomorrow or not?


Fuck today
Fuck it

I like Pumpkin ice cream. It's weird but a solid ice cream flavor.

[Lois and Clark] something kind of happened at school. You'll probably be getting a call from the principal.

Oct. 9th, 2023


Who: Lila Pitts and Jiang Yanli
What: Random Encounter (Match-Up)
When: October 9th, midday
Where: The Park
Warnings: None, probably
Status: Incomplete

A Day Without A Night, A Night Without A Day )


Who: Hannah Lewis and Angelina Dawes
What: Random Encounter (Match-Up)
When: October 9th, midday
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: None, probably
Status: Incomplete

It's Very Cold In Space )


So I don't even know what to think of this no sunlight thing. But, I heard about an event coming up for Halloween. I have never celebrated because there was always more important things to do. I'd like to partake in it. But, I have no idea what I want to dress up as or even if I want to dress up at all.


Exciting to see Capitalism is alive and well here in Madison. I've seen a variety of UV and other lamps for plants go up about 300%.


Oh great. No sunlight. If the power goes out, it'll get stupid. Assuming people here are anything like the ones in LA when there's major power outages.

[911 peeps]
Who jinxed us?


[please pretend this was posted up earlier in the day]

OK I'm not going crazy am I? There is literally no daylight?

Magicians Only

Is everyone doing okay here?


Do we still want to go out? I had been wanting to enjoy the nice weather and such but well...we could just enjoy the lack of moonlight? LOL


[Text to Damien]
>>Is this better or worse than no night?

>>Also, do you want to go out tonight or stay home?

>>Or perhaps you'd like to hunt me again.


This whole continual darkness?..not it. Don't love it.


Right. Guess I forgot to announce that me and Seamus got a house together. Ain't giving out the address to just anyone, though.


[Sent during this]

[Text to Sherlock]
How are you doing? I figured we both could use a distraction of some kind. Want to see if there is any escape rooms around here or some other activity that involves solving puzzles? I think we both could use the focus elsewhere for a bit.

[Text to Hope M]
I have a few things I need to do for a case, but think I can stop by the restaurant later? I want to pick your brain about something I found in Temperance's books and probably should eat something with substance. Which speaking of, how's it going with the restaurant?

[Text to Ace]
I miss you. You free, I could use some help on this case

[Nothing is sent]


Who: Nancy Drew & Open
What: Distracting herself from heartbreak in Starbucks.
Where: Starbucks
When: Sunday morning [Backdated to the day before the plot!]
Warnings: Low brief mention of possible sacrifice and mention of death.
Status: Open, In progress.

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now. )


[Gwen and Peter]
Uh, so, apparently all this darkness is making some people go a little crazy? I've had to stop three break ins already.


I thought maybe it was over-cast, but the suns seem not to have risen yet.

Either that, or I'm hallucinating.


Who: Isobel and River
When: Foredated to Monday night
Where: Their place
What: Watching a movie and chatting
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc
Rating: PG-13 at most.

I would give it hell if it tried to. )


WHO: Stiles Stilinski and OPEN
WHAT: Looking for a costume
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Walmart
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



So apparently Zu is going to be a pink fairy princess. I've found a place to make her costume, so it should be great.

And I'm going to be a fairy secret-service agent, protecting the pink fairy princess.

You're coming too, right? Want to be a bodyguard with me?


I found the perfect costume for you at a place that does custom costumes. I can show you the pictures when you get home.


Congrats to everyone who aced fight club. Just a most of you guys come from places where you have to fight everyday? I just can't bring myself to fight when I don't have to.


WHO: Landon Kirby and OPEN
WHAT: Studying
WHEN: Monday Morning
WHERE: Hanover College Library
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Why do I keep doing such crap at Fight Night. I've got to be tensing up or it's something mental.

I'm better than this, dudes.


Who: Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng
What: Celebrating A Birthday
When: Mid-Evening
Where: Their Favorite Fountain In The Park
Notes: Backdated to Sunday, October 8

Ain't nobody in the world tonight All of the stars You make them shine like they were ours
Read more... )

Oct. 8th, 2023


[Text to Dick Grayson]

Look what costume I found in the store. Be lucky they didn't have it in adult sizes or I may have been tempted just because the look on your face would've been hilarious.


[Chris A]

How have you been doing? I wanted to check on you, and see if you were up for a little fun. I wanted an easy sparring partner that wouldn't take much energy to beat, which I thought of you. Loser AKA you can buy the drinks after.


Who: Daphne Bridgerton and Alex Manes
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: A music store
What: Random run in (Match-Up)
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Music is always life )

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