September 2016




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Oct. 22nd, 2014


With Halloween coming, I wish kid!Lian was here. ...So I had an excuse to take her trick-or-treating and get a sweet haul of yummy delicious candy. Not that grown-up!Lian isn't actually pretty cool. But still, candy. Free, delicious, candy.

Oct. 15th, 2014


Filtered to Jay-bird, Fitz, and Mia

Guess who can never go home?

Oct. 8th, 2014


So, I'm speedy. As in I actually have superspeed.

It's actually pretty cool, even though I ran into a wall and whacked my head really hard this morning. Ow.

Sep. 1st, 2014


Of course this place is real. Anyone I know still here, Steph, Cassie, Other-Roy?

And for those of you I don't know...hi, Storybrooke. I'm Mia Dearden.

Mar. 4th, 2014


You know what? I'm glad Roy doesn't know me. I'm glad he's from some weird alterna-world where I apparently don't exist. Roy really hates me where I'm from right now, and I don't really blame him. I still kind of hate myself for letting that happen to Lian. I shouldn't have left her alone in the house. I should've gone back for her, and gotten her out. I should have died, not her.


I was perfectly happy being Robin and I hate Dick for taking that away from me.

Feb. 15th, 2014


I have lots of yummy half-off Valentine's candy.

Who wants some? I'm more than willing to share. I might have gone a little overboard.

Feb. 4th, 2014


I'm a terrible person. There are apparently three people I'm friends with from back home here. And I've been here for a week and didn't even notice. Steph, Cassie, Tim, I'm sorry I didn't say hi earlier. Or really haven't been paying much attention to anything after arriving here. Roy not freaking knowing me and being some weird alterna-Roy really freaked me out. So if I missed any marriages, births, or alien takeovers, I'm sorry. I'll buy pizza to make up for being a bad friend? And chocolate?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Okay. Fell through a magical portal and landed in a small town in Maine in another universe.

Still not as weird as fighting off an army of the undead wearing Lantern rings in Star City. But probably with less hearts being ripped out. At least, I would hope so. I'm rather attached to my heart, thanks.

Anyway, how's it going, Storybrooke? I'm Mia Dearden.