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Dec. 7th, 2013


[Peeta Mellark's Journal, Unpublished]

I worry about her. I can't help it. She doesn't like to talk much, and that's okay, I can handle the words when they're needed. But I know Gale arriving has to be hard on her, and it's got to be bringing up all sort of terrible feelings about Prim and her death. And she's just closing up. I can be there for her, and I always will be. I'll be there beside her until the day I die, whenever she needs me. But I don't know how to help her more than that. I don't know how to make her stop hurting. How to stop the bad things that keep happening to her. And that's all I want to do.

I can talk to her about hope, and how things are going to get better. How they have to get better. But she doesn't believe it sometimes, I can see it in her eyes. And I don't know what else I can do. I don't want to smother her; Katniss has always needed her space when stuff like this happens.

It's so hard. She doesn't know all the stuff that's come between us in the last year, or the stuff that's brought us together. I don't quite know how to act around her. I keep forgetting all the things about me that she doesn't know anymore. All the things we shared in 12 after getting back there. I miss that. I miss being comfortable with her. I miss her being comfortable with me.

But it doesn't matter. I love her, and I'll be as patient as she needs me to be. I'm not in any hurry. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but I'm still only nineteen years old. Sometimes I feel much older than that, but I'm not. And I have time. Plenty of time.

I only wish I knew how to give her what she needs.

Dec. 6th, 2013


I went to Radio Shack today. In person. There were other people there. One bumped into me, and I didn't even scream.

This is so an improvement. Before you know it, I'm going to be going out all the time.

Nov. 30th, 2013


WHO: Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen
WHAT: Discussing a strategy
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: The bedroom of their apartment
WARNINGS: PTSD, talk of death, killing, torture, etc
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


Filtered to Clove

You okay?

I hate these people.


Ladies, indulge this line of thinking for a moment, if you'd please:

Several of you have, at one point or another, assured me that I thought you couldn't do something because you were women. That strikes me as unfailingly stupid.

What makes you feel persecuted?


I miss magic.

First Thanksgiving without my dad. I won't say it was a happy day, because I don't think that's even possible, but I'm grateful that I could at least spend it with my friends.

I still can't believe he's go-

Nov. 29th, 2013


I have learned that a package of cigarettes in this time and place costs five dollars and eighty-eight cents. I then learned when I tried to convert this to Francs that Francs no longer exist! Instead in France they now have something called the Euro. Well, at least Enjolras, you will be pleased at such a display of unity.

I however will remain aghast. How on earth do people in this day and age afford their vices!? It pains me to know the cost of other such items. I require immediate tutelage.




Your sisters aren't anywhere near as cool as mine is. In fact, my sister is cooler than God.

I say that with all the religious fervor in the world because it's true. A couple of years ago we were out in Santa Cruz--which is zombie territory down to its viral infected bones--doing the only thing worth doing in zombie territory: poking zombies with sticks to see what happens.

We were out there with George's bike as the only means of transportation back to base. I was making friends with one of the locals, which is pretty standard stuff: a solo zombie isn't much of a threat. Four zombies isn't much of a threat if you know how to handle yourself. But more than that and you're probably going to die.

So of course we got ambushed. They had closed in on us on three sides and set up the kill chute forcing us to take the bike down toward the bigger mob, where they'd close ranks and eat us for lunch as soon as they caught us. Then George takes us up this hill. Hills are salvation or your burial ground and you've got a 50% chance of making it so of course she thinks:

Why don't we just go over the zombies?

Genius. My sister drove her dirt bike over a zombie herd. We turned into the Wright brothers for several glorious moments in total liftoff. We survived.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why you should never go into the field without someone who is willing to do stupid shit with you.

Nov. 28th, 2013


Death is something that happens to everyone. We can't stop it, although most of us want to put it off as long as possible. But it's not death, or how you get there that really matters in the end. It's how you live the life you were given, and how much you've loved. Because's the strongest thing there is. It's stronger than the Capitol, or the torture, or the pain that's a natural part of living.

Love and hope go hand in hand and as long as you have them you're stronger than anything the world can possibly throw at you.

Because the world will go on. Life will get better. Because things can only stay dark for so long before something snaps and good takes over, and the sun comes out again. I've seen it. And I have faith in it, because I know how strong love is. I know how strong people can be. I've seen it.





A whole town that survived the Virus? How is that even possible? Almost everybody died.

Jason? Zoe? Oh please be here.

Nov. 27th, 2013


[The writings of Shaun Mason, unpublished]
George always said I was suicidal, and I guess if you run headlong into danger on purpose that qualifies you as being a few cards short of a full deck. You know what I say?

Fuck it. Let's blow some shit up.

There's a thrill that comes with what I do. It's a roller coaster of fucking adrenaline, the rush of excitement and pure terror, where the only thing that matters is that you take action. You make a decision and go with it, while your heart pounds and you think, this is it. This could be it. The day you fuck it up and die because you're an idiot that likes to poke zombies with sticks to see what happens. It's the most addicting feeling in the world.

I stopped going into the field after George died. There's just something about having shot her in the head that makes it hard to enjoy doing my job anymore. But God do I miss it sometimes.

Not that it matters here. The only zombie I'll have to shoot is George, because fuck if I'm sticking around for the aftermath.

I'm looking forward to relegating these details to the shrinks that think they can help.


Filtered to Those Above 18 -- And The Representatives

We waited to do this until we were sure, but my sister and I are in need of a new guardian. Our last guardian, Alicia, seems to have disappeared and we haven't been able to find her.

We don't have a lot of requirements, but we would like to be placed with someone who is accepting of magic, if possible. We don't want to be told over and over again that magic is evil and we'll burn for it. I have enough of a complex.

Cassie Blake and Diana Meade


I guess this time of year is really one of the best times to be Summer Fae, objectively. I mean, it can get as cold as balls and I'm still nice and warm. One of the things I'll never get tired of, especially living in Chicago.

Not saying I like winter, just trying to look for silver linings, I guess.

[Filtered to Lily]

Are we going to have a Thanksgiving dinner? I'll help.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Hey, man, everything going okay?


It's so weird, that the gods aren't here. It's a relief in a way, but it's also scary. I mean, if they're not here, how am I?

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I'm sorry I messed everything up. Is your friend okay?


I was just very curious - those of you who come from other 'magical' worlds; what are the laws surrounding your 'magical' usage? For instance, are there punishments for malfeasance? I suppose I'm not familiar with all the things your different worlds are capable of doing, but I've very curious how your worlds deal with what you can do.


WHO: Briseis and OPEN
WHAT: Shopping on the day before Thanksgiving
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: Kroger (A grocery store)

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 26th, 2013


Trigger Warning: Fat Shaming - Cut, not Filtered )


WHO: Roland Deschain and OPEN
WHAT: Really, really trying to read a history of this place
WHERE: The library
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WARNINGS: TBD, likely none

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )



I found a place. Thanks for letting me use your couch.

[Elena and Caroline]

I really don't want to do this. I don't want

Hey. We should probably talk.


We don't have Thanksgiving in Ireland, but the idea of it, I think, is grand. Giving thanks for the good things in your life, and realizing that wherever you are, you haven't gotten there alone.

Don't know if I like so much the part about the murder of the Indians and the racism and all that - actually, I'm pretty sure I don't - but I do like the idea of giving thanks.

I think we all have something we can give thanks for? No matter how terrible things are.

For me, despite it all, I've got my health, and I'm an Irishwoman. That's a good deal to be thankful for right there.

What about the rest of you?


WHO: Marius Black and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking about family
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: The clinic
WARNINGS: TBD/Likely none
STATUS:: Open/Ongoing

”~+~+~+~+~+~+” )


I hate cold weather. Like...really, really hate it.

Girls wear way too much, for one thing. It's like we go from a world of beautiful people to a world of bundled up snow bunnies. Not nearly as sexy.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Talk to me. You've been silent lately.


WHO: Molly Carpenter and OPEN
WHAT: Enjoying the coming snow-storm and thinking about her situation
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: The coffee shop
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


So, I'm really thinking we should have a 'whose timeline sucks most' competition. Pretty sure mine's in the running, but at least we don't entertain ourselves by killin' kids on reality TV. Shit.


WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking over her deal with the Fairy
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: The gym
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD/Likely none

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


So, like, this place is getting really boring. There's only so much I can do with old-fashioned wires from Radio Shack (they still use coaxial cables. And their HDMI cables? OMG, so cute. But not terribly useful).

And like, I'd write more porn, but apparently that is frowned on in this establishment. (I do love that commercial).

So. Should I just study the history of really old and useless electronics, or is there actually something better I should be doing?

[Filtered to Random]

Hey. Let's go to a movie. Like. For real.


Who: Finnick Odair and OPEN
What: Exploring
Where: Around Madison
When: 11/26/13 early morning
Warnings: None save possible talk of death
Status: Open/Ongoing

Finnick didn't know anything about this place, save the whole thing about them needing his blood. That he did not like and he would need to think it over, debate how to approach that. He also knew he had to find Annie, if it was true the ramblings he heard about a mad girl named Annie. Maybe he was holding out hope too much that it could be his Annie.

First he wanted to get a feel for where this place was. Call it being in the arena twice, he just didn't walk in without checking a place out. For all he knew this was another trick of the Capitol. That they somehow got him again. It made sense if Annie was here. He was looking for water, it was always good to find water. A good water source would give him several advantages. His mind was working overtime trying to piece this all together.

He heard ramblings about magic and bans. About there being all kinds of different things here, things he had never heard of. It sounded like a bunch of crazy people. Yet he was here and he'd never heard of this place. And he certainly had been all over Panem. He would take these little secrets he heard whispered and keep them to himself for now.


[Filtered to Johanna Mason]

Hey, Johanna, don't tell Katniss about what happens, okay? About Prim, and about me? Let me do it. She needs to hear it from me.


Who: Katniss & Peeta
What: Talking
Where: Their apartment
When: 11/26, before dawn
Warnings | Status: Death, murder, etc. | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 25th, 2013


What the hell? This isn't home. Not nearly enough trees.


WHO: Nico di Angelo and Bonnie Bennett
WHAT: Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: By the river
WARNINGS: Talk of Death
STATUS: Gdoc'ed/Incomplete

”~+~+~+~+~+~” )


WHO: Daryl Dixon and Tris Prior
WHAT: A meeting
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WARNINGS: Zombies, tbd
STATUS:: Gdoc'ed, Incomplete

”~+~+~+~+~+~+” )


WHO: Marley Rose & Kvothe
WHAT: Hanging Out, Rehearsing
WHEN: Wednesday Afternoon
WHERE: Outside the house she lives in with Klaus and Co.
STATUS:: Gdoc'ed, Incomplete

”~+~+~+~+~+~+” )


[Filtered: George]
Dropped a file to you just now. It's raw footage of first contact with pre-Rising shrinks! Brought to you by Shaun Mason.

She did a good job of hiding her surprise when I started talking to myself. That moment of 'oh shit' before she cools her expression.

I'm trying not to make it a game to see how many times they'll refer me to someone else before one sticks it out long enough to make me their guinea pig. Wanna make bets?


So I've been here for just over a week now. I wouldn't say I like the place or that I'm used to it yet, but it isn't the worst place I've been and I'm starting to find my way around pretty well. My brother is here, and my dad and Jo are too and they're both alive. So, silver linings I guess.

I didn't really introduce myself on my last entry so I'm Sam for anyone that's interested. Not much of an introduction really but there isn't a whole lot to tell.

Filtered to Dean )


Who: Diana Meade and [open]
What: Walking and thinking
When: Monday morning, 8ish
Where: Some random street
Rating: PG to start with?
Status: Open/Ongoing

She's thinky. That's bad. )


WHO: Jason Walsh and Casey Schraeger
WHAT: Partners Reuniting; Casey needs answers
WHERE: At Jason's Place
WHEN: Sunday Night After Her Arrival
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD, probably some mild cursing

Feels like reckless driving when we're talking // It's fun while it lasts, and it's faster than walking )

Nov. 24th, 2013


I have to be dead. This can't be real.


This is certainly something that I've never seen a case file on: Relocation by Persons Unknown.

I don't think I've ever needed to give blood as part of a job application process, either.


I wish to retract my earlier statement.

This is not a nice place to live, it's beastly, and I was being childishly optimistic and naive when I said otherwise. I apologize to any decent people who were misled by what I said.


WHO: Davina Claire & Open
WHAT: Exploring her surroundings
WHERE: The outskirts of town
WHEN: Sunday morning
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

Looks like a girl, but she's a flame // So bright, she can burn your eyes )


WHO: Helga Hufflepuff & Open (Gentle tag to Godric and Rowena)
WHAT: Shopping
WHERE: At the WalMart
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

In this fountain there are silver dollars and penniless creatures. )


Who: Katniss & Open
What: Blowing off some steam in the woods.
Where: Clifty Falls State Park.
When: Sunday morning
Warnings | Status: possible talk of death, murder etc. | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Kitty Pryde & Open
WHAT: Occupying her mind
WHERE: Apartment parking lot
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

On the right train The girl with no name // Looks up for a moment and everything changes )

Nov. 24th, 2013


Thank you to everyone who helped me settle in here, I am most grateful. This place is still terribly confusing and everything is very new to me, but all of your kindness has helped it be quite so scary, I think.

I was terribly remiss in introducing myself earlier, and I'd like to fix that, if I may? My name is Briseis, daughter of Briseus, and I hail from the city of Lyrnessus, in the land that we called Troy. I have not been there in many terrible years, but it will always be my home.

This place...seems very lovely and it's nice to be in a place without war and death all around me.



I'm sorry. For...for kicking you out last week. I didn't want to hurt you, that was why I did it, you know that right? It was the wrong thing to do, but I had the best intentions.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Filtered to Alicia and Diana

I have a date type thing with my friend, Jake, tonight, but I won't be out too late. I'll be at this address. [Address]


WHO: Jake Armstrong and Cassie Blake
WHAT: Getting together
WHERE: At Jake's place
WHEN: Saturday Night
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

Jake decided it was high time he and Cassie got together. He decided to spend some time with her. He hurriedly began cleaning up a little so it didn't look like a pig stye. He stopped and gave the place a once over, half tempted to try and cast some spell to make it look clean. Once he was satisfied he checked the time.

Pizza and wings, check. Soda, check. Chips and dip, check. Pie, check. Movies, check. Okay yeah it looked like a date. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Now he was overthinking it all. What did he want exactly? They weren't even together.

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