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May. 31st, 2014


Feel free to tell me if this already exists but is there any kind of database that lists who's here, from where and from when? It could probably be even more detailed than that. I know we had to register who we were and our abilities and all of that, but is it accessible to anyone? Can we add "last known memory" to the list?

And maybe a "Welcome to Storybrook. You are ~Here~." kind of pamphlet would be helpful with like a map of the town, maybe some job listings and pertinent information for life, essentially. And introduction to those of you who are from here, especially those running the town?

I don't know, I'm an academic. I like the idea of having literature.


With the way these magic portal are working lately I kinda feel like I should make a PSA I can point any in coming Avengers from my world to.

May. 25th, 2014


I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be avoiding you. If you can forgive me for being such an idiot, I want to see you. I want to, I do.

May. 19th, 2014


Not in the mood for weirdo villains or nefarious plots so if we could just, I don't know, deposit me right back where I was a few hours ago, I'd appreciate it. You're looking for someone who doesn't even exist anymore- it has nothing to do with me, honest, I just take the pictures. I mean, making me think I'm trapped in a storybook? Well-played. But Spider-man just isn't me.

Mar. 24th, 2014


My mom is going to kill me

So, let's make sure I have this straight.
  1. I went through a portal.
  2. This is all because of "magic" magic.
  3. There's no way to go home.
  4. Or if there is, nobody's figured it out.
  5. Also, some of us are apparently fictional in some other realities?
  6. My boyfriend is probably here because he can't avoid trouble and needs to speak up right now if that's the case. Peter Parker, where are you?
Is that about right?

Jul. 8th, 2013


Okay, I get most of this. Portals to other worlds. We're stuck in a small town in Maine with no mall. We can't leave. There's a girl who looks like my best friend but isn't a shapeshifting alien.

I just have one question.

Who broke magic?

I mean...seriously. What did you do?