September 2016




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Jul. 25th, 2016


Talking with Anakin got me thinking about scary movies. I want to know what everyone's favorite scary movie is. It doesn't have to be straight up horror, just whatever scares you most but in that good way.

[Filtered to Archer]
Come watch scary movies with me so I can curl up and hide behind you when they get too scary, please.

Jun. 25th, 2016


I forgot how much I love just lounging in the sun, it's been so long since I've actually been able to do that. I think I might be part cat because I definitely spent half the day just dozing in the sun. That's what cats do, right?

[Filtered to Archer]
We should think about planning that little weekend getaway we talked about before. I think we both deserve it. I'm thinking somewhere hot and secluded with a beach, unless you have other ideas.

May. 29th, 2016


Who doesn't love a long weekend? The weather isn't great I'll admit but who needs good weather to have a good time.

May. 20th, 2016


Avoiding the internet is not exactly easy. And there's a part of me that's curious to find out what is going on back home, only a small part but it's there. I'm just glad that the show isn't on the air anymore so I don't have to worry about getting it thrown in my face without warning during commercials.

[Filtered to Archer]
We need a date night, just the two of us.

May. 14th, 2016


Wait. When did they start showing Eurovision in the States?

Seriously, turn on CNN. It's the best form of ridiculous craic.

May. 10th, 2016


Mondays suck. Or more to the point this Monday sucks. Other Mondays have been okay but this one is definitely not okay.

May. 8th, 2016


What the hell is going on?

Jemma, Coulson? Are you here?

May. 7th, 2016


Okay what the actual shit

You people have exactly five minutes to tell me where my daughter is or I'll start to escalate.

May. 6th, 2016


Really?  Random town, Maine?  Isn't there somewhere better I could have been mysteriously sent to?

May. 2nd, 2016


We're back from our trip and I'm so glad to see the town is still standing. But has anyone seen Carl? I can't find him.

[Filtered to Archer]
I think Carl is gone. I just don't know if he's gone back home or if he ran off.

[Filtered to AoS Ladies]
Okay, we need a girl's night. Seeing as we're all together again. And I did promise Bobbi we'd have one. So let's get to sorting one out very soon.


Apr. 26th, 2016


Okay, I've gotta ask this because it's something I've been thinking about since I found out the barrier was gone and I know that was only last night but it's been bugging me. I get that here I'm fictional or on a show or whatever the hell you want to say. It took me a while to get used to that but here at least I knew I wasn't alone in that and no one was going to think I was insane but if I go out there are people going to think I'm someone else or think I'm crazy or something? I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking about this.

As for the portals, well I don't think I'm going anywhere near those. I'd rather not risk getting stranded somewhere if they suddenly decided to close.

[Filtered to Archer]
So... do you want to go out there and see what the world is like?

Apr. 2nd, 2016


Well, that was a thing.

Mar. 20th, 2016


I worry about Fitz. I worry about all of the team that isn't here, but I especially worry about Fitz.

I miss him. But things between us were so complicated back home. Leaving that behind here, both of us leaving it behind, was better. I wonder if it's selfish of me to be a little glad he hasn't come back. I do want him here. It's safer here and I would know he was all right. But I worry he wouldn't remember and there was just so much without...everything we worked through here. That we didn't back home.

I don't love Fitz.

I mean, of course I love Fitz. He's Fitz. But I'm not in love with him. Not the way he's in love with me. I think, back home, there was just so much pressure. There were so many many people telling me I should love him. It was easier to give in to that. It was easier to forget about what I wanted and focus on what he wanted.

But I want you to know, and maybe I should be telling you this in person but I've never been very good with words...not with people, face to face, that I am in love with you. Not Fitz. You. And I'm happy, more happy than I have been in a long time, to be building a life here with you.


Okay... okay.

This... this is real.

I... I remember being here but it feels like it was forever ago. How long ago was I here? Who was here last time I was?

Carl are you still here?

Archer? Oh god... Archer.

[Filtered to Archer]
Please still be here. Please.

I need to explain some things. You're gonna hate me but you need to hear them from me before you find out through the internet or by watching the show.

[ooc note - posted a couple of hours after this post appeared on the network. Her appearance back in Storybrooke was accompanied by a small localized earthquake that she quickly stopped but it was noticeable.]


Have any of you guys heard from Skye? She was spending the here the other day, and I thought she'd just gone back to her place. But I'm not getting any answer when I try and call her phone, and that's just not like her at all. She usually answers pretty quickly when I call. Ward, already shut up I don't want to hear it unless you've heard something from her.

Mar. 11th, 2016


I hate the internet right now. Hate it so much. If anyone wants me I'll be... well I'll be hiding so don't want me. Sorry for any minor tremors anyone might have felt. I didn't mean it and it won't happen again.

Feb. 29th, 2016


Watching TV has started to become a dangerous pastime. I think I might have to avoid watching things live as it were and stick to either downloading or watching them online. Anyone else have this problem when they're trying to avoid seeing the shows of our lives? I can't be the only one.

[Filtered to Archer]
I don't know how it happened but I seem to have ended up with one of your shirts. Actually maybe I do know how it happened but I thought I'd let you know you haven't lost it, it's just in my possession.

[Filtered to Carl]
Did you ask Bruce if he wanted to come and watch Doctor Who with us?

[Filtered to Arthur]
We need more Game of Thrones nights. And more baking of things, maybe for the Game of Thrones nights.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


I don't have anything against winter, I really don't but I feel like a freaking popsicle right now.

[Filtered to Ward]
What the hell were you actually thinking? What gives you the right to dictate anything in my life?

[Filtered to Archer]
I feel the need to apologize again, so I am. Sorry, so very sorry.

Jan. 25th, 2016


Has anyone seen or heard from Fitz? I went over to his to ask him something and there was no answer, I can't get hold of him.

[Filtered away from Carl]
Who do I speak to about being a guardian? Because I volunteered to do it for someone and I just want to check there's no hidden surprises for me.

[Filtered to AoS people, Avengers, SHIELD, Felicity, Arthur, Archer]
Arthur and I are organizing a Game of Thrones drinking game night. Who's in?

So... I had fun the other night, what I can remember of it. Did I

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I'm bored, I know it's bad luck to say things like I want something to happen so I'm not going to say that but someone give me an idea of something to do otherwise I'm going to try and find something to do and might end up landing myself in trouble because I have a habit of doing that. But no suggesting trying to conquer the human race (Loki I'm looking at you) or other activities such as that.

Mar. 7th, 2015


If you could change something about yourself here that you couldn't at home, would you do it?

Jan. 26th, 2015


I think I'm getting settled in to life in this town. I still need to find some sort of employment though.

Does anyone need help caring for their home? I have experience with cooking and cleaning and caring for children. Or if anyone has suggestions regarding appropriate work, I am willing to listen.

Dec. 12th, 2014



It's been almost five months?

Archer? Are you still here? Is Abijean still here?

I swear to god, if you've broken our daughter, I'll She better not be drinking

Nov. 30th, 2014


Does anyone have any non-alcohol related sleep remedies? I have been having the worst dreams lately.

It's very strange actually thinking about Christmas. I have so many more people to buy gifts for this year and actually have time to think about gifts. It's bizarre. It will be weird not going home to see my mum though.

{Private To Roy}
Sometime soon there is something we need to talk about. I've been putting it off because thinking about it is scary but it is something that needs to be discussed.

Nov. 24th, 2014


So, sorry this is late but I was recently traumatized by about four thousand different things, not least of which being the fucking alien god who doesn't know how to go about making friends, hint not mind control, but it's time to extend the yearly invitation to the Barton-Romanoff Secret Agent Thanksgiving Dinner. Dinner being used in the loosest sense of the word. Also, Thanksgiving. For our purposes, those words mean vodka, Chinese takeout, and poker. This will all be taking place at the Clint Barton Home for Wayward Failboats and Spysassins, and possibly in a giant blanket fort depending on the varied emotional states of the household that day. SHIELD attendance is mandatory. Other people we know are welcome, including significant others of SHIELD people and their angry Jewish and/or Jersey friends. Loki, if you try to come, someone will set you on fire. Other Loki, I don't mean you. You and Steph are fine. If anyone in the house has anyone they want added to the no invite list, speak now, or speak later, whenever's cool.

We probably have enough room for everyone. There are cats, so mind your allergies. We will have all the eggrolls, they're basically the equivalent of stuffing anyway. When I say all the egg rolls, I mean it. Grant is ridiculous and we love him. Feel free to bring extra takeout if you want. And extra blankets in case of expansion.

Oct. 24th, 2014


Well, this is arguably an improvement. For a given definition of the word.

Jul. 27th, 2014


I can't find Lana, and Abi is crying. And I've done everything that I can do, and I can't get her to stop. Why won't she stop? Has anyone seen Lana? Help. Please?

Jul. 25th, 2014


So, I get it. The seafood is good, and the living is clean. And apparently you send grenades for fun (which, whatever, not judging) ... but I have a couple of questions:
A) The wireless signal sucks, so where's the hardware store?
B) Does anybody have some fiber-optic cable? If not, how about a staple gun?
C) So there aren't any baddies to fight? Just people hanging out, going to sock hops and singing "Greased Lighting" ... ? (Don't lie. I heard you.)

Jun. 7th, 2014


The only thing I find myself hating about this place is that when you need to get away, there aren't many places to go. I thought about going camping but I don't think me in the woods is good plan.

So, if anyone needs me, I'll be building a telescope on the roof. Don't worry, the only thing I've drank today is tea and soda. There will be no bottles falling from the sky this time.

Jun. 1st, 2014



So with all these people from my world suddenly having doubles from an alternate world popping up...

WHERE THE HELL IS MY HANDSOME DEVIL DOUBLE? think of the hell we could raise...

Portal. Come on.

Make it happen.

May. 18th, 2014


Small town Maine huh? No one offered me a lanyard on a case basis makes this one unique. Too bad, I was kind of digging the lanyard thing. They matched my uniform.

So who all is here? Anyone I know?

[Filter Jemma]

If you're here, want to meet for pancakes?

May. 17th, 2014


What the hell?

What the actual hell?

Forget that storybook crap

Archer! What did you do?

May. 16th, 2014


Hey, okay. Two questions.

One, what do you people do for money around here? Is there like a displaced residents charity fund or something?

And two, is the...having someone who looks exactly like you walking around thing normal? Or did I just get sucked into yet another bad remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers?


I'm thinking of taking up a calming hobby. Something casual and useful but that provides access to weapons at all times, just in case. Crochet hooks can be lethal, yes?

I just feel like I need a weapon comfort zone to transition with.

[FitzSimmons, May]
I saw what happened to you both. I mean not in person, but I read, and considered putting Ward down. Again.

But the call for now is to try to rehabilitate him. He's currently moved in with Barton, Romanoff, and I. But if you need to see me, just let me know and I'll come to you.

I'm sorry for what you went through, even if you haven't experienced it yet. I promise you, here at least, you'll be safe. I know it's empty, but if there's anything I can do, just tell me.
[/Fitzsimmons, May]

May. 14th, 2014


voice post.

[ the sound of bar rabble in the background as Archer's voice booms over the speaker ]

Just bring me whatever you've got that's strongest!

[ lengthy pause ]

Shit. Lana? Can you hear me right now because I don't have any clue what's going on and I was just handed this phone by some weird looking tiny man, and I'm assuming since I got one everyone gets one. So are you here or not? It says full range broadcast. Wait. Does that mean everyone can hear me? Like, everyone everyone. Uh. Hi?

So. What the fucking fuck, am I right?