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Jun. 14th, 2019


WHO: Julian Blackthorn and Emma Carstairs
WHAT: An adventure in New Orleans
WHEN: Backdated to the NOLA by Night Portal
WHERE: The NOLA by Night Portal
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 1st, 2019


Even if I'm not back home and I can't be a true Shadowhunter here, that doesn't mean that I want to get out of shape.

Would anyone like to spar with me? Please don't reply if you're terrible. It's a waste of both of our time.

May. 22nd, 2019


Who: Nico Minoru and Emma Carstairs
Where: High School
When: May 13
What: Bonding over jerks
Status: Complete, Matchup

You better go away before I turn you into a frog. )

May. 10th, 2019


Locked to Julian Blackthorn

Hey, Chris needs a strand of your hair. He’s got a lead that might break the curse between us without affecting anyone else. Hence the hair.

May. 6th, 2019


WHO: Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn
WHAT: Finally having a talk
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Alec’s place
STATUS: Completed Gdoc

Read more... )

May. 2nd, 2019


[Filtered to Piper, Prue, Phoebe, and Paige]

Yes, hi, it's your favorite older son/nephew WHO COULD REALLY USE SOME FEMALE HELP RIGHT NOW.

What, exactly, do you do at a prom? How do you dance at a prom? What the hell do you wear to prom??

And if a girl asks you to prom what does that imply, exactly?

[Filtered to Emma Carstairs]

Hey you. I think I may be on to something. I need to borrow a few strands of hair. ...also Julian's if we can get it and not be super weird about it?

Apr. 28th, 2019


So with only a month or so of school left, what is everyone planning to do with their summer?

Are there any camps or anything like that around here where we could work? Or go to, even?

Apr. 24th, 2019


Who: Violet Parr and Emma Carstairs
Where: College Campus
When: Spring break
What: Bonding over food
Status: Complete, Matchup

The quality of food was a very important consideration when it came to choosing colleges. )

Apr. 23rd, 2019


Man, having a toddler is exhausting. Especially when your top two babysitters decide to go and have kids of their own.

Anyway, Steph actually crashed out early tonight, I'm bored, and it's been way too long since we had some fun. So here's your shag/marry/cliff post.

If you've never done this before, here's how it works: you comment that you want to play and people will give you a list of three names. You have to say which of the three you would shag, which you would marry, and which you would push off a cliff.

Apr. 8th, 2019


Who: Clary Fairchild and Emma Carstairs
What: Catching up after Clary's return
When: Sometime after her return
Where: Starbucks

She knew all too well now what it was like for someone you knew to not know you at all. )

Apr. 4th, 2019


Going home? Yeah, that was something. And yes, I'm putting it way lightly.

Well, I know what you know now. I guess we are on the same page.

We need to hangout soon. Like asap.

Hey. Not awkward at all, but I remember you. I know we are friends.

Mar. 18th, 2019


Who: Fat Amy and Emma Carstairs
Where: Starbucks.
When: Monday, March 18.
What: Match-up.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed | Match-up | Completed GDoc

... )

Mar. 16th, 2019



Uh, how are things? Sorry I haven't been around much, but with my new job and all I just haven't had much time.

Mar. 12th, 2019


Magic portals to other worlds?

NOW we're talking. Next day off, you know where I'll be! It isn't London, but I guess it'll do.

Mar. 1st, 2019


Who: Star and Emma
What: Hi face twin!
When: Friday afternoon
Where: School
Warnings: not really
Status: Closed

Read more... )

Feb. 18th, 2019


Who: Phoebe Halliwell and Emma Carstairs
Where: Galatea's Art Supplies
When: Snow Day
What: Phoebe and Emma get snowed in
Status: Complete, Closed

Mine involves going crazy and destroying everything and everyone I ever loved, so the stakes are a little high here. )

Feb. 16th, 2019


Who: Jake and Emma
What: Coffee shop meeting
When: Afternoon
Where: Coffee Shop
Warnings: TBD, probably low
Status: Closed/In Progress

Read more... )

Feb. 15th, 2019


Looks like I have better friends than I thought I had.

Thanks for the candy grams, Cassie/Karolina/Riley/Favorite Defender of the Universe. (And thanks for defending the universe)

Feb. 14th, 2019


[Filtered away from Amy]

Jealousy is an ugly emotion and I don't feel it.

But it really sucks to go from being married to spending Valentine's Day alone.

Feb. 12th, 2019



You doing okay? Classes going well and everything?

Sorry I've been avoiding you


Who: Jake Peralta and Emma Carstairs
Where: Wizard Wheezes
When: Feb 2
What: Checking out the joke shop
Status: Complete - Matchup

If I die I’ll definitely come back to haunt you. )

Jan. 31st, 2019


You would think after everything I've seen lately that I would believe in anything, but this? This is even strange for me.

Well this is new. Even for me.

Jan. 30th, 2019



How did your math test go?


You want to go to the gym with me tomorrow?


Would you like me to make dinner tomorrow night?


By the angel, it's cold. Can I go back to California now? Please?

Jan. 22nd, 2019


Filtered to Legolas and Julian

Hey Legolas, this is my friend Julian. He's the one I was telling you about, the one that's great at cooking.

We go to school in the day Monday to Friday, but he can teach you how to use your appliances after school. When do you want to do it?

Jan. 20th, 2019


So I sort of missed someone asking a question about magic staying magic the other day and instead of just looking it back up I figured I should put up an FYI about me for all the newer people.

I'm what's called a null. I turn off magic. It isn't something that can be turned off so supernatural creatures and magic beings turn human around me, spells break and the more you piss me off the bigger the area of effect is.

I bartend at Verdant so when people need a spell broken or just want to be able to get drunk when they can't usually because they heal too fast, werewolves mostly, they come drink with me.

Being kind of an antisocial bitch isn't part of being a null it's just me, sorry.

Jan. 19th, 2019


I wish to thank those of you who organized the dance. It was well done, and enjoyable.


Do you want to hang out again sometime?


Are you

Did Chris

Did you have a nice time?


Well, happy birthday to little old me. Hey, at least the world isn't in some horrible danger for this one. Go me.

Jan. 17th, 2019


WHO: Emma Carstairs and Chris Halliwell
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: Jan 15
WHAT: Emma asks out Chris
STATUS: log; completed

Don’t worry, I’m a great date. Ask any of my ex-boyfriends. )

Jan. 16th, 2019


I've always wondered what the big deal was around cheerleaders in Mundane schools. Now that there's an opening on the squad, I have a chance to find out. Tryouts, here I come.

[Isabelle Lightwood]
Hi Isabelle? I know we don't know each other that well but I need a favour. Where can I find a cheap but acceptable dress I can wear to the formal and still be ready to fight a demon invasion if it happens?

How are you doing? Not microwaving plastic too, I hope?

I wanted to give you a heads up. I asked Chris to the formal.


Who: Rose Hathaway and Emma Carstairs
What: Random meeting
Where: Hinkles (Rose’s post workout binge)
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Completed g-doc.

A much needed food run. )

Jan. 15th, 2019


I didn't even go to my prom, I'm sure not going to some fancy formal dance in the middle of nowhere.

No offence to the people running said fancy formal dance. I'm sure it'll be amazing.

[Filtered to Piper and Kristof]
But if you guys want to go out and have a nice night together, I'm down for watching the kids. We'll have a magical evening of Peppa Pig, whoever she is.

I won't even let Wyatt summon her. Probably.

Jan. 13th, 2019


Private to Chris Halliwell

Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
Let's go for coffee
I'll treat you maybe?



Are you going to the Winter Formal?

I think I will. We can go together. I mean, not together together, but like...with each other.




I was hoping that I might be able to come up with some extra money by tutoring. Does anyone need any help? I can help with any high school subject, and I'm fluent in French, Latin, Greek, Russian and Spanish.

Jan. 8th, 2019


So, my daughter's been in preschool for little over a week. Already I got a call from her teacher this afternoon asking if I could stay in and talk.

As it happened, my child hit another one in the head. From what I gather, he cried louder and the teacher and the boy's parents think he was only trying to play. whereas Cassie shouted that he hit her first. Both of them wanted to know why I was raising my daughter as a bully and wanted her to apologize.

I explained to them both that under no circumstances is my daughter allowed to be violent, unless someone hits her first. Perhaps this boy was just playing, but he was rough and she still cried from it. Told them she'll only apologize if he did so first.

To his credit, the kid did say he was sorry. His mom just scowled, but I'll take it.

The whole 'if he's mean to you, it means he likes you', has and will always be bullshit. I'm trying to raise my child so she doesn't have to put up with it. The woman's just lucky Cassie didn't bite her kid instead of hitting him-that was something she did until she was two years old.

Jan. 7th, 2019


To those of you who built the obstacle course, I'm actually quite impressed.

I was able to finish it, of course, but I actually had to try. I'm not even sure I could have done it blindfolded. So, bravissimo.

In other news, I'm trying to decide if it would be better to find employment, or simply leach off of Alec. Mundane jobs are so...mundane. I suppose that isn't surprising.


Are you alright?


How's Ian? I heard from Izzy you took in Emma and Julian.


Who: Legolas and Emma Carstairs.
Where: The park.
When: The day of his arrival.
What: Legolas proves he is Legolas.
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed | Completed GDoc.

... )

Jan. 1st, 2019


I have been given this device and instructed to use it to communicate. This entire situation is ...absurd. Surely with enough people here one of you could have found a way out of this mess

I am the Mighty Thor, son of Odin, and the God of Thunder. Is it true that we cannot leave this place? I have very important matters to see to.

Dec. 31st, 2018


Watchtower NYE Party Post

WHO Under 25s
WHEN 31st into 1st
WHERE Watchtower Arcade
STATUS Open | Party post

~+~+~+~+ )


Voice Post


I am not completely certain I am using this correctly.

My name is Legolas, of Mirkwood.

A land I have heard is not of this world.


Happy New Year's Eve, Madison Valley.

I can't believe I'm still here.

Dec. 25th, 2018


I arrived in town last night with my parabatai, and we’d like to change our living arrangements. Instead of two one-bedroom apartments we were hoping to find a single two-bedroom one.

Is that possible?

Dec. 24th, 2018


Hi, I'm Emma Carstairs, and this might be the weirdest intro ever, but I don't suppose anyone has spare men's clothes I can buy off you? Size medium shirt, 30 width pants. Apparently nothing is open Christmas Eve.


Who: Julian Blackthorn and Emma Carstairs
Where: Out in the streets, then Julian’s new apartment
When: Christmas Eve
What: Arrival
Status: Complete, Closed

Maybe they'll have Amazon here. )

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