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Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Diana Meade and Cassie Blake
What: Hiding and talking
When: Morning, October 26th
Where: The building they're hiding out in
Warnings: Possibly a little language
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Cranky witch is cranky. )


Giving offerings to vagrant dead.

I'm not sure I hold with that. It only encourages them not to move on, say true.

Oct. 25th, 2013


I'm taking over management of the Halloween party Molly was going to throw. Everyone's invited, no matter your age. We won't be serving alcohol, but feel free to dress up. Thomas and I have picked out some prizes for a costume contest. I know it's ridiculous but we'll have fun with it.

We're pooling together money to rent a hall for a few hours, if you can pitch into that it'd be welcome. $5 will be enough, I think. Otherwise, we've got it covered.

If anyone wants to volunteer to help me decorate I will personally appreciate it. Caroline is decorating, take any and all ideas and volunteer questions to her, please.


No Council

So there are a lot of us here now.

And there's been a great deal of focus on our differences, the things we don't like about each other, the things we fear about each other and the council.

But what there hasn't been is much discussion about things we may have in common. Things we may have in common include missing people or things from back home. Here's my challenge to you: what do you miss most about home?

I miss my mother.


Not that this is the first time I've woken up with no idea where I was before, but this is the first time I've woken up in a different town, halfway across the country from where I went to sleep.

And in a different year. They said I wasn't the only one this happened to, so I figured introductions might be in order. I'm Oliver Queen.


Do many young people in this time believe that having fun involves flailing about in a parody of dance or perhaps a parody of intercourse whilst listening to very loud 'music,' and getting intoxicated to the point of complete incoherence, then?


I took Georgia's advice and spent most of yesterday on the computer reading the networks back since people started arriving here in July. So I've got some sort of idea of what's going on here, at least vaguely. And I apologize to those of you I offended or frightened with my words - I didn't realize how terrible this place had been to those of you with supernatural inclinations. It makes sense you'd react the way you did.

So. Let me start over. I'm Karrin Murphy. I used to be an officer with the Chicago Police Department, in the Special Investigations department. We looked over crimes committed by supes, against supes, and so on. Those supes who obeyed the law - which I'd assume is most of them - were either allies of mine, or completely under my radar. I have nothing against law abiding citizens, whether they're supernatural or not. My problem is with those who break the law and hurt other. If you're not one of them, then my warning certainly doesn't apply to you.

Reading over everything, I was thinking that maybe we need some sort of, uh, sub-council? Something where people can reach a sort of consensus on what we want before Georgia, Lissa and Cesare take it to the City Council. I don't think we need elections; there just aren't enough of us to warrant that. But maybe...we should have something like Town Hall meetings? Where everyone can just show up and tell Georgia what we think? Maybe it'll take some pressure off of her. I'm not a politician, so someone else is welcome to come up with details, but anything we can do to make our reps' job's easier would be good.

Just an idea. I'm open for suggestions, etc.


I'm sorry, I was a bitch yesterday. I didn't have any idea what had gone on here.


So, we've gotta pay for stuff here, then. But we can't get any decent jobs if we don't give 'em our blood. Which, as Georgia and Shaun have already said, would be a damned stupid idea. My blood's better stayin' just where it is.

So what the hell are we supposed to do? I don't need much, but unless ya want me shooting rabbits and squirrels in the park, I'm gonna need something.

[Filtered to Cuthbert]

I ain't against helpin' to defend the people here. But I ain't doing anything that everyone doesn't agree with. Seen too much of that sort of stuff go to hell in a handbasket.

[Filtered to Georgia and Shaun]

That Cuthbert kid's tryin' to get me on his side.


WHO: Max and OPEN
WHAT: Finishing his map and thinking about family
WHERE: The Coffee Shop
WHEN: Friday afternoon
STATUS: Open/Ongoing!

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Marius Black and OPEN
WHAT: Feeling left out
WHEN: Friday morning
WHERE: On the streets and outside Cassi and Pollux's house
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Worrying about Harry, etc.
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: The Electric Lady
WARNINGS: Possible sexuality, language, TBD

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Filtered to Harry

Hey, I got a call from Murphy. You okay?

Oct. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I went over those papers you gave me and looked some stuff up at the library. Also did as Georgia said and looked back over the last few months of network posts.

A large percentage of the refugees are supernatural. Way more than average. Way more than twice average. What do you make of it?


I have an important announcement to make!

Coke is better than Pepsi. I've consumed enough of both now to know for sure.

Probably a bad idea, though. The computers at home probably can't handle creating it. My father told me the story of how he very nearly broke one of them trying to get Earth tea.

I'd try Earth tea here, but when I looked there were so many different kinds and I have no idea which one he meant.


Filtered To The Refugees

I'll say this publicly because it's important.

I've been reading the debates and trying not to comment on things because I know this world is not mine and I'm not a politician. We nominated three people to be our political voice and I believe that they will do their best to make this a better place for us and keep us safe. They can't do that if we get in their way.

Now then, I cannot and will not vote for gathering a protective force. I also will not advocate everyone keeping to themselves or their different worlds. We have to find a middle ground and find a way for all of us to work together.

I'm from a world where people separated into different factions and swore to be against things that they thought caused the downfall of society and humanity.

And do you know what happened? Less than two generations later, there is all out war in my world because the faction with all of the technology decided that the faction with the least material goods were getting too much food from the ones who enjoyed life and drugged the faction that had all of the weapons to slaughter the peace keepers and the ones that were expelled from any of the factions.

Oh and guess what? Most of the ones fighting in that war are people half of you and the damn council would consider to be children. I'm barely sixteen and I have had to kill my friends to keep them from killing me. I've watched families being slaughtered over the fact that they support one faction instead of another. I'm watching all of the debates on the network and it's not this place that scares me. It's the people that should be working together because we are all in the same damn situation.

I won't give you all of my information for the same reason I won't give the town's leaders all of my information. Because no matter how many people in power say it's harmless information gathering, it only takes one person to twist all of that and ruin everything by using it as a hit list.

This, I know from experience.



[Filtered to Roland]

I'm proper weary of this place today, so I am. It's a fair terrible state of affairs when you try to take steps to protect folk and they'll not only deny it's needed but near as much as threaten you with punishment for the notion.

Sai Dixon's not going to be any help to us, either; I reckon he doesn't care to be.

'Course if trouble does come we'll stand for them anyway, in the name of the Affiliation and the White, but I'm this moment reserving the right to declare that we told them preparation would have been a fine idea, after.


WHO: Annie Cresta & Finnick Odair (Plus anyone who hears the commotion could comment about it on the network? Or come by after Finnick tags in.)
WHAT: Annie is having a bad day. A very bad day.
WHERE: The apartment she shares with Finnick.
WHEN: Today around noon
WARNINGS: PTSD, Implied Torture, etc., World being pulled into a hallucination, minor spoilers for books
[[OOC: WHY: I am so so sorry to Roland mun for this.
OOC: I am so mean to my pup.]]

He Came Into Her Apartment//He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet )


WHO: Molly Carpenter and OPEN!
WHAT: Molly's messed up
WHEN: Thursday morning
WHERE: In one of the city parks (not the larger state park)
WARNINGS: TBD, likely thoughts of sexuality, violence
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~++~ )


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Exploring
WHERE: The Library
WHEN: Thursday morning
WARNINGS: Spoilers to Cold Days, TBD
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Daryl Dixon and OPEN
WHAT: Trying to re-acquaint himself to a pre-zombie world
WHERE: At the Subway downtown
WHEN: Thursday, a little before lunch time
WARNINGS: Talk of zombies, child abuse, TBD
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


All of these discussions about "protecting" and guns and magic reminds me too much of what Lucifer was doing to my world before I was brought here.

It also reminds me just how very damn alone I am here.

No offense, John and Mary, you guys have been great. It's just not the same.


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

24 hours have passed. I would have your answer, Knight.


[The writings of Shaun Mason, unpublished]
George is really good at her job. We started at the bottom and worked our way up, before we jumped to the presidential campaign and skipped the unnecessary middle parts of our profession. She's really good at her job and she takes it seriously. She built her reputation on being honest, open and full of integrity.

You never question Georgia Mason's integrity. Because if there's one thing that holds, it's exactly that. Her integrity.

It bothers me when people question it. You'd slander her because you don't have anything else worth listening to. You question it to cast doubt, but there's no foundation on anything you say. Because she's always been honest; with herself, with her audience, the people and me.

I don't like what this responsibility is doing to Georgia. It's the same crap that happens with every president and elected official in the history of elections. You get hired on to do a job and when you do your job, people hate you for it. When you fail at doing your job, people hate you for it.

They're going to hate her for doing the job they wanted her to do because she does it too well, and it's hurting her. She's been honest and full of integrity, but the moment she stops serving everyone's purposes or doesn't do what they want they're going to throw her to the dirt and stomp on her.

Fuck I hate this.

I love you, George.


Filtered: Lissa and Christian
You guys okay over there?

Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered away from all vampires, werewolves, and supernatural creatures except for Harry Dresden]

[Filter changed to OPEN TO ALL]

So, what is it we're looking at here? It seems from reading that there's some big problem between magical and non-magical people. Do we have a list of what's here? What isn't? Weaknesses? Strengths? I'm not asking for any reason other than it's good to have the knowledge and to know what's going on. The more we know, the less we fear.


House Filter

The more I talk to some of these people or read what they're saying on the network, the more I'm glad that I keep abstaining from their organizational progress.

I'm so damned tired of bigotry.


WHO: Fix and Lily
WHAT: Reuniting
WHEN: Wednesday
WHERE: One of the small parks in the city
WARNINGS: Talk of Death, TBD
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

Summer dreams, ripped at the seams... )


Let's have a discussion.

Roland seems to have touched a nerve, so I'm officially asking everyone here:

1.) Do you feel unsafe? If so, who/what group are you worried about?
2.) If you do, why? Please mention whether or not this feeling is colored by previous experiences in your own timelines.
3.) What are some ideas you have for alleviating this problem, that you think could be implemented? We all have ideal solutions, but let's focus on pragmatics.

If you don't feel comfortable addressing some of these questions publically, feel free to either tell me privately in some way or say you don't feel comfortable. It's fine, but if you don't say anything at all, even to abstain from answering, we can't know your thoughts and consider them.

In terms of ideas, so far there's been Roland's suggestion of a protective force (which I object to, but I'm one vote). I'd also like to suggest the idea of escorting people, or setting up checks of some sort within the community for those who are interested.


[Filtered from the Council]

So I was about town today and I took a trip to the shooting range now that they think I'm old enough and they'll let me in. It's a proper interesting place, so it is. Anyhow after I was done shooting I got talking to a fellow who works there, turns out he's with the organization of local folk who want to stand with us, the MVCADR.

He reckons he'd do well holding a class for us folk. The ones of us who aren't exactly in need of a class, as it happens, only to demonstrate what we're capable of. It's only a few days, and we'd get proper...certified by the NRA and apparently what that means is that folk in this world would actually give us credit for our skill with firearms. It's a way for them to recognize the training we've put in back in our own worlds, so I reckon.

Would any of you folk already proficient but not certified by this America be interested in the notion? It's not suited to beginners, so it isn't, but I know there are more than a few of us well beyond that point.

[Filtered to Daryl]

Sai Dixon? I've taken note of all your efforts to protect folk from zombies and such, so I have, and I'm fair impressed by it. Might I ask what your view is on needing protection from the authorities here?


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I would like to call in my first favor.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


As an ex-police officer, I'd like to say that despite my words of a few days ago, we should do our best to follow the laws as they're written. If we have problems with what's going on, then we should go about changing these laws in the way the political system offers - through our representatives, such as Miss Mason.

I'm not supporting any sort of vigilante action. This is a strange place, and a strange set of circumstances, but it's still America, and I still believe in the political system here. Let's let it do what it's supposed to do.

As has been said, if we try to create some sort of armed force, we're only going to end up scaring people in governance, which isn't going to get us anywhere.


You want to get a drink? I could use one.


Cry your pardon, but who are the peacekeepers here? I'm of a mind that we should have someone to protect us from the council's doings, as they seem to have strayed far from the path of the White, say true.

I reckon most here don't trust the local police, aye?

I'd not put myself forward unless asked, so I wouldn't, but something, I think, should be done, something that can be agreed on by all.


If I haven't got your door reinforced, and you want me to, drop me a line. Otherwise, I've got everything Walker-proofed as well as I can figure out. Don't fuck with the spikes or take the reinforcements off your doors unless you want someone to eat your face.


Yeah, this is more than a little weird. Even for someone who spends time in the Nevernever.

But hey, I've got an iPad!

Oct. 21st, 2013


[Filtered; Thomas]
I may need you to shoot me with a nail gun several times in the next year.


Who: Harry Dresden & The Winter Lady
What: Harry's making deals with faeries.
Where: The park
When: Now
Warnings | Status: None | complete

Read more... )


How about some snow?


House Filter

I just LOVE when new people suddenly show up here and make generalized threats toward the supernatural population, most of whom they don't even know and haven't caused trouble, and assume that all the humans here are perfectly innocent and incapable of just as much damage.


I'd recommend that everyone here refuse to give blood samples. It's your constitutional right not to - if that's not unlawful search and seizure, I'm not sure what is. And even though you're not all technically citizens, there are international laws about stuff like that too. You guys have rights. They have no reason to suspect any of you for a crime, and if they do, they can go about it the way everyone else has to, dammit.

Also, I know there are a lot of supernatural creatures here. I don't need to know who you are or what you can do, I really couldn't care less. As long as you don't hurt anybody, and keep your asses off my radar, I won't have any reason to haul you in.

Break the law, and I'll be on your ass like white on sugar. Got it?


List of problems with this planet. Note: this is not an exhaustive list.

1. Can't find my spaceship. Can't find a replacement spaceship
2. No robots
3. No Sub-Etha Net. 'Internet' is boring and 2D
4. 'Computers' are practically stone age
5. Lots of humans are annoying
6. No way of getting to Islington
7. Can't find the Guide
8. Gravity's on all the time
9. The sun's still following me
10. No Fanallan rum or splagberry sauce

List of good things about this planet:

1. Coca-Cola
2. Other humans who aren't related to me even if they're weird
3. Thrashbarg's not here
4. It's technically my homeworld
5. A few potentially not-boring people
6. Getting to play with practically archaic programming languages
7. Chucking stuff at the barrier and watching it bounce
8. Planet is still here and not so much hyperspace dust
9. Potential to scare locals with space-time-probability and aliens talk
10. Having my own living space


[Filtered to Lissa Dragomir]

Miss Dragomir,

I was partially responsible for

There's a matter I would like to speak with you about in confidence, in your capacity as representative to the Council. Would you be willing to discuss it with me? I believe you're best suited to assist me. Mr Borgia would tell Pollux right away and Miss Mason would obviously find it the height of amusement.


I didn't exactly question it because I figured I was just dreaming. And the opportunity to take a shower was far too enticing and it was nice to actually sleep on a bed but I'm starting to think that this isn't a dream.

It feels like nothing was really explained or anything and I'm starting to freak out a little. As much as my sister is going to freak out when they find that I'm gone. And I'd kind of like to go back now.

Oct. 20th, 2013


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I'd like to talk to you.

[Filtered to Elodin]

Are you still offering classes, Master Elodin?


I will soon be eighteen or perhaps nineteen, it's hard to tell. Does that mean that I'll no longer be required to go to 'high school'? It's rather ridiculous, as I'm already in University at home.


I wish to clarify that I don't actually consider dying here to be a solution to any of the problems we face. I'd so hate for anyone to take seriously what I said in a rather fevered state.

To those concerned: I'm feeling a little better today. I still haven't witnessed any torture or other reprehensible behavior at the clinic, although I took the necessary steps to ensure I wouldn't be a victim in any case and I did manage to stay lucid enough that I haven't got any gaps this time.

I'm hoping to return home by midweek, and visitors will be welcome from then onward; please do telephone ahead


WHO: Kvothe and OPEN
WHAT: Magic (and a little bit of self pity)
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Around

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


The medical advances in this world are simply stunning.

The deaths from infection have plummeted due to the use of new antibiotics, and the deaths from heart disease, cancer, and other major killers have made such a drastic drop that I can see the human race achieving immortality in the near future.

Forgive me, the medicine in this time seems like a doctor's dream. I know medicine is not perfect, but it's shocking how far it has come.

In other news, the computer is an amazing research device.


Who: Anna, Caroline and Elena
What: Reuniting! Or...uniting, from Caroline's perspective.
Where: Outside the apartments.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Rating: Low, probably.
Status: Ongoing/Incomplete.

Under here. )


I'm not a fan of getting gifts from people I don't know. Technically, I don't even like it sometimes from people I do know. It can feel like you're being bought off for whatever reason and a pretty new phone, one thousand dollars and some shiny new apartment definitely goes into that category,

You can try to pretty up a kidnapping all you want but it's still a kidnapping. Which, sorry but I so met my quota on that already for this year.

Someone point me In the direction of Virginia and we'll just forget this ever happened.


Has anyone seen my spaceship? It's a silver RW6, the very newest model I stole it from I hope nobody's borrowed it for research.

Also, does this planet have a single computer terminal?

Don't get me wrong. It's great to see other humans. Really. And this is - bloody hell, this is Earth, isn't it, I'd just expected it to be a little less boring. Maybe I'm in the wrong place? How far away is Islington?

Oct. 19th, 2013


WHO: Karrin Murphy and Harry Dresden
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
WHAT: Meeting and figuring out what's going on
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low

~+~+~+~ )

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