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Feb. 26th, 2018


So. I can do magic.

I think that's what that was. Well.. That's fun.

Sorry Garin, dear, I owe you a bottle of a wine.


My identification says my name is Franklin Nelson, and apparently I'm a lawyer.

I really don't feel like a Franklin, but being a lawyer is pretty cool.


Having a last name would make this whole thing a lot easier to work through.

Whatever. I helped some kid buy a Playstation thanks to a Seymour Birkhoff. Whoever the hell that is.

I also have some lizard in a container with a sign saying "Don't Feed my Mother!!"

I must really not like mine. Then again, I guess I wouldn't giving me a middle name like Bertha.

Seriously? Mal Bertha and no last name? What was she on?

There were some other names in my phone: Evie, Carlos, Jay, Birky (Relations to that Seymour guy?), Jughead (what????), Quill (again with these weird names!), Hinkles (food place!), Magic Alley (those witchy people I came across?), G-mora (if that's from me, what was I on).

I can apparently draw, too. I have a book with a ton of sketches in them. Mostly dragons, some of a girl with blue hair, some of a guy wearing a crown? a crown-shaped hat?, some of a girl with purple hair (me?) eating strawberries in a bubble, some guy and a dog, another guy with long hair.

The other book has weird poems in them, but I don't think that's what they are. I recited one and turned a woman's hair green. Another one made a man's nose grow a few inches. Oops? It didn't feel weird, though. Kind of felt natural. Kind of felt fun. In that wicked sort of way.


[Text: Wanda | Pietro]

Hello, I have you in my phone under Little Sister and we seem to text a lot.

So Hi, I am Pietro and apparently we are related. Do you remember anything?


[Filtered to Peter, Evie, Jay]

We should have a family night tonight.

How about we order pizza and rent a movie?



My name, atleast as recorded, is Elizabeth Bennet. I have found my apartment and there are some papers with my identity on it, so that is one concern out of the way.

There are also a number of swords and daggers, and one pistol in my room as well. I cannot explain, but I feel like I know every weapon and how to use them. Should I be concerned? Is there some sort of danger in this place that I need to be thus armed?


Who: Elizabeth Bennet and Ella
When: backdated to Sunday
Where: The park
What: Startling revelations
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Read more... )


My name is Santana and I'm married to Quinn. My phone says Quinn-Wife. I'm not sure why I have a drink in my previously called list - Tea. That's weird. Must be a favorite drink place?

There's a bunch of legal papers with my name on them, so I'm guessing I'm a student? I can't believe I got a B- on one of these. It seemed really good, of what I could understand about it.

And I found a bag of what I could only classify as "stripper clothes" stashed on my side of the bed.


There is a mystery afoot! Everyone's forgotten who they are. Why is that? It could be a foul plot. I will get to the bottom of this. For I am a detective. At least - I think I am?

I mean, why else would I wake up in a store aisle holding a magnifying glass in a package. I must have needed a new one after my last case. I bet some scoundrel tried to stop me from finishing my detective work and broke the previous one.


Do you remember me? I'm a Willow. Not a tree, but a person. I don't know anything else except weird things happen sometimes to things around me.



I just turned into a dog!

I must be a weredog or something.


Pet me.


Right, so, I know I'm awesome and have a super hot girlfriend.

And apparently my name is Isaac.

But is it normal to be able to smell people walking down the other side of the street? Or to hear people talking the next house over? Because I think that's kind of weird.


Hello...does this work?

I still have a terrible migraine

I think that I am going mad.




Um, okay, right, so, I'm in a cave. I apparently live here.

And when I woke up and didn't know where I was, I freaked out a little...and suddenly the ground shook and all these little skeleton forest creatures started dancing around outside.

Is that...normal?


Hi, um, I'm Peter. I think. Or maybe I go by Pete? I don't know. See, my student ID says Peter Parker but they always put your full names on those, right?

So, um, I guess I live with my mom?

Does anyone know me? Or my mom? Her name's Jane Foster.

Why am I not Peter Foster, then? Maybe I have my dad's name. Huh.

Feb. 25th, 2018


Who: Dagny and Vex
What: Powers emerge
Where: "Their" room
When: Saturday night
Warning: TBD
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[around the time of Carl's post]

Can't breathe. Going to the hospital.


I haven't seen anyone else mention this yet, but have any of you noticed the fact that we aren't able to leave the town?


Since I'm pretty sure my name starts with a J, I'm going by Jenny for now. So hi, I'm Jenny. Would anyone happen to know where I live? Thanks in advance.


WHO: Phoebe Halliwell & Poe Dameron
WHAT: Plot shenanigans
WHEN: Saturday 11ish
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
WARNINGS: TBD, likely none
STATUS: Closed, In Progress

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There seems to be a lot of twins around here. Isn't that weird?


WHO Leroy Gibbs & Karen Page
WHAT Plotty things
WHEN Saturday late morning
WHERE Coffee shop
WARNINGS TBD, probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


This is bloody brilliant.

Except I can't remember who I am.

But I can levitate things using this wand I found.


[Text: Susan Pevensie | Tim Drake-Wayne]

>>Hi Susan. I have a reminder in my phone to make you chocolate chip cookies. Do we know each other?


Who: Tea and Carmilla
What: Plotty plot
Where: Carmilla's
When: 11AM Saturday
Warning: TBD

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Who: Tefe Holland and Open
When: Sunday
Where: The park
What: Swamp Thing
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open

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Who: Ian Gallagher and Dawn Summers
What: Hanging out and making out
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Farmhouse
Warnings: I doubt it, but will update if necessary
Status: Closed, in progress

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WHO Lucas Friar & Emily Fornell
WHAT Study project
WHEN Saturday early afternoon (backdated)
WHERE The Library
WARNINGS TBD, will update as necessary
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Mitsuko Souma and Dash Hosney
WHAT: TR plot stuff
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday morning
WHERE: Hinkles
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

* * * * * )


WHO Evie & Gamora
WHAT Mother/daughter bonding time
WHEN Sunday night
WHERE Their house
STATUS Closed | Incomplete gdoc
WARNINGS tbd, probably none

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO Evie & Peter Quill
WHAT Chatting
WHEN Saturday afternoon (before dinner)
WHERE Their House
STATUS Closed | Complete Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO Ariadne & KMart
WHAT Getting coffee
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE Coffee place
WARNINGS tbd, probably none
STATUS MATCHUP | Closed | Incomplete (2/28)

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


There are so many plants!


Does anyone know this child?

I found her outside the library and she's very lost and confused.


I feel so many things. Emotions. Fear, Confusion. It's all in my head. Feelings and images.

Why can't I make it stop?

It's overwhelming me...

Hard to even think. Can't focus and clear my head.

Can someone help me?


I'm married to Santana. My name is Quinn and that is all I know so far.

Anyone know anything else?


I have no idea who the hell I am.

But I have a gun that makes things gold.


There's something seriously wrong with this place.why can nobody remember who they are?

Does anyone recognize me?


What the fuck happened to my eye?


Ain't enough booze for this. At least I think I have a name, ain't sure. Anyone wants ta join me in a little day drinkin' I'll be at the bar - Lou's I think. Fuck this shite. after I got to church cause the rosaries mean I'm catholic...


#1) I think there's something wrong with me.

#2) Ouch.

#3) Does anyone know who I am? 'Bartholomew Henry Allen' means nothing to me.

#4) Ouch.


WHO: Nina Lehnsherr and OPEN
WHAT: A scared little girl
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday morning
WHERE: Near the library
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )



How did I light the playstation on fire?

Somebody FIX IT!!!


WHO Bellamy Blake and OPEN
WHAT: Plot confusion
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: Around town
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Does anyone recognize me?

Apparently my name is Madge Undersee, but that name doesn't mean anything to me. And...I think I'm pregnant.

And does anyone know this person?

I've got tons of pictures of him on my phone.


WHO: Peter Quill and Gamora
WHAT: Tabula Rasa
WHEN: 2/24
WHERE: Their house
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


Dagny is a weird name.

Feb. 24th, 2018


Who: Elsa & Ty Johnson
When: Saturday
Where: Near the Park
What: Icy powers and forgotten memories~
Warnings: TBD?
Status: Closed/In-Progress

She couldn't remember anything it seemed. )


Has anyone seen this little girl? I'm assuming she's my daughter but she's not here with myself and my other daughters.

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