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Feb. 24th, 2018


Who: Liz, Shawn, Riley, Maya
What: Confusion
Where: Their house
When: Plotty plot time
Warning: None
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Yeah not a fan of waking up in some apartment next to some random guy.

[Dad (Derek)]

I wanna come home. Can you tell me where home is? Everything is fuzzy.


Who: Dagny, Vex, Terezi
What: Family?
Where: Their place
When: Morning
Warning: TBD
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I don't know what the hell is going on but me and some others are stuck in this guy's head and for some reason I was able to hack his phone even though he can't remember his password. He's got a lot of weapons and I don't think I like it.


Okay, um, I woke up, couldn’t figure out who or where I am and suddenly my apartment is an ice rink. And it’s snowing. Inside.


I'm at a place called Hinkles and I cannot for the life of me remember which direction is home.


Who: Ian Gallagher and Dawn Summers
What: Waking up and figuring things out
When: Saturday morning around 11am
Where: Hinkles and the farmhouse
Warnings: Nah
Status: Closed, completed

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My ID says my name is Patricia.

I don't feel like a Patricia.

I think I'm going to go by another name.


What is this... glowy sword thing I have?

It seems dangerous.


Who: Scarlett Bernard and Stephen Strange
When: Saturday
Where: Outside the tea shop
What: Why don't they remember anything?
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

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Who: John Sheppard and Hiccup
When: Saturday
Where: Around town
What: No memories
Rating/Warnings: TBD but probably not
Status: Closed/Ongoing

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Who: Star and Snart
When: Saturday
Where: Near the park
What: No memories and figuring things out
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

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I'm not sure I actually care who I was. Am. I have my bow and arrows and this feels comfortable out here. There's a bunch of us here. Gotta say we're all pretty hot.



Anyone have any idea why I woke in the bed with this strange girl - she's beautiful, yes - but definitely not someone I know.

And the kicker, the absolute kicker, is the guy with us.

Is that the normal here?


Um. Does anyone know who I am? Or where I live and how to get there? I'm in the woods with some people, but there isn't really a lot of stuff here for living so I'm 85% sure I don't live out here? And there's a bunch of archery equipment and we all have dark hair Are we a cult? Is this some weird cult thing


Well, I have a pretty name.


WHO: Pepper & Phil
WHAT: figuring things out + lunch
WHEN: Sat (TR plot)
WHERE: Phil’s office
WARNINGS: tbd will update if necessary
STATUS: closed | incomplete

“~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


WHO: York & Washington
WHAT: plot times!
WHEN: Saturday after the spell hits
WHERE: the gym
WARNINGS: fighting!
STATUS: closed | complete doc

“~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


WHO: Diana & Bruce
WHAT: waking up together
WHEN: Saturday (tr plot)
WHERE: their house
WARNINGS: brief/vague references to sex and nudity
STATUS: closed | complete doc

“~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


The voices...they won't stop. Someone make it stop.


So...I know my name is Melissa because I found a picture I.D.


Who: Haymitch and Adam
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Park
What: Random meeting/Match up
Rating/Warnings: TBC should be low
Status: Closed/Ongoing/Match Up

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )


Who: Archie Andrews & Carlos De Vil
When: Saturday late morning (Post-11 AM)
Where: Starbucks
What: I think we're dating?
Warnings: Probably none?
Status: Closed/In-Progress (Tabula Rasa plot)

He had been in the midst of texting Emily when everything went dark. )



A few questions.

1) Why am I blue?

2) I think I just teleported. Can anyone else do this?

3) Is this child mine?


Hello? Hi! Is this thing on?


I'm hoping someone can help me find someone? I'm looking for this man:

I think his name is [...] John?


Uh, so can anyone else like randomly transport places? Like it's flipping crazy...


Hi. Um. So. Not to be weird. But. Where am I? and uh, who am I? I can't seem to remember anything. I found this phone and figured out how to use it. but that's all I've got?


WHI: Birkhoff & Sombra
WHAT: plot fun
WHEN: sat after 11
WHERE: Birkhoff’s apt
STATUS: closed | incomplete (3/7)

“~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


Who: Cassie Holmes, Faith Lehane, John Mitchell
What: The vampire is hungry
Where: Around and inside WAMM
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: Mitchell is hungry, vampire vs slayer (even if they don’t know it)
Status: Closed

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[Posted before the plot]

Want to get some breakfast with me?


WHO: Ella & McCree
WHAT: waking up post-spell
WHEN: Saturday post-spell
WHERE: ella’s Tiny house
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: closed | incomplete

“~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )


Who: Evan Hansen, Klara Prast, first, to be joined by Blake, Stella, Tia Malone
What: Tabula Rasa shenanigans
Where: The Park
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: Lots of confusion
Status: Closed

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Who: Lissa Dragomir & Open
What: Wandering
When: Friday Evening
Where: The Park
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/On-Going

I hit the ground running, although I know not what toward )


Who: Kiity Pryde & Open
What: Enjoying A Day Off
When: Friday
Where: Cocoa Safari Chocolates
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/On-Going

Give me your reason, give me your rhyme so I can tempo me to your time )


My turn to cat post )


Who: Phryne Fisher & Open
What: Out and About
When: Friday
Where: Hair Essentials (Or Leaving It)
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/On-Going

If I should fail, if I should fold, I nailed my faith to the sticking pole )

Feb. 23rd, 2018


Tonight I drink. Tomorrow I make a big southern brunch to kill the hangover. I'm too tired to even cheat and skip the hangover. I'm glad I work in the back but some days people just get on my last nerve.


Thanks to Blake I have a real wardrobe beyond jeans. I'm still scared by this. He made me buy a real dress Today.

I have something for you


I'm learning this place has some awesome people in it and that it also has some people who are way too full of themselves. It feels just like home. I was almost worried it was going to be all sunshine and kittens..phew!


[Adam Vasic]
Hey, so there's this pub crawl thing happening tonight, if you're interested in coming along.


Just remember if you lot doing the whole 'Rainbow Tour' of colorful shots until you puke, I will reserve the right to mess with you and kick your ass if you are a dick.

Just saying.

[Hey V]
So, I've been studying kind of. I want to take my GED but I don't want to tell Wes until I've got the certificate. I don't suppose you could help me.



What's this I hear about you not wanting to train the little demon?

[Adam Young]

I suppose I should have said hello well before now. But I'm really not the fatherly sort, you see.


I'm so bored. Somebody tell me something interesting. Or take off your clothes. I don't care which.

Feb. 22nd, 2018


Who: Anna Latham and open
Where: the park
When: evening
What: trying to relax
Rating: eh? Possible talk of her triggery past if it comes up I'll tag it.
Status: open, in progress

if I had a voice... )


Mmmm that is much better. they'll be back but I can tell he pulled apart the knots.. I feel at peace..with him. With myself.

You don't get to punch him this time. Hey.
Ever have a moment when you realize something, and things just.. Settle?


[Filtered to 21+]

It's startling to think how different my life is here even after just three months.



People watching will never not be my favorite thing to do when I'm not fixing up the warehouse.

[Private: Susan Pevensie | Tim Drake-Wayne]

Feeling a little more settled these days?



You know, the more I think about it, the more I think the whole blood test thing is bullshit.


[Private: Peter Parker | Bucky Barnes]

Got a favor to ask you when you've got a minute.


Who: Leia Organa and Poe Dameron
What: Catching up
Where: Around town
When: Last Friday 2/16
Warnings: just cuteness
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~ )


You know I've never really lived anywhere there was seasons, unless you count the whole state of California is burning season. I'm still not sure if I like it or not.

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